4 - Industrial Arts - Lesson 4&5
4 - Industrial Arts - Lesson 4&5
4 - Industrial Arts - Lesson 4&5
Lesson 4
• Electrical gadgets are composed of materials that are classified as conductor or non-
conductor of electricity.
1. CONDUCTORS are materials used in the assemble of electrical gadgets where
electrons flow. Some examples of conductors are electrical wire and any metal.
2. NON-CONDUCTOR is a material which electricity cannot pass through. Another
term for nonconductor is insulator, which means any material that is poor conductor of
heat or electricity. Dry rubber and dry wood are the examples of nonconductor.
It is the structure at the end of appliance that receives
Working with electrical gadgets can be an interesting activity in developing your working habit and skills. It
can be an enjoyable undertaking if the following practices are followed…
1. Working with gadget connected to electricity such as appliances at home requires wearing of safety
gloves also known as electrical gloves.
2. Gadgets connected with a capacitor stored energy even not connected to an electrical source. Storing
these types of gadgets away from the reach of children is highly advised. Do not touch or play with
electrical devices that have stored energy for these may cause electrical shock.
3. Before doing your work or repair activities, be sure that you turn off and unplug the device, gadget, or
4. Make sure that your workplace is organized and clean. A clean workplace is conducive to learning and
developing skills.
5. Avoid standing on floors that are wet as it may cause you harm or accident.
6. Wipe and dry all spillage before starting to work.
7. See to it that all metal accessories on our body are removed before starting to work.
8. Never touch someone else’s work. You may not know the condition of our classmate’s work if it is
energized or not.
Protocol On Repairing Electrical Gadgets
In repairing an electrical gadget, you need to analyze first the possible trouble or problem that
needs repair or replacement before you start the necessary task. In order to make your work
enjoyable and effective, follow the simple protocols listed below…
1. Before working with electricity, always ask for assistance from your teacher if you are in
school or an elderly if you are at home for proper guidelines.
2. Different gadgets have different specifications. Always use the tools needed for the job
according to their function and purpose.
3. Always use tools that are insulated to prevent shock while working with electricity.
4. Worn out electrical materials should not be used in any connection for they may cause trouble
to the gadget connections.
5. To avoid electrical shock, always use tools that are dry while working with an electrical gadget.
6. Always follow the procedures and specifications in repairing electrical gadgets. Some electrical
tool, such as electrical pliers, are sensitive to heat. The insulator of the pliers may be affected
by overexposure to heat.