Presented By:
Azhar Mahmood
What is Friction
Case Study
Useful friction and Reducing Friction
• Friction is a force between two surfaces
that are sliding, or trying to slide across one
another, for example when you try to push a
toy car along the floor.
• The amount of friction depends on the materials from
which the two surfaces are made. The rougher the
surface, the more friction is produced. For example, you
would have to push a book harder to get it moving on a
carpet than you would on a wooden floor. This is because
there is more friction between the carpet and the book
than there is between the wood and the book.
• Friction can be a useful force because it
prevents our shoes slipping on the pavement
when we walk and stops car tyres skidding on
the road.
• Ice causes very little friction, which is why it
is easy to slip over on an icy day. But this is a
good thing for ice skating and sledging.
• Sometimes we want to reduce friction. For
example, moving parts inside a car engine are
lubricated with oil, to reduce friction between
them. The oil holds the surfaces apart, and can
flow between them. The reduced friction means
there is less wear on the metal, and less heat
Role of Friction & Wear in Vehicles
Traditionally, the role of friction and wear in transportation has addressed issues
associated with reliability and durability – engineering the tribological system
(consisting of lubricants & additives, materials & coatings, and component
geometry/finish) to improve component lifetime and mitigate catastrophic failure (e.g.
–Changing environments continue to challenge the ability of current tribological
systems (low-lubricity fuels, low SAPS lubricants, greater loads, EGR, etc.)
Increasing fuel prices, tighter emission standards, and concerns over global warming
gases are now driving researchers worldwide to develop more efficient tribological
systems to reduce parasitic friction losses.
– More energy is lost to friction than is delivered to the wheel. Approximately 10 % of
the fuel consumed in transportation is lost to friction in the engine. Another 6% is
consumed by friction in the driveline
Fuel savings in the range of 3-5 % can be achieved by reducing parasitic engine losses,
while another 2-4 % can be saved by reducing parasitic driveline losses
Previous studies have shown that DLC films with certain hydrogen content can
provide ultra-low friction and wear coefficients. Likewise,
molybdenum disulfide with fullerene-like microstructure has also been shown
to exhibit low friction.
From this analysis, we obtain the following conclusions:
(1) Serpentinite as an oil additive dramatically reduces the friction and resist
(2) Carbon is responsible for the ultra-low friction of the formed tribofilms.