Microbial Diseases of The Respiratory System
Microbial Diseases of The Respiratory System
Microbial Diseases of The Respiratory System
Introduction I . Infections of the upper respiratory system are the most common type of infection. 2. Pathogens that enter the respiratory system can infect other parts of the body.
Structure and Function of the Respiratory System 1. The upper respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, and associated structures, such as the middle ear and auditory tubes. 2. Coarse hairs in the nose filter large particles from air entering the respiratory tract. 3. The ciliated mucous membranes of the nose and throat trap airborne particles and removes them from the body.
4. Lymphoid tissue, tonsils, and adenoids provide immunity to certain infections. 5. The lower respiratory system consists of the larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes, and alveoli. 6. The ciliary escalator of the lower respiratory system helps prevent microorganisms from reaching the lungs. 7. Microbes in the lungs can be phagocytized by alveolar macrophages. 8. Respiratory mucus contains IgA antibodies.
Normal Microbiota of the Respiratory System 1. The normal microbiota of the nasal cavity and throat can include pathogenic microorganisms. 2. The lower respiratory system is usually sterile because of the action of the ciliary escalator.
MICROBIAL DISEASES OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1. Specific areas of the upper respiratory system can become infected to produce pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and epiglottitis. 2. These infections may be caused by several bacteria and viruses, often in combination . 3. Most respiratory tract infections are self-limiting. 4. H. influenzae type b can cause epiglottitis.
Bacterial Diseases of the Upper Respiratory System Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep Throat) This infection is caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci, the group that consists of Streptococcus pyogenes. Symptoms of this infection are inflammation of the mucous membrane and fever; tonsillitis and otitis media may also occur. Rapid diagnosis is made by enzyme immunoassays. Immunity to streptococcal infections is type-specific.
Scarlet Fever Strep throat, caused by an erythrogenic toxin-producing S. pyogenes, results in scarlet fever. S. pyogenes produces erythrogenic toxin when lysogenized by a phage. Symptoms include a red rash, high fever, and a red, enlarged tongue. Diphtheria Diphtheria is caused by exotoxin-producing Corynebacterium diptheriae. Exotoxin is produced when the bacteria are lysogenized by a phage.
A membrane, containing fibrin and dead human and bacterial cells, forms in the throat and can block the passage of air. The exotoxin inhibits protein synthesis, and heart, kidney, or nerve damage may result. Laboratory diagnosis is based on isolation of the bacteria and the appearance of growth on differential media. Routine immunization in the United States includes diphtheria toxoid in the DTaP vaccine. Slow-healing skin ulcerations are characteristic of cutaneous diphtheria. There is minimal dissemination of the exotoxin in the bloodstream.
Otitis Media Earache, or otitis media, can occur as a complication of nose and throat infections. Pus accumulation causes pressure on the eardrum. Bacterial causes include Streptococcus pneumoniae, nonencapsulated Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxclla catarrhalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus.
Viral Diseases of the Upper Respiratory System The Common Cold Any one of approximately 200 different viruses can cause the common cold; rhinoviruses cause about 50% of all colds. Symptoms: sneezing, nasal secretions, congestion Sinus infections, lower respiratory tract infections, laryngitis, and otitis media can occur as complications of a cold. Rhinoviruses grow best slightly below body temp. Incidence increases during cold weather, possibly because of increased interpersonal indoor contact or physiological changes. Antibodies are produced against the specific viruses.
MICROBIAL DISEASES OF THE LOWER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Many of the same microorganisms that infect the upper respiratory system also infect the lower respiratory system. Diseases o f the lower respiratory system include bronchitis and pneumonia.
Bacterial Diseases of the Lower Respiratory System Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Pertussis is caused by Borderella pertussis. Initial stage of pertussis resembles a cold and is called the catarrhal stage. The accumulation of mu(Us in the trachea and bronchi causes deep coughs characteristic of the paroxysmal (second) stage. The convalescence (third) stage can last for months. Regular immunization for children has decreased the incidence of pertussis.
Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Large amounts of lipids in the cell wall account for the bacterium's acid-fast characteristic as well as its resistance to drying and disinfectants. M. tuberculosis may be ingested by alveolar macrophages; if not killed, the bacteria reproduce in the macrophages, Lesions formed by M. tubercolosis are called tubercles; dead macrophages and bacteria form the caseous lesion that might calcify and appear in an X-ray image as a Ghon's complex. Liquefaction of the caseous lesion results in a tuberculous cavity in which M. tuberculosis can grow.
New foci of infection can develop when a caseous lesion ruptures and releases bacteria into blood or lymph vessels; this is called miliary tuberculosis. Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by weight loss, coughing, and loss of vigor Chemotherapy usually involves three or four drugs taken for at least 6 months; multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis is becoming prevalent. A positive tuberculin skin test can indicate either an active case of TB, prior infection, or vaccination and immunity to the disease. Mycobacterium bovis causes bovine tuberculosis and can be transmitted to humans by unpasteurized milk. M. bovis infections usually affect the bones or lymphatic system. BCG vaccine for tuberculosis consists o f a live, avirulent culture of M. bovis. M. avium -intracellulare complex infects patients in the late stages of HIV infection.
Bacterial Pneumonias Typical pneumonia is caused by S. pneumoniae. Atypical pneumonias are caused by other microorganisms.
Pneumococcal Pneumonia Pneumococcal pneumonia is caused by encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae. Symptoms are fever, breathing difficulty, chest pain, and rust-colored sputum. A vaccine consists of purified capsular material from 23 serotypes of S. pneumoniae.
Haemophilus influenzae Pneumonia Alcoholism, poor nutrition, cancer, and diabetes are predisposing factors for H. influenzae pneumonia. H. influenzae is a gram-negative coccobacillus.
Mycoplasmal Pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes mycoplasmal pneumonia; it is an endemic disease. M. pneumoniae produces small "fried-egg" colonies after 2 weeks incubation on enriched media containing horse serum and yeast extract.
Legionellosis The disease is caused by the aerobic gramnegative rod Legiollella pneumophila. The bacterium can grow in water, such as airconditioning cooling towers, and then be disseminated in the air. This pneumonia does not appear to be transmitted from person to person.
Psittacosis (Ornithosis) Chlamydophila psittaci is transmitted by contact with contaminated droppings and exudates of fowl. Elementary bodies allow the bacteria to survive outside a host. Commercial bird handlers are most susceptible to this disease.
Chlamydial Pneumonia Chlamydophila pneumoniae causes pneumonia; it is transmitted from person to person.
Q Fever Obligately parasitic, intracellular Coxiella burnetii causes Q fever. The disease is usually transmitted to humans through unpasteurized milk or inhalation of aerosols in dairy barns.
Melioidosis Melioidosis, caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, is transmitted by inhalation, ingestion, or through puncture wounds. Symptoms include pneumonia, sepsis, and encephalitis.
Influenza (Flu) Influenza is caused by influezavirus and is characterized by chills, fever, headache, and general muscular aches. Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) spikes project from the outer lipid bilayer of the virus. Viral strains are identified by antigenic differences in the HA and NA spikes; they are also divided by antigenic differences in their protein coats (A, B, and C). Viral isolates are identified by hemagglutination-inhibition tests and immunofluorescence testing with monoclonal antibodies.
Antigenic shifts that alter the antigenic nature of the J-JA and NA spikes make natural immunity and vaccination of questionable value. Minor antigenic changes are caused by antigenic drift. Deaths during an influenza epidemic are usually from secondary bacterial infections. Multivalent vaccines are available for older adults and other high risk groups. Amantadine and rimantadine are effective prophylactic and curative drugs against influenza A virus.
Fungal Diseases of the Lower Respiratory System Fungal spores are easily inhaled; they may germinate in the lower respiratory tract. The incidence of fungal diseases has been increasing in recent years. The mycoses in the following sections can be treated with amphotericin B.
Histoplasmosis Histoplasma capsulatrnn causes a subclinical respiratory infection that only occasionally progresses to a severe, generalized disease. The disease is acquired by inhaling airborne conidia. Isolating or identifying the fu ngus in tissue samples is necessary for diagnosis. Coccidioidomycosis Inhaling the airborne arthroconidia of Coccidioides immitis can result in coccidioidomycosis. Most cases are subclinical, but when there are predisposing factors such as fatigue and poor nutrition , a progressive disease resembling tuberculosis can result.
Pneumocystis Pneumonia Pneumocystis jirovecii is found in healthy human lungs. P. jirovecii causes disease in immunosuppressed patients.
Blastomycosis (North American Blastomycosis) Blastomyces dermatitidis is the causative agent of blastomycosis. The infection begins in the lungs and can spread to cause extensive abscesses. Other Fungi Involved in Respiratory Disease Opportunistic fungi can cause respiratory disease in immunosuppressed hosts, especially when large numbers of spores are inhaled. Among these fungi are Aspergillris, Rhizopus, and Mucor.