2 Dc-Motors-3
2 Dc-Motors-3
2 Dc-Motors-3
• Shaft
• Armature core
• Brush
• Commutator
• Armature windings
What Is a Series DC Motor?
Series DC motors are a group of self-excited DC motors in which
the field coil is connected in series to the armature winding and
thus a higher current passes through it.
Different Parts of Series DC Motors
A series DC motor is very similar to other brushed DC motors in
case of structure and parts. It, too, consists of components like
stator, commutator, armature, axle, brushes, and field windings
that are typical components of such rotary electrical machines.
Thick Wires as Field Windings
As mentioned before, in series DC motors, the field
windings are connected in series to the armature windings
and thus an equal current passes through them from the
supply. As a result, field coils of such motors are made of
thick wires with low resistance and few turns to be able to
carry that heavy load of current.
How does a Series DC Motor Work?
A series DC motor converts electric energy to mechanic
energy based on the electromagnetic principle. In this type
of DC motor, a power supply terminal sits at one end of the
armature and field coils. By applying the voltage, power
starts in these terminals and passes through armature and
field windings.
As conductors in this windings are huge, they have
minimal resistance. As a result, the motor gets a huge
supply of power from the terminals. By the flow of this
large current in the armature and field coils, a strong
magnetic field is produced that creates a massive
torque in the shafts. This strong torque, in turn, spins
the armature and produces the target mechanic
What Are the Applications of SDC Motors?
You can easily control the Speed of a Shunt motor. Despite the load
changes, Shunt motors can maintain their constant speed. As the load
increases the armature slows down its speed. This results in less back
electromagnetic force. This less back EMF accounts for less opposition
against the supplied voltage. So, the motor will draw more current. This
increase in current leads to an increase in torque to gain speed. so, if the
load increases, the net effect of load on speed in a Shunt motor is almost
zero. When the load decreases, the armature moves faster and creates more
back EMF because the polarity of the back EMF is against the supply voltage,
load reduction causes less current and hence the speed remains constant.
Advantages of DC Shunt Motor
• The speed of a dc shunt motor is sufficiently constant.
• Direct current machines can use for heavy industrial
applications where the torque and speed wider range.
1. The compound motors are made up of the specifications of series and shunt motor
which means we face a motor that is capable of taking positives out of both of these
2. A shunt motor works at a constant speed.
3. The compound DC motors possess a very good speed control because of the
presence of a series magnetic field.
4. They can operate even at no load and the same time they can run at some speed
within the limits.
5. A compound motor can be used for approximately all the applications where both
series and shunt motor combined can be used. In some applications, the series motor will
fail but the shunt will be useful and in some cases, the shunt will fail but series will be able
to perform the task.
Compound motors indeed have many advantages over other motors nevertheless, just
like all other types of motors, the compound motor has few disadvantages too.
1. A compound motor also needs frequent maintenance due to the aging of parts, and its
maintenance costs are relatively high.
2. Due to the spark happening at carbon brushes, this type of motor is not suitable for
the hazardous environment.
3. In comparison to the AC motors and because of the presence of components expiring
with age like brushes, the lifetime of compound DC motor is less.
4. In differential motor which is one the types of compound motors, the flux of series
field and shunt field oppose each other which causes lower flux and consequently low
torque. This characteristic makes the motor unstable even with a negligible change in load.
5. The differential compound motor cannot be used for any practical application due to
its unstable behavior with even a slight variation of the load.
Application of Compound DC Motor
Because of the capabilities of the compound motors to provide high starting
torque and also speed regulation and control it has many applications in
different areas. Below we listed some of the applications of a compound DC
1. Compound motors due to their ability to perform better on heavy load
changes are used in elevators.
2. Due to their high starting torque and
better speed control for pressure
variations, they are used in shears and
6. Their good speed control and high starting torque make them a great
choice to be used in mixers.
Compound DC motor is a compound of both shunt DC motor and the series
DC motor. It takes the benefits of both the motors and combines them. Compound
DC motor provides high starting torque and also provides good speed regulation.
•Presses •Elevators
•Electric shovels •Compressors
•Reciprocating machine •Rolling mills
•Conveyors •Heavy planners
•Stamping machine
Application of Permanent Magnet DC Motor
The permanent magnet DC motor is the special type of motor
where we use a permanent magnet to create the required
magnetic field. As this motor does not need to control the
speed, it uses in the applications like,
•Washer •Toys
•Windshield wiper •Wheelchairs
•Automobiles as a starter motor •Blowers in heater and air conditioners.
•Personal computer disc drives