Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Micro enterprises:
Service rendering firms: <6 workforces; paid up capital of
≤50,000 birr
Mfg firms: <6 workforces; maximum of 100,000 birr
Small enterprises:
Service rendering firms: 6-30 workforces and with paid
up capital of 50,001-500,000 birr
Mfg firms: 6-30 employees, 100,001 to 1.5 million birr
for manufacturing firms.
Generally, there are two approaches to define a small business
enterprise: Size criteria and Economic/control criteria
Size Criteria
The following criteria are commonly used to measure the size of
Sales volume
Number of employees
Insurance in force
Volume of deposits
Economic/Control Criteria
• Market share – shouldn't able to influence the prices of the goods
sold at a significant level
• Independence- independent to control over the business
• Personalized management- it is the owner who actively participate in
all aspects of the firms management
Technology: - Small business is generally
labor intensive and only few are technology
Geographical Area of Operation: - The area
of operation of a small firm is often local.
Conducive Environment;
Political Climate
The Economic Environment
Socio-Cultural Environment
Adequate Credit Assistance;
Markets and Marketing Support.
External and Internal causes.
1. External causes:
Intense competition
Change in demand
Sometimes legal decisions
Natural calamities /disasters
2. Internal causes:
Inefficient management and control system
Insufficient resources
Fraud and cheating
3.7. Priority Sectors and Sub-Sectors for MSEs Engagement In Ethiopia
1.Manufacturing Sector- This is the one which comprises textile and garment;
leather and leather products; food processing and beverage; metal works and
engineering wood works including furniture and ornaments service; and agro-
2.Construction Sectors- This is the one which comprises sub-contracting; building
materials; traditional mining works; cobble stone; infrastructure sub-contract; and
prestigious goods
3.Trade Sectors- This is the one which comprises whole sale of domestic products;
retail sale of domestic products and raw materials supply.
4.Service Sectors- This is the one which comprises small and rural transport service;
café and restaurants; store service; tourism service; canning/packing service;
management service; municipality service; project engineering service; product
design & development service; maintenance service; beauty salon; and electronics
software development; decoration and internet café.
5.Agriculture Sector (Urban Agriculture) - This is the one which comprises modern
livestock raring; bee production; poultry; modern forest development; vegetables
and fruits; modern irrigation; and animal food processing.
3.8. Main Supporting Packages for MSEs Development in Ethiopia