Data Mining
Data Mining
Data Mining
Welcome to the world of Data Mining, where we turn data into valuable
insights. Join us on a journey to discover the fascinating realm of Data
by only Memories2000
Introduction to Data Mining
Data Mining is used in finance for fraud detection, customer segmentation, and risk analysis.
Data Mining aids in medical research, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
Data Mining Techniques
1 3 4
Supervised Unsupervised Association Clustering
Learning Learning Rule Mining
Group similar items
Train a model on Discover patterns Discover together to identify
labeled data to and relationships in associations natural segments
make predictions on data without any between items in a within data.
new data. predefined dataset, commonly
categories. used in market
basket analysis.
Data Mining Process
1. Business Understanding 2. Data Understanding
Define the problem and Collect and explore
objectives. data.
5. Evaluation 6. Deployment
Assess model performance and refine Implement the model and monitor
as necessary.
Data Cleaning and Preparation
Statistical programming language with a comprehensive range of data
mining algorithms and visualization tools.
Open-source platform with a drag-and-drop interface for building data
mining workflows.
Industry standard for data analysis and reporting with a suite of data
mining tools.
Benefits and Challenges of Data Mining
1 Benefits
Increase efficiency
Privacy concerns
Identify new opportunities
Data security
Improve decision-making
Data quality
Legal and
ethical issues