Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Shivali Kumari
» What is Cyber Security ?
» Why is Cyber Security important ?
» Cyber Security Fundamentals
» Benefits of Cyber Security
» Types of Cyber Security
What is Cyber Security ?
The term “CYBER SECURITY” refers to a
protection system for computers and networks from
theft, damage, disruption, illegal changing, or
information disclosure taken from the electronic
data, software, or hardware.
Cyber Security is the protection of
internet-connected systems such as hardware,
software and data from cyberthreats. The practice is
used by individuals and enterprises to protect against
unauthorized access to data centers and other
computerized systems. 3
Why is Cyber Security important ?
It is important because it encompasses everything that relates to
protecting our data from cyber attackers who want to steal this
information and use it to cause harm
Enables Credibility
Benefits of cyber security
Data protection from unauthorized access, loss or
Preventing financial fraud
Protection of intellectual property
Prevention of cyber espionage
Prevention of fraud through financial transactions like
wire transfers etc.
Improves customer confidence
Types of Cyber Security
o Data security
o Application Security
o Network Security
o Database and Infrastructure Security
o Mobile Security
o Cloud Security
o Endpoint Security
Data Security
Data security protects by giving limited access only
to the authorized ones to prevent any data theft.
Application Security
This type of security should be developed from the
design stage of the program. Continuous updates of
the apps should include the security system, so new
threats could be detected early.
Network Security
By connecting people, networks have a bigger
possibility of getting intrusion and attacks. The
admin/host is also a part of the security system