Presentation (2) 031210
Presentation (2) 031210
Presentation (2) 031210
What is Shinto?
Shinto is often cited alongside Buddhism as one of Japan’s two main religions, and
the two often differ in focus, with Buddhism emphasizing the idea of transcending
the cosmos, which it regards as being replete with suffering, while Shinto focuses on
adapting to the pragmatic requirements of life.
Shinto Rituals
Purification – this takes place before the main ceremony.
Adoration – bowing to the altar.
Opening of the sanctuary.
Presentation of food offerings (meat cannot be used as an offering)
Prayers (the form of prayers dates from the 10th century CE)
• Music and dance.
Shinto afterlife beliefs
The result of this is that most Japanese have Buddhist or secular funerals, and cremation is
common. Shinto funerals, when they occur, are called Sosai, and are largely developed from
Buddhist funeral rites.
• The funerals are usually conducted by lay people not priests (because the contact with
death would be too polluting for priests) and do not take place in shrines.
Shinto Today