MGMT Brief

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Management Overview


To promote an understanding of Reliability-

Centered Maintenance concepts, the NAVAIR RCM
Program, and the associated analysis processes to
enable effective implementation and sustainment
and ensure safety and Cost-Wise Readiness
Cost-Wise Readiness

Total RCM
Life Cycle
Used to sustain
Ownership Cost
Maintenance Planning
cannot afford throughout the Life Cycle
to ensure safety and
to continue
Performance-Based achieve Cost-Wise
Agreements/ PLANNING
Logistics Readiness
“business as
RCM-based Maintenance


Introduction to RCM
What is RCM? RCM Defined

Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)

An analytical process to determine the appropriate

failure management strategies to ensure safe
operations and cost-wise readiness

Failure Management strategies:

 Preventive Maintenance (PM) requirements
 Other actions
 Run to failure
Introduction to RCM
What is RCM? RCM Defined

How do you do it?

This process, with an auditable documentation

package, is based on the reliability of the various
components, the severity of the consequences
related to safety and mission if failure occurs, and
the cost effectiveness of the task
Introduction to RCM
What is RCM? RCM Defined

 Goal of RCM
Avoid or reduce failure Consequences
Not necessarily to avoid failures
 Failure Consequences are the effects of failure
 Personal and Equipment Safety
 Environmental Health/Compliance
 Operations
 Economics
Along with the evidence of failure – Hidden or Evident
Types of Maintenance/
RCM determines proper balance of planned and unplanned maintenance,
along with “Other Actions”, to establish a “Failure Management Strategy”

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Corrective Maintenance (CM)

Scheduled Maintenance Unscheduled Maintenance

Proactive Maintenance Reactive Maintenance

Condition Based Maintenance

Condition Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance Repairs or corrective actions
Prognosis Health Management (PHM) Run to failure
Potential failures Failure has occurred

Preserves required functionality Fixes failures in unplanned manner

Reduces unplanned downtime Downtime unpredictable
Requires investment Addresses only “what’s broken”
History of RCM


 Early PM assumed periodic overhauls ensured reliability
and safety

 Commercial airlines questioned reliance on overhauls in

1960’s due to rising costs, without more reliability

 FAA and airlines established “Maintenance Steering

Group (MSG)” to investigate/recommend new

 MSG logic developed and first applied to Boeing 747

History of RCM

Conditional Probability
Overhaul interval

of Failure
What the airlines discovered
 Statistical analysis often showed no change in safety or reliability
when overhaul limits changed…sometimes worsened
 Overhaul limits were usually not analytically based
 Overhauls generate high repair costs for little or no benefits
Facts about overhauls
 Many failure modes do not support overhaul philosophy - have no
“wear out” characteristic
 Considerable component life sacrificed
 Overhauls introduce infant mortality failures
History of RCM

Failure Distributions of Typical

Aerospace Components
UAL Broberg MSP
1968 1973 1982
Ranges from
4% 3% 3%
8% to 23%
Wear Out curves with
potential benefit from
2% 1% 17%

5% 4% 3%

7% 11% 6% Ranges from

77% to 92%

Wear Out curves without 14% 15% 42%

potential benefit from
68% 66% 29%
History of RCM
Alternatives to Overhaul-based Maintenance
 Looking for “potential failure” condition
 Leaves item in-service for most of its useful life

“Fly to failure”
 When consequences are severe - not an option
 When consequences are acceptable - “fly to
failure” may be best approach for cost/mission

MSG (later coined RCM) applied the most

appropriate maintenance philosophy to each
failure mode based on data/information
History of RCM

1965: Studies show scheduled overhaul of complex

equipment has little or no effect on in-service reliability

1967-68: Airline and manufactures form Maintenance

Steering Group (MSG) and produce MSG 1, “ Handbook:
Maintenance Evaluation and Program Development.” First
applied to Boeing 747

1970: MSG handbook updated to MSG-2, “Airline/

Manufactures Maintenance Program Planning Document”.
Applied to L-1011 and DC-10

1972: MSG-2 techniques applied to NAVAIR systems (P-3A,

S-3A, and F-4J)
History of RCM

1975: NAVAIR applied Analytical Maintenance Program to

Naval aircraft and engine programs, using MSG-2 type logic
(NAVAIR 00-25-400)

1978: Department of Defense (DOD) sponsored DOD report

AD-A066579, “Reliability Centered Maintenance” by Nowlan
and Heap - Updates MSG-2 approach with better guidance on
process and interval determination

1980: Army issued Army Pamphlet 750–40, “Guide to RCM

for Fielded Equipment ”

1981: DOD issued MIL-HDBK-266, “Application of RCM to

Naval Aircraft, Weapon Systems and Support Equipment” to
implement RCM concepts from DOD report AD-A066579
History of RCM
1983: MSG-3 issued. Used in design of Boeing 757 and 767
aircraft. Added emphasis on structural inspection programs.
Similar to RCM, but lacked guidance on interval determination

1985: US Air Force (USAF) issued MIL-STD-1843, " RCM

Requirements for Aircraft, Engines and Equipment“ - Similar
to MSG-3 (Cancelled without replacement in 1995, USAF
Instructions contain current policy/guidance)

1986: NAVAIR issued MIL-STD-2173, "RCM Requirements for

Naval Aircraft, Weapons Systems and Support Equipment".
Superceded MIL-HDBK-266 & NAVAIR 00-25-400
NAVAIR 0-25-403 issued containing Age Exploration guidance.

1992: Coast Guard issued CGTO PG–85–00–30, “Aeronautical

Engineering Process Guide for RCM Process”
History of RCM

1996: NAVAIR updated NAVAIR 00-25-403 to contain

complete RCM process due to cancellation of MIL-SPEC’s
JA1011, “Evaluation Criteria for RCM Processes” - establishes criteria
for RCM processes (NAVAIR and Aladon/John Moubray major

2001: NAVY updated NAVAIR 00-25-403 to capture improvements

developed during SAE JA1011 work - provides primary guidance for
implementing NAVAIR RCM program or performing RCM analysis
(Current edition March 2003)

2002: SAE issued SAE JA1012, “A Guide to the RCM Standard” -

amplifies and clarifies key concepts and terms from SAE JA1011
History of RCM

 RCM success in Aviation industry noted by other

industries - Nuclear Power industry adopts approach due to
focus on avoiding “safety consequences” while reducing
 “RCM II” by John Moubray published in UK in 1990
 “Reliability-Centered Maintenance” by Mac Smith
published in US in 1993
 As interest in increased, a variety of other processes
called themselves “RCM”

Industry interest in SAE JA1011 and JA1012 was

to identify “valid” RCM approaches
History of RCM

SAE JA1011 “Evaluation Criteria for RCM Processes”

defines seven questions for RCM:

 What are the functions…of the asset…(functions)?

 In what ways can it fail…(functional failures)?
 What causes each functional failure (failure modes)?
 What happens when each failure occurs (failure effects)?
 In what way does each failure matter (failure consequences)?
 What should be done…(proactive tasks and intervals)?
 What should be done if a suitable proactive task cannot be
Also requires a “Living Program”
History of RCM

NAVAIR 00-25-403 satisfies SAE JA1011
 Built on FMECA and Failure Consequence
determinations (questions 1 through 5)
 Establishes task and interval evaluation
process (question 6)
 Considers “other actions” and “No PM”
(question 7)
 Requires RCM Sustainment and Age
Exploration (Living Program)
RCM Policy

NAVAIR 00-25-403 RCM process:

 Evolved over nearly 30 years
 Used in on a variety of equipment in
various applications
 Continuously improved
 NAVAIR RCM Steering Committee
 Complies with SAE JA1011
 Public Domain
RCM Policy
 NAVAIRINST 4790.20, Reliability-Centered
Maintenance Program
Defines NAVAIR’s RCM Program policy
 AIR-00 Ltr, “A New Direction in Naval Aviation
and responsibilities
Logistics” 24 Dec ’96
Outlines AIR-00’s intention and
 AIR-3.0/4.0 Ltr, “Reliability-Centered
directions for RCMMaintenance ”
based Integrated
17 Jan ’97 Maintenance Concept (IMC)

 NAVAIR RCM SteeringSentCommittee

to all NAVAIR 3.0/4.0
Charter Leads
by 3.0 & 4.0 Leadership AIR-00 commitment to RCM
Oct 2004
Established leadership and guidance
 DoD Guide for Designing
committeeand Assessing
for NAVAIR RCM within 3.0
Supportability, Force-Centric
and 4.0. Logistics Enterprise,
and DoD 5000 guidance documents
Emphasizes RCM as a critical Life Cycle
Integrated Maintenance Concept
 Derived from RCM Successes on AV-8B, T-45 and E-6 programs
 Resulted from CNO direction to eliminate ASPA program and
establish fixed periods
 Focuses on performing RCM driven requirements at optimal
locations with appropriate skills
Addressed all maintenance levels – Depot a capability, not a place

O&S Cost
RCM Guidance
NAVAIR 00-25-403 provides guidance on:
 RCM planning and preparation
 RCM training and certification
 FMECA development
 RCM analysis process
 Implementing analysis results
 Sustaining the resulting maintenance program
 Assessing RCM Effectiveness
 Related issues:
Prognosis and Health Monitoring Systems
RCM Plans
RCM quantitative methods
RCM Process • Initial application
• Sustaining

RCM PLAN Plan that describes how the RCM

program will be developed, implemented, and sustained
throughout the equipment’s life Output: Guidance to RCM manager,
analysts, and other team members
End item is broken down to the level that the
analysis will take place
Output: Individual analysis items

FMECA Analysis to determine how the analysis

FMECA item can fail, the effects of those failures, and other
failure information
Output: Information on each reasonably
likely failure mode of the analysis item
SF SELECTION Analysis to determine whether
the failure of a function has adverse effects on Output: Identity of functions which are
safety, environment, operations, or economics significant enough to warrant further
Analysis to determine what options are available that will deal
successfully with each mode of failure
Output: PM requirements and
Identification of when action outside of
RCM is warranted
determine which solution is the most acceptable

Output: The preventive task(s) or other

actions that deal most effectively with
the failure mode
apply the output of RCM to the maintenance

FEEDBACK In-service data

and operator/maintainer input
Is the functional failure or effect of the failure mode, on its own,
evident to the operator while performing normal duties?

Evident Hidden

Does failure mode

the failure cause
mode a function
cause loss
a function Does hidden
the occurrence
failure mode
of theinhidden
or secondary
loss damage
or secondary that that
damage could have
could modesecond
with in combination
with cause
a second
haveadverse effecteffect
an adverse on operating safety
on operating failure
loss or /event
a function
that could
loss orhave
or lead to serious environmental
safety? secondary
an adverse damage
effect onthat
could have
violation? adverse
lead to serious
effect on
operating safety?

Evident Evident Hidden Hidden
Safety/ Economic/ Economic/ Safety/
Environment Operational Operational Environment

Analyze Analyze Options: Analyze Options: Analyze Options:

Options: S, L, OC, HT, S, L, OC, HT, FF, S, L, OC, HT, FF,
S, L, OC, HT, No PM, No PM, Other Action
Other Action Other Action Other Action


RCM PM Tasks


The replenishment of consumable materials

that are depleted during normal operations.
RCM PM Tasks


The scheduled lubrication of a component (usually

based on the manufacture’s recommendations)
where the item’s design requires a non-permanent
lubricant for proper operation
RCM PM Tasks


Periodic or continuous inspection

designed to detect a potential failure
condition prior to functional failure.
RCM PM Tasks

Hard Time Task:

Scheduled removal of an
item or a restorative action
at some specified age limit
to prevent its functional
RCM PM Tasks

Failure Finding:

A preventive maintenance task performed at a

specified interval to determine whether a hidden
functional failure has occurred.
RCM Other Actions

Usually a one time action, other than PM, that

effectively reduces consequences of failure or
resolves problems identified during the conduct
of the analysis
 Item redesign
 Change in an operational or maintenance
 Operating restrictions
 Training
 Publications
 Technology insertion
Age Exploration Tasks
 Specific tasks to collect data to:
 Refine RCM analysis assumptions and data
 Optimize PM tasks

 Age Exploration tasks are targeted to

specific failure modes and data shortfalls
 Age Exploration tasks may be:
 in-service inspections or tests
 laboratory tests and studies
 data analysis
For safety consequence failure modes, Age
Exploration must not expose operators to
unacceptable risk of failure
RCM Process

Maintenance, Identify Other Implement

Design Data Actions Other Actions

Identify PM
Develop and
Package PM Refine and Update RCM
and AGE Execute RCM Analyses as
Manuals and
Requirements Sustainment required
Team & Perform RCM Identify AE
Develop RCM Analysis Task

Identify No

RCM in Acquisition
Concept & Technology Development:
 “Functionally” oriented, to establish design targets, maintenance strategies,
and trade-off processes
 Identify potentially beneficial technologies and tools
 Establish team roles and responsibilities

System Development & Demonstration

 Conduct Baseline Comparison Study for targets of opportunity
 Conduct Use Study for design constraints
 Refine RCM Plan with detailed ground rules, metrics, trade study processes,
team composition and roles
 Seek lessons learned for application to design
Production & Deployment
 Update analyses and plans of prior phases, define RCM sustainment processes
and resource requirements
 Conduct “hardware” analyses of evolving design to influence design and
establish final failure management strategies
 Package, implement and monitor PM and AE requirements
Operations & Support
 Implement RCM sustainment process
RCM Tools

 Integrated Reliability-Centered
Maintenance System
 Facilitates and documents analyses
 Provides audit trail, historical record, and
benefits analysis in a relational database
 Public domain and NMCI approved
 Task Analysis Worksheet
 Facilitates MTBF, task interval and cost
avoidance determinations IRCMS

Available via NAVAIR RCM website for

RCM Tools

Main Menu

FMECA & RCM Information

Hardware Partitioning
To Do List
RCM Tools

RCM Tools

Task Analysis
Recommended Worksheet
Task Interval

Failure Mode Data

Cost Analysis
RCM Tools

RCM Web Site:

 NAVAIR 00-25-403 & Other guidance
 IRCMS software for download
 Training Material and Course Schedules
 RCM Steering Committee Info
 Link to Intranet RCM site at NADEP JAX
RCM Interval Worksheet
Analysis Examples
RCM Steering Committee meetings
Internet Links
RCM Examples

EA-6B Prowler Aircraft

 Aircraft Inspections
4 A/C Squadron over 2 Years
Pre RCM After RCM
Interval M hrs Total M hrs TAT Total TAT Interval M hrs Total M hrs TAT Total TAT
14 Days 26 2704 0.5 52 14 Days 26 2704 0.5 52
28 Days 93 4836 3 156 28 Days 14 728 0.5 26
56 Days 126 6552 5 260 56 Days 11 572 0.5 26
224 Days 194 2328 5 60 364 Days 200 1600 5 40
ASPA 6 30 2 16 IM CF 109 436 14 56
Annual M HRS 16450 492 Annual M HRS 6040 148
Delta -10410 -344
106 A/C over 2 Years
Interval M hrs Total M hrs TAT Total TAT Interval M hrs Total M hrs TAT Total TAT
14 Days 26 71656 0.5 1378 14 Days 26 71656 0.5 1378
28 Days 93 128154 3 4134 28 Days 14 19292 0.5 689
56 Days 126 173628 5 6890 56 Days 11 15158 0.5 689
224 Days 194 61692 5 1590 364 Days 200 42400 5 1060
ASPA 6 795 2 424 IM CF 109 11554 14 1484
Annual M HRS 435925 13038 Annual M HRS 160060 3922
Delta -275865 -9116
RCM Examples

Example: EA-6B Prowler Aircraft

 Landing gear Example
 Fixed OH interval (10 years) vice OH with A/C depot
 Depot induction intervals varied (ASPA at the time)
 Landing gear move between A/C
SDLM SRC Savings
L R Total Cost L R Total Cost
13 13 26 $1,283,535 4 1 5 $316,854 $ 966,681
10 10 20 $989,380 9 7 16 $924,772 $ 64,607
15 15 30 $1,479,638 3 3 6 $339,483 $ 1,140,155
15 15 30 $1,479,638 9 7 16 $924,772 $ 554,866
15 15 30 $1,479,638 4 4 8 $452,054 $ 1,027,585
5 year Savings $ 3,753,894
Requirements for RCM Success
 Management commitment
 Dedication and resources for analysis and implementation
 A designated “champion” (Implementation Manager)
 Training and mentoring
 Ensuring RCM-supported failure management strategies
(avoid unsupported directives)
 Organizational “Buy-in”
 Support at all levels
 Involvement of Engineering, Logistics, Maintenance and
 Planning
 Early RCM Plan and execution strategy

 Communication
Requirements for RCM Success
 Data and Information
 Acceptable performance levels
 Compensating Provisions
 Detection Methods (Operations and Maintenance)
 Failure Mode Characteristics
– Precursors to failure
– Potential to Functional Failure Interval
• Crack Growth (Damage Tolerance Analysis)
• Flaw growth (composites and non-structural)
– Fatigue Design Life/Wear-out modes
– Probability of Failure
 In-service Serial Number Tracking
 Maintenance Actions (problem report to final repair)
 Costs
 Downtime, operational impacts
 Early “Wins”
 Success breeds Success, prioritize application to first focus
on areas with greatest potential for improvement
 Avoid dependence on 3-M data
 Establish relations with operators and maintainers
 Use quality over quantity
- Engineering investigation and test data
- Known serialized-item data vice general population data

 Avoid reliance on “design FMECA”

 Use FMECA at sub-system level, or “roll-up” design FMECA
 Ensure in-service findings incorporated
 Ensure Subject Matter Experts available
 FST Engineers often most knowledgeable
 Don’t oversell, ensure committed to long run
 RCM develops best “failure management policy”, benefits
depend on state of current policies
 Biggest RCM benefit often in long term strategy and
 Ensure scope and expectations in sync with resources and
NAVAIR RCM Responsibilities

 NAVAIR RCM Steering Committee:

 Provide technical assistance
 Review RCM Program Plans
 Assist AIR 3.1/3.2 in review and performance
evaluations of activities responsible for performing
and sustaining RCM analyses,
 Coordinate with AIR 3.3 to develop, distribute,
maintain, and update the IRCMS software.
 Coordinate training and certification requirements
 Maintain and disseminate knowledge of advancements
in technologies and processes among other services,
industry, and academia
NAVAIR RCM Responsibilities

 System Integrated Logistics Support (SILS)

personnel (DOL/APML/PSTL/IPT Leads):
 Approve RCM Program Plans
 Ensure RCM programs are adequately addressed in
budget submittals
 Ensure RCM programs are integrated with cost-wise
readiness strategies
 Ensure identification and implementation of ILS
requirements to sustain PM tasks
 Ensure any RCM and Age Exploration (AE) efforts
comply with NA 00-25-403.
NAVAIR RCM Responsibilities

 FSTs and IPTs:

 Develop and execute RCM Program Plans
 Ensure technical directives, documentation, and
specifications are supported by RCM analysis
 Establish Operational Service Period (OSP), Fixed
Induction Date (FID), Period End Date (PED),
Maximum Operating Time (MOT), Serviceable In-
service Time (SIST) (or equivalent) recommendations
using pertinent RCM data
 Ensure coordination of logistics support requirements
generated from modified PM tasks
 Coordinate structural life limit changes with the Air
Vehicle Department (AIR 4.3)
NAVAIR RCM Responsibilities
 NAVAIR Competency Managers:
 Ensure assigned RCM personnel are trained and
 NAVAIR Logistics Policy, Process and Assessment
Office (AIR 3.0E):
 Provide overall management for RCM Program policy
and procedures.
 Program Managers Air (PMAs):
 Plan and budget for RCM throughout the life cycle
 Acquire RCM data for new equipment and
updates/redesign/modifications to existing equipment
 Ensure failure management strategies are supported by
RCM, including commercial support
NAVAIR RCM Responsibilities

 Assistant Commander for Research and

Engineering (AIR 4.0):
 Ensure PM requirements for life-limited items are
consistent with RCM
 Ensure adequate Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
(FMEA) and reliability, maintainability, structural
fatigue, system safety, and other engineering data
during the acquisition, sustainment, and modification
RCM Certification

Certification ensures qualified individuals for RCM

Categories of certification are:
 Level 1 - indicates an individual has received a Naval Air
Systems Command (NAVAIR) approved RCM Analyst course and
is familiar with contents of NA-00-25-403
 Level 2 - indicates an individual is capable of leading or
conducting an analysis effort.
 Level 3 - indicates an individual is well versed, trained, and
experienced in RCM methods and applications. A Level 3 RCM
Analyst may serve as an Implementation Manager for a RCM
program or extensive analysis effort.

Certification requirements are addressed in NA-00-25-403

RCM Sustainment
The sustainment process must continually monitor and
optimize the failure management strategy by:
 Deleting unnecessary requirements or adjusting
 Identifying adverse failure trends
 Addressing new Failure Modes
 Pursuing opportunities for insertion of new maintenance
procedures, techniques, design changes, and tools
Sustainment methods include:
 Emergent issue resolution
 Root cause analysis
 Degrader analysis
 Trend analysis
 Fleet reviews
RCM in a Nut Shell
 In summary, RCM asks:
 What does an item do?
 How does it do it?
 How does it fail?
 What happens when it fails?
 Can the failure be prevented or mitigated?
 Is there value in preventing or mitigating the
 Does in-service data indicate changes or
improvement are needed?

Safety, environmental hazards, operations, and

economic impacts are put into balance

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