Chapter 1fundamental of Software Security

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Chapter – 1
fundamental of software security
 Introduction to security
. Key Objectives of Security

 Computer Security Challenges
 Security Services and Mechanisms
 Security Attacks
 Security Techniques
 Model for Network Security
Fundamental of Security

Security:- a prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets

( computers, networks, and data).

Maintains integrity and confidentiality and availability

how ??? using technology, processes and training

Computer security:- is broad contains d/t security measures to protect

computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, or


Process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of the

computer system.
Fundamental of Security

 Components of computer system that needs to be protected are:

 Hardware:- physical part of the computer, like system memory, theft ,

peripheral from outside and disk drive etc.

 Firmware:- embedded on the hardware devices

 Responsible for controlling the basic functions of the device

 such as booting up and communicating with other software.

 Use up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates

 E.g. BIOS

 how to protect ??? password , full disk encryption.

 Software:- protecting operating system, word processor, internet browser to

the user
Fundamental of Security
 Key Objectives of computer Security
 Computer security is mainly concerned with three main areas:

 Confidentiality:- is preventing the disclosure of data to unauthorized


 Keeping identity of authorized parties in sharing and holding data private

and anonymous.

 Compromised by cracking poorly encrypted data, Man-in-the-

Fundamental of Security
 Key Objectives of computer Security …
 Standard measures to establish confidentiality include:
 Data encryption
 Two-factor authentication
 Biometric verification
 Security tokens

 Integrity:- is protecting information from being modified by

unauthorized parties.

 Information and programs are changed only in a specified and authorize.

Fundamental of Security
 Key Objectives of computer Security …
 Standard measures to guarantee integrity include:
 Cryptographic checksums
 Using file permissions
 Uninterrupted power supplies
 Data backups

 Availability:- Ensuring the information and systems are available and

accessible to authorized users when needed.

 Data only has value if the right people can access at the right time.

 Information unavailability can occur with security incidents such as DDoS

attacks, hardware failures, programming errors, human errors.
Fundamental of Security
 Key Objectives of computer Security …

 Standard measures to guarantee availability include:

 Backing up data to external drives

 Implementing firewalls

 Having backup power supplies

 Data redundancy

 All cyber attacks have the potential to threaten one or more of the
three parts of the CIA triad.

 Confidentiality, integrity, and availability all have to work together to

Fundamental of Security

 Types of Computer Security

1. Information security:- is protecting sensitive information from

unauthorized access or disclosure. E.g. Encryption, access controls

2. Cybersecurity:- protecting digital information from danger

 Protection of networks, devices, data from unauthorized access or
practice of ensuring the CIA triad

3. Application security:- securing software applications to prevent

unauthorized access, modification, or misuse.

 Use protection measures such as secure coding practices, input

validation, and session management.
Types of Computer Security

4.Network security:-is to protect computer networks from

unauthorized access, use, or modification.

It is securing both the software and hardware technologies e.g.

firewall, intrusion detection, access control, VPN etc.

It prevents from negatively affecting users’ ability to access or use

the network.

Network security has become increasingly challenging as

businesses increase the number of endpoints and migrate services

to public cloud.
Types of Computer Security
5. Internet security:- protecting computer systems and networks from threats
that originate from the internet.

How to make secure??

By implementing web security measures e.g. secure browsing and filtering,

that protect against malicious websites and other internet-based threats

6. Endpoint security:- securing end devices such as laptops, smartphones,

and other endpoints that connect to computer networks.

Apply and monitor endpoint security policies throughout the entire network

with small software apps on each managed device.

E.g. Advance malware protection
Types of Computer Security …
7.Cloud security:- securing data and applications hosted in cloud
environments to prevent unauthorized access or modification.

 Cloud security can help secure the usage of software-as-a-service

(SaaS) applications and the public cloud

 security measures includes data encryption, access controls, and

identity and access management.
Computer security threats
 any type of activity or event that has potential to harm or compromise
security and privacy of computer systems, networks, or users.

 Some computer security threats are:

 A computer virus is type of malware that replicates itself by attaching to

other programs or files on a system.

 an infected program or file is executed, virus can spread to other files and

 Viruses require human intervention

 E.g. opening an infected email attachment or downloading and running an

infected file, to spread.

 The victim’s computer will never be able to operate properly at all.

Computer security threats…
 A computer worm:- is a self-replicating type of malware that spreads through

networks and internet without human intervention.

 Exploit vulnerabilities in software or network protocols to spread from one

computer to another, causing network disruptions.

 Can infect a large number of systems quickly and can be difficult to detect and


 E.g. Use up hard disk space b/c a worm can replicate in great volume and


 Phishing:- type of attack that uses social engineering techniques to trick users
into disclosing sensitive information.
 E.g. passwords and credit card numbers
Computer security threats…
 Botnet:- a network of computers or devices that are infected with malware

and controlled by a malicious actors called a botmaster.

 Can remotely control the bots to carry out sending spam emails, launching
DDoS attacks, stealing sensitive data, and spreading malware.

 Cause significant damage to individuals, organizations, and even countries.

 protection: update driver , anti-spyware, antivirus, firewall etc.

 Rootkit:- type of malicious software that is designed to hide its presence

from users and security systems on a compromised computer or device.

 used by attackers to gain and maintain unauthorized access to a system,

steal sensitive data
 Protect: keep software up-to-date, use antivirus software, and avoid downloading and from
untrusted sources..
Computer security threats…
 Keystroke logger( keyboard capture):- is a technology used to
monitor and record every keystroke made on a computer or mobile

 It is a very powerful threat to steal people’s login credential

( username and password)

 Why is Computer Security Important?

 To keep computers and personal information secure and protected.

 To maintain and overall health of computer by preventing viruses

and malware which impact on the system performance.
Computer Security Practices
 The common protection of the computer security threats are:

 Secure computer physically

 Install and use reliable, reputable antivirus software

 Activating firewall

 Stay up-to-date software and perform software updates

 Use strong password and change password regularly

 Use Internet with cares and ignore pop-ups drive-by downloads while

 Daily full system scans and

 Backup data regularly

Challenges of computer security
 Some common challenges of computer security include:

 Advanced threats are developing new and sophisticated methods to by pass

security measures and exploit vulnerabilities of systems.

 Lack of awareness: users are not aware of the risks if do not follow security
best practices.

 Complexity of systems: its difficult to implement and manage effective

security measures.

 Insider threats: employee can intentionally or unintentionally leak or steal


 Resource constraints: Implementing and maintaining effective security

measures can require significant resources( time, money, and expertise)
OSI Security Architecture
 X.800 Security Architecture developed by ITU provides a
framework for securing computer systems and networks.

 It provided by a protocol layer of communicating open systems to

ensure adequate security of the systems or data transfers

 Consider three aspects of information security:

 Security service

 Security mechanism

 Security attack
Security services
 Security services :-are  functions that provide protection and security
to computer systems and networks.

 are designed to counter security attacks and protect computer systems

and networks from threats

 To provide these service one or more security mechanisms is used

Security services
Security services…
 The classification of security services are as follows:

1.Confidentiality:- ensures the information in a computer system and

transmitted information are accessible only for reading by authorized

a) Connection confidentiality:- the protection of all user information on

a connection( e.g. TLS or SSL)

b) Connectionless confidentiality:-the security of all user data in an

individual data block e.g. authentication

c) Traffic flow confidentiality:- the protection of the information that

can be derived from observation(analysis) of traffic flows e.g.VPN
Security services…
2. Authentication:- the process of verifying identity of a user, process,
or device allowing access to resources in an information system

 The assurance the communicating entity is the one that it claims to


a) Peer Entity Authentication:- verifies the identity of communicating

entities. E.g. SSL or TLS

b) Data Origin Authentication:- an assurance that the source of the

information is indeed verified.

 how ?? digital signature , hashing etc

Security services…
3. Access Control:- the prevention of unauthorized use of a resource

 This Service controls who to access resource, under what conditions

access can occur, and what those accessing resource are allowed to
4. Non repudiation:- provides protection against one of the entities from
denying all or part of the communication.
 It prevents either sender or receiver from denying message
transmission or receipt of message

a) Nonrepudiation Origin proof of message authenticity and ensure

that the sender cannot deny the message.

b) Nonrepudiation Destination: ensures that the recipient of a message

Security services…
5. Integrity:- is designed to secure information from modification,
insertion, deletion and rehashing by any entity.

 Data integrity can be used to a flow of message, an individual

message or a selected portion inside a message.

 There are various types of data integrity which are :

a) Connection integrity with recovery: ensures that data transmitted

over a network connection arrives at its destination intact and has
not been modified in transit
 To recover lost or damaged data to ensure that the connection remains
Security services …
 data integrity …
b) Connection integrity without recovery :- only detection without

6. Availability: requires that computer system assets be available to

authorized parties when needed.

 It addresses denial-of-service attacks

 Protection: access control, authentication etc.
Security mechanisms
 It is mechanism designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a
security attack

 Security mechanisms are divided into:

1. specific security mechanisms and

2. pervasive security mechanisms.

1. Specific Security mechanisms:- a process which is designed to

identify, avoid or restore from a security attack.

 The mechanisms are divided into a definite protocol layer, including

TCP or an application-layer protocol.
Security mechanisms…

Specific mechanism
Security mechanisms …
 Encipherment:- to the process of applying mathematical algorithms
for converting data into a form that is not intelligible.
 reversible & irreversible

 This depends on algorithm used and encryption keys.

 Digital Signature: a cryptographic transformation applied to any data

unit allowing to prove the source and integrity of data unit are
protected against forgery.

 Access Control:- techniques used for enforcing access permissions to

the system resources.
Security mechanisms…
 Specific Security Mechanisms…

 Data Integrity: a used to assure the integrity of a data unit or stream of data

 Authentication Exchange:- a mechanism intended to ensure the identity of

an entity by means of information exchange(TCP)

 Traffic Padding:- protect the confidentiality of data by adding extra data to a

communication stream

 Routing Control:- enables selection of particular physically secure routes

for certain data and allows routing changes once a breach of security is

 Notarization:- use of a trusted third party to assure certain properties of a

Security mechanisms …
 Pervasive Security Mechanisms:-are not specific to any particular
security service

 Trusted Functionality: set of security features and mechanisms that

are designed to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of software
and hardware systems.

 Includes security feature, e.g. security, secure boot processes, and

secure storage mechanisms.

 Security Level: is determined by the strength of the security controls

in place, the level of protection provided, and the level of risk that is
acceptable to the organization.
Security mechanisms…
 Event Detection:-the process of detecting all the events related to
network security e.g. violations of security.

 Security Audit Trail: record of all events and actions occurred within
a computer system or network.

 used to monitor the system for security breaches, provide a history of

system activity used for forensic analysis in the event of an incident.

 Security Recovery:- process of recovering from a security breach or

incident, such as a cyber attack, data breaches or other security
Security mechanisms and Services
 The relationship between security service and security mechanism
Security Attacks
 A malicious attempts to gain unauthorized access to networks, steal
data, software computer, disrupt services to computer systems.

 A cyberattack is any offensive operation that targets computer,

information systems, infrastructures, computer networks.

 An attacker is a person or process that attempts to access data, system

without authorization, potentially with malicious intent
Security Attacks …
 There are four general categories of attacks are:
 Interruption: act of disrupting or halting normal functioning of a computer
system or network

 Attack on availability

 Interception: capturing or monitoring communication between two parties

without their knowledge or consent.

 Attacks on confidentiality.
Security Attacks …
 Modification: act of changing or altering data or information without

 an attack on integrity.

 Fabrication: act of creating or adding false or unauthorized data or

information to a computer system or network

 This is an attack on authenticity.

Types of Security Attacks
 There are two types of attacks:

1. Passive Attacks:-an attacker attempts to access information or data without

altering or disrupting the normal functioning of a computer system

 The attacker observes the content of messages or copies the content of


 The goal of the opponent is to obtain information that is being transmitted

 It is very difficult to detect because they do not involve any alteration of


 Passive attacks are of two types:

 Release of message contents
 Traffic analysis
Types of Security Attacks …
 Passive attacks are of two types:

 Release of message contents:- the unauthorized disclosure or exposure of

the contents of a message or communication

 The intruder intercepts the message and confidentiality of the message is


 Telephonic conversation, an electronic mail message or a transferred file

may contain
Bob reads sensitive or confidential information.
message which lily
sends to john
Types of Security Attacks
 Passive attacks are of two types…

 Traffic analysis:- analyzing patterns the traffic, determine the location and
identity of communicating host and observe the frequency and length of
messages being exchanged

 All incoming and outgoing traffic of the network is analyzed, but not altered
Bob observe patterns
message exchange b/n
lily to john

 Passive attacks prevention by encryption

Types of Security Attacks…

 Active attacks:- the attacker efforts to change or modify the content of


 It is a danger for Integrity as well as availability

 the system is always damaged and system resources can be changed.

 The most important thing, in an active attack, Victim gets informed about
the attack
 Types of active attacks
 Modification of messages
 Replay
 Repudiation
 Denial of Service
Types of Security Attacks…
 Types of active attacks…

 Masquerade:- an attacker impersonates a legitimate user or system in order

to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or network or to carry out
malicious activities.

 Can involve using a fake username or password, or other falsified


 Can be insider or outsider of the organization connected to a public


 an insider attack, a masquerade attacker gains access to the account of a

legitimate user either by stealing the victim's account ID and password, or
using a keylogger.
Types of Security(active ) Attacks…
 Masquerade …

 An Outsider by exploiting a legitimate user's laziness and trust.

 E.g. if a legitimate user leaves the terminal or session open and logged in, a
co-worker may act as a masquerade attacker

 Finding vulnerable authentication that can trigger a masquerade attack, as it

helps the attacker to gain access much more easily.

 As the attackers gain access and gets into all the organization's critical data
and can delete or modify, steal sensitive data, or alter routing information
and network configuration.
Types of Security Attacks…
 Types of active attacks…

 Modification of messages:- portion of an authorized message is altered or

delayed or reordered to produce an unauthorized effect.

 It could involves in modifying a packet header address for the purpose of

directing to an unintended destination or modifying the user data
Modified the message and
send on to John from LILY

 Repudiation:- done by either sender or receiver.

 Sender or receiver can deny later that he/she has sent or received a
 E.g. when a person signs a contract with another party but later denies that
Types of Security Attacks…
 Types of active attacks…

 Replay attack:- the interception and retransmission of data packets between

two systems.

 an attacker intercepts a data packet that contains sensitive information, such

as a password or authentication token, and then retransmits that packet at a
later time to gain unauthorized access to a system.

Sender Receiver
Third party
 Prevention from Replay Attack : (unauthorize
 Timestamp : used to ensure that data packets are not accepted if they are too
 Session key : key can be used only once per transaction and cannot be
Types of Security Attacks…
 Types of active attacks…

 Denial of Service:- an attacker attempts to disrupt the services provided by a


 Deny the intended users to access the host from the Internet.

 It is accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with excess

requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent legitimate requests
from being fulfilled.

 It can cause computers and routers to crash and links to bog down.

 It prevents the normal use of communication facilities

Security Techniques
 There are different security techniques
 Shield firewalls, virus scanner
 Access controls, VPNs

 Protocol IPsec’s, SSL/TLS

 Intrusion detection systems

 Training awareness

 Redundancy backup, encryptions, hashes, digests

Model for Network Security

 It show how security service has designed over network to prevent the
opponent from causing a threat to confidentiality or authenticity of
information being transmitted through the network.

 It is how messages are shared between sender and receiver securely over the
Model for Network Security
 Trusted third party:- is responsible for distributing the secret information to
the two principals while keeping from any opponent( e.g. banking server)

 There are four major tasks in designing a particular security service:

1. Design an algorithm for security-related transformation.

2. Generate secret information to be used with the algorithm.

3. Develop methods for distribution and sharing of secret information.

4. Specify a protocol to be used by the two principals that use of

security algorithm and secret information to achieve a security
Model for Network Security
 Network access security model:- is designed to secure the system
from unwanted access through the network
Model for Network Security
 Network access security model…
1. Hacker: one who is interested in penetrating into the system( ethical or
2. Intruders: attackers intend to do damage to the system or obtain
information from the system which can be used to achieve financial gain.
 This leads two kinds of risks:
1. Information threat (e.g. modification of data)
2. Service threat ( e.g. disable access)
 Two ways to secure the system from an attacker
 Gatekeeper function (login-id and passwords or firewall) keep away unwanted
 Internal control: detect the unwanted user trying to access the system by analyzing
Software of Security
 Software security is a measures and techniques used to ensure that
software systems are secure and protected against unauthorized
access, use, or modification.

 It is an essential aspect of computer security and critical for ensuring

the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data.
Software of Security
 software security measures and techniques include:

 Authentication and access controls:

 Encryption

 Secure coding practices

 Penetration testing

 Incident response planning

End of chapter 1

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