Doh Community Health Programs
Doh Community Health Programs
Doh Community Health Programs
2.Mixed Sectors
3.Private Sectors
Vision/Mission Statement
• Health for all occupations in partnership with the
workers, employers, local government authorities
and other sectors in promoting self-sustaining
programs and improvement of workers’ health and
working environment.
• Program Objective and Targets: To promote and
protect the health and well being of the working
population thru improved health, better working
conditions and workers’ environment
20. Health development Program for Older
• The Program intends to promote and improve
the quality of life of older persons through the
establishments and provision of basic health
services for older persons, formulation of policies
and guidelines pertaining to older persons,
provision of information and health education to
the public, dedicated to older person and, the
conduct of basic and applied researches.
21. Pinoy MD Program “Gusto Kong Maging Doktor”
• A Medical scholarship Grant for Indigenous People,
Local Health Workers, Barangay Health workers,
Department of Health employees or their children.
This is a joint program of the Department of Health
(DOH), Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
(PCSO), and several State Universities and Medical
22. Prevention of Blindness Program
• To eliminate all avoidable blindness by
preventing and controlling diseases
through the development of human
resource, infrastructure, and appropriate
23. Schistosomiasis Control Program
• Goal of the National Schistosomiasis
control program is to eliminate
Schistosomiasis as a public health problem
(Prevalence of 1% and below)
24. National TB Control Program
In 1996, WHO introduced the
Directly Observed Treatment Short
Course (DOTS) to ensure completion
of treatment
The DOTS strategy depends on five
elements for its success:
Microscope, Medicines,
Monitoring, DOT and
Political Commitment.
If any of these elements are
missing, our ability to
consistency cure TB patients slips
through our fingers.
25. Republic Act 7719 :
“Blood Services Act of 1994”