2687pharmacy Lecture 2
2687pharmacy Lecture 2
2687pharmacy Lecture 2
An Introduction to the Urinary System
Produces urine
Transports urine
towards bladder
Temporarily store
Conducts urine
to exterior
The Function of Urinary System
)A Excretion & Elimination:
removal of organic wastes products
from body fluids (urea, creatinine,
uric acid)
)B Homeostatic regulation:
Water -Salt Balance
Acid - base Balance
)C Enocrine function:
)A The excretory function
The maximal amount of substance excreted in urine does not exceed the
Each kidney consists of one million functional
units: Nephrone
Nephron structure
A) Glomerulus
B) Glomerular Capsule
C) Renal Tubule
proximal convoluted tubule
• loop of Henle
• distal convoluted tubule
D) Collecting Duct
The Glomerulus
Blood pressure inside of the glomerulus is very high.
Because of differences in the resistance between the afferent and efferent arterioles.
Forces the fluids and some solids out of the blood into the glomerular capsule.
Urine Formation
: Urine formation requiers
)a Glomerular Filtration
Due to differences in pressure water, small molecules
move from the glomerulus capillaries into the
glomerular capsule
)b Tubular reabsorption
many molecules are reabsorbed from the nephron
into the capillary (diffusion, facilitated diffusion,
osmosis, and active transport)
i.e. Glucose is actively reabsorbed with transport
If the carriers are overwhelmed glucose appears in the
urine indicating diabetes
)c Tubular secretion
Substances are actively removed from blood and
added to tubular fluid (active transport)
ie. H+, creatinine, and some drugs are moved by
active transport from the blood into the distal
convoluted tubule
Urine Formation
Glomerular Filtration
The first step in the production of urine is called
glomerular filtration.
Filtration: the forcing of fluids and dissolved
substances through a membrane by pressure
occurs in the renal corpuscle of the kidneys
across the endothelial capsular membrane
(Bowman's) capsule.
- The resulting fluid is called the filtrate.
- Filtration is a passive process.
- The total filtration rate of the kidneys is mainly
determined by the difference between the blood
pressure in the glomerular capillaries and the
hydrostatic pressure in the lumen of the nephron
Glomerular Filtration Rate
The amount of filtrate that flows out of all the renal corpuscles of both kidneys every minute
is called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
In the normal adult, this rate is about 120 ml/min; about 180 liters/Day
Measurement of GFR
Clearance tests
Plasma creatinine
Urea, uric acid and β2-microglobulin
Older age
Family history of Chronic Kidney disease (CKD)
Decreased renal mass
Low birth weight
Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Hypertension (HTN)
Autoimmune disease
Systemic infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI)
Obstruction to the lower urinary tract
Drug toxicity
Biochemical Tests of Renal Function
Measurement of GFR
Clearance tests
Plasma creatinine
Urea, uric acid and β2-microglobulin
Biochemical Tests of renal function
In acute and chronic renal failure, there is effectively a loss of
function of whole nephrons
Filtration is essential to the formation of urine tests of
glomerular function are almost always required in the
investigation and management of any patient with renal disease.
The most frequently used tests are those that assess either the
GFR or the integrity of the glomerular filtration barrier.
Measurement of glomerular filtration rate
GFR can be estimated by measuring the urinary excretion of a substance that is completely filtered
from the blood by the glomeruli and it is not secreted, reabsorbed or metabolized by the renal
Clearance is defined as the (hypothetical) quantity of blood or plasma completely cleared of a
substance per unit of time.
(Uinulin V)
GFR = V is not urine volume, it is urine flow rate
Clearance of substances that are filtered by the glomeruli but neither reabsorbed nor secreted
by other regions of the nephron can be used to measure GFR.
Inulin (a plant polysaccharide) can be used.
The Volume of blood from which inulin is cleared or completely removed in one minute is
known as the inulin clearance and is equal to the GFR.
Measurement of inulin clearance requires the infusion of inulin into the blood and is not
suitable for routine clinical use
Biochemical Tests of Renal Function
Measurement of GFR
Clearance tests
Plasma creatinine
Urea, uric acid and β2-microglobulin
1 to 2% of muscle creatine spontaneously converts to creatinine
daily and released into body fluids at a constant rate.
Endogenous creatinine produced is proportional to muscle
mass, it is a function of total muscle mass the production
varies with age and sex
Dietary fluctuations of creatinine intake cause only minor
variation in daily creatinine excretion of the same person.
Creatinine released into body fluids at a constant rate and its
plasma levels maintained within narrow limits Creatinine
clearance may be measured as an indicator of GFR.
Creatinine clearance and clinical utility
The most frequently used clearance test is based on the
measurement of creatinine.
Small quantity of creatinine is reabsorbed by the tubules and
other quantities are actively secreted by the renal tubules So
creatinine clearance is approximately 7% greater than inulin
The difference is not significant when GFR is normal but when
the GFR is low (less 10 ml/min), tubular secretion makes the
major contribution to creatinine excretion and the creatinine
clearance significantly overestimates the GFR.
Creatinine clearance clinical utility
An estimate of the GFR can be calculated from the creatinine content of a 24-hour
urine collection, and the plasma concentration within this period.
The volume of urine is measured, urine flow rate is calculated (ml/min) and the
assay for creatinine is performed on plasma and urine to obtain the concentration in
mg per dl or per ml.
Measurement of GFR
Clearance tests
Plasma creatinine
Urea, uric acid and β2-microglobulin
Measurement of nonprotein nitrogen-
containing compounds
Catabolism of proteins and nucleic acids results in formation of
so called nonprotein nitrogenous compounds.
Proteolysis, principally enzymatic
Amino acids
Transamination and oxidative deamination
Enzymatic synthesis in the “urea cycle”
Plasma Urea
Urea is the major nitrogen-containing metabolic product of protein
catabolism in humans,
Its elimination in the urine represents the major route for nitrogen
More than 90% of urea is excreted through the kidneys, with losses
through the GIT and skin
Urea is filtered freely by the glomeruli
Plasma urea concentration is often used as an index of renal glomerular
Urea production is increased by a high protein intake and it is decreased
in patients with a low protein intake or in patients with liver disease.
Plasma Urea
Many renal diseases with various glomerular, tubular, interstitial or vascular damage can
cause an increase in plasma urea concentration.
The reference interval for serum urea of healthy adults is 5-39 mg/dl. Plasma
concentrations also tend to be slightly higher in males than females. High protein diet causes
significant increases in plasma urea concentrations and urinary excretion.
Measurement of plasma creatinine provides a more accurate assessment than urea
because there are many factors that affect urea level.
Nonrenal factors can affect the urea level (normal adults is level 5-39 mg/dl) like:
Mild dehydration,
high protein diet,
increased protein catabolism, muscle wasting as in starvation,
reabsorption of blood proteins after a GIT haemorrhage,
treatment with cortisol or its synthetic analogous
Clinical Significance
States associated with elevated levels of urea in blood
are referred to as uremia or azotemia.
Causes of urea plasma elevations:
Prerenal: renal hypoperfusion
Renal: acute tubular necrosis
In human, uric acid is the major product of the catabolism of the purine
nucleosides, adenosine and guanosine.
Purines are derived from catabolism of dietary nucleic acid (nucleated cells,
like meat) and from degradation of endogenous nucleic acids.
Overproduction of uric acid may result from increased synthesis of purine
In humans, approximately 75% of uric acid excreted is lost in the urine;
most of the reminder is secreted into the GIT
Uric acid
Renal handling of uric acid is complex and involves four sequential steps:
Glomerular filtration of virtually all the uric acid in capillary plasma
entering the glomerulus.
Reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule of about 98 to 100%
of filtered uric acid.
Subsequent secretion of uric acid into the lumen of the distal portion
of the proximal tubule.
Further reabsorption in the distal tubule.
Hyperuricemia is defined by serum or plasma uric acid concentrations higher
than 7.0 mg/dl (0.42mmol/L) in men or greater than 6.0 mg/dl (0.36mmol/L)
in women
Plasma β2-microglobulin
β2-microglobulin is a small peptide (molecular weight 11.8 kDa),
It is present on the surface of most cells and in low concentrations in the
It is completely filtered by the glomeruli and is reabsorbed and catabolized
by proximal tubular cells.
The plasma concentration of β2-microglobulin is a good index of GFR in
normal people, being unaffected by diet or muscle mass.
It is increased in certain malignancies and inflammatory diseases.
Since it is normally reabsorbed and catabolized in the tubules, measurement
of β2-microglobulin excretion provides a sensitive method of assessing
tubular integrity.
Biochemical Tests of Renal Function
Specific gravity and osmolality
Urinary sediments
Urinalysis is important in screening for disease is routine test for every patient, and not just
for the investigation of renal diseases
Urinalysis comprises a range of analyses that are usually performed at the point of care rather
than in a central laboratory.
Urinalysis is one of the commonest biochemical tests performed outside the laboratory.
Examination of a
patient's urine should
not be restricted to
biochemical tests.
Urinalysis using disposable strips
Biochemical testing of urine involves the use of commercially available disposable strips
When the strip is manually immersed in the urine specimen, the reagents react with a
specific component of urine in such a way that to form color
Colour change produced is proportional to the concentration of the component being tested
To test a urine sample:
fresh urine is collected into a clean dry container
the sample is not centrifuged
the disposable strip is briefly immersed in the urine specimen;
The colour of the test areas are compared with those provided on a colour chart
Chemical Analysis
Urine Dipstick
Specific Gravity
Leukocyte Esterase
Fresh sample = Valid sample.
fresh urine is collected into a clean dry container
the sample is not centrifuged
Blue Green Pink-Orange- Red-brown-black
Methylene Blue Haemoglobin Haemoglobin
Pseudomonas Myoglobin Myoglobin
Riboflavin Phenolpthalein Red blood cells
Appearance: -
Porphyrins Homogentisic Acid
Colour (haemoglobin, myoglobin,) Rifampicin L -DOPA
Turbidity (infection, nephrotic syndrome) Melanin
Urinalysis: Specific gravity
– This is a semi-quantitative measure of concentration.
– A higher specific gravity indicates a more concentrated urine.
– Assessment of urinary specific gravity usually just confirms the impression gained by
visually inspecting the colour of the urine. When urine concentration needs to be
Urinalysis: Osmolality measurements in
plasma and urine
– Osmolality serves as general marker of tubular function. Because the ability
to concentrate the urine is highly affected by renal diseases.
– This is conveniently done by determining the osmolality, and then
comparing this to the plasma.
– If the urine osmolality is 600mosm/kg or more, tubular function is usually
regarded as intact
– When the urine osmolality does not differ greatly from plasma (urine:
plasma osmolality ratio=1), the renal tubules are not reabsorbing water
Urine is usually acidic
Measurement of urine pH is useful in suspected drug toxicity, abuse.., or where there is
an unexplained metabolic acidosis (low serum bicarbonate or other causes…).
Urine sediments
Microscopic examination of sediment from freshly passed urine involves looking for
cells, casts, fat droplets
Blood: haematuria is consistent with various possibilities ranging from malignancy
through urinary tract infection to contamination from menstruation.
Red Cell casts could indicate glomerular disease
Leucocytes in the urine suggests acute inflammation and the presence of a urinary tract
Urinary casts
are cylindrical structures produced by the kidney and present in the urine
in certain disease states.
They form in the distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts of
nephrons, then dislodge and pass into the urine, where they can be
detected by microscope.
They form via precipitation of Tamm-Hrsfall mucoprotein which is
secreted by renal tubule cells, and sometimes also by albumin.
Red blood cell cast in urine
White blood cell cast in urine