CH9 Testing
CH9 Testing
CH9 Testing
Software Testing
Software testing is the process of finding defects in the software
so that these can be debugged and the defect-free software can
meet the customer needs and expectations.
Software testing is one of the important phases in software
development life cycle.
A quality software can be achieved through testing.
Effective testing reduces the maintenance cost and provides
reliable outcomes.
Example of Ineffective testing -the Y2K problem.
The intention of software testing process is to produce a defect-
free system.
Testing Fundamentals
Error is the discrepancy between the actual value of the output
of software and the theoretically correct value of the output for
that given input.
Error also known as variance, mistake, or problem is the
unintended behavior of software.
Fault is the cause of an error. Fault is also called defect or bug
in the manifestation of one or more errors. It causes a system to
fail in achieving the intended task.
Failure is the deviation of the observed behavior from the
specified behavior.
It occurs when the faulty code is executed leading to an
incorrect outcome. Thus, the presence of faults may lead to
system failure .
3 A failure is the manifestation of an error in the system or
The Cost of Defects
Testing becomes more costly if the errors are not taken care in the
earlier phases. In this case, defects increase in multiples in addition
to the defects from previous phases.
Testing process
Source program
test plan
Test case Test plan
Design test Run
case program
Fix error
Yes Is result as
Test report expected?
Find causes
Integration of defects
The Role of Software Testers
The goal of testers is to confirm that the software works
properly by finding defects as early as possible and ensuring that
these are fixed
Software tester does the following tasks for testing the software.
Prepare the test plan and test data.
Design test cases and test scripts.
Set up test environment.
Perform testing.
Track the defects in the defect management system.
Participate in the test case review meetings.
Prepare test report.
Follow software standards.
Skills of a Tester
Understanding of the business scenario.
Background of programming as a software engineer.
Knowledge of testing tools and its environment.
Skills for writing test cases and test case execution.
Skills as a planner for preparing test plan.
Good analysis skills.
Skills to work with other team members.
Problem solving skills.
Good communication skills.
Software testing tools
Software testers perform testing using software testing
tools. There are various automated tools for testing, such as :
Marathon, and so on.
Design Test Cases
A test case is a set of inputs and expected results under which a
program unit is exercised with the purpose of causing failure and
detecting faults.
A good test case is one that has the high probability of detecting
defects in the system.
A well-designed test case can be traceable, repeatable, and can be
reused in other software development.
The intention of designing set of test cases for testing is to prove that
program under test is incorrect.
The test case selection is the main objective to detect errors in the
program unit.
A possible way is to exercise all the possible paths and variables to find
undiscovered errors. But performing exhaustive testing is difficult
because it takes a lot of time and efforts. An exhaustive testing includes
12 all possible input to the program unit. Continue…
Design Test Cases
Test script: A test script is a procedure that is performed on a system
under test to verify that the system functions as expected. Test case is
the baseline to create test scripts using automated tool.
Test suite: A test suite is a collection of test cases. It is the composite
of test cases designed for a system.
Test data: Test data are needed when writing and executing test cases
for any kind of test. Test data is sometimes also known as test
Test harness: Test harness is the collection of software, tools,
input/output data, and configurations required for test.
Test scenario: Test scenario is the set of test cases in which
requirements are tested from end to end. There can be independent
test cases or a series of test cases that follow each other.
13 Continue…
Design Test Cases
A test case includes the following fields:
Test plan ID
Test case ID
Feature to be tested
Test script or test procedure
Test data
Expected results
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Example: Test case to issue a book to the
student member.
Test plan ID TP-001
Test case ID LTC-01
Feature to be tested Issue a book to the member of library
Preconditions 1. Library membership is compulsory
2. Book quota limit should not exceed 5 for a student member
Test script 1.Verify library membership
2.Check book availability
3.Check the issue limits of books
4.Issue book
5.Add book in the account of member
6.Update library catalogue
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Test Stubs and Test Drivers
Driver module
Test Summary Report
Test summary report is prepared to ensure whether the
module under test satisfies the acceptance criteria or not.
This summary report is directed to the stakeholders to
know the status of module.
Test summary report covers the results of the items from
the test plan, which were planned at the beginning to test
the module.
It includes the number of test cases executed and the type
of errors observed.
Defect Tracking and Statistics
A project has a lot of defects, which are inspected, retested,
and managed in a test log.
Test team tracks various aspects of the testing progress,
such as the location of defective modules and estimation of
progress with respect to the schedule, resources, and
completion criteria.
A record of the ignored defects, unresolved defects,
stopped due to extra effort and resource requirements, etc.,
are managed.
The defects whose identification and the cause of
occurrence is determined are debugged, fixed, and verified
before closing the testing.
Black-Box Testing
Black-box testing is performed on the basis of functions or
features of the software. In black-box testing, only the input
values are considered for the design of test cases.
The output values that the software provides on execution of
test cases are observed. The internal logic or program
structures are not considered during black-box testing.
It is also known as behavioral or functional testing.
There are a number of black-box test case design methods
Equivalence class partitioning
Boundary value analysis
Cause-effect graphing
Error guessing
Equivalence Class Partitioning
Equivalence class partitioning method allows to partition the input
domain into a set of equivalence classes (i.e., sub domains).
The equivalence class partitioning method has the following two
Design of equivalence classes
Selection of test input data
Design of equivalence classes: The design of equivalence class is
made by splitting an input domain into several equivalence classes
and these are expected to have different behavior. \
Selection of test input data: The selection of test input data has two
ranges for each equivalence class, i.e., valid input and invalid input
data. The valid input data belongs to the range of equivalence class.
Equivalence Class Partitioning
Example 9.2: Design test cases to find the characters from ASCII
numbers using equivalence class partitioning method.
The range of ASCII values vary from 0 to 256. The equivalence classes
for the ASCII character set is shown below. An ASCII character may
belong to one of the following equivalence classes (ECs).
0-31 EC1
32-95 EC2
96-127 EC3
128-256 EC4
EC1: Control characters
EC2: Basic printable characters
EC3: Extended printable characters
EC4: Unicode characters
Equivalence Class Partitioning
Equivalence Valid test data Invalid test data
EC1 13, 0, 23 -1, 33, 103
Boundary Value Analysis
The boundary value analysis is the special case of equivalence class
partitioning method that focuses on the boundary of the equivalence
It is generally observed that the human may make mistakes at the
boundary level.
Boundary value analysis is based on the idea of equivalence class
partitioning. The boundary values are identified by relating the
elements of input domain. For example, relational operators such as <,
<=, >, >=, ==, etc., can be applied to relate the boundary level elements.
Some of the boundary conditions can be 0 or negative values, empty
files, missing files, sequencing errors, invalid number of parameters,
data ranges, etc., and therefore, the boundary conditions are verified to
ensure the correct outcomes.
Test data are selected in such a way that the boundary values will
25 appear in at least one of the test input data.
Boundary Value Analysis
Example 9.3: The student grading system is used to allot
grades in the subjects. The grades can be A (86 to 100), B
(61 to 85), C (46 to 60), D (30 to 45), and F (below 30).
Cause-Effect Graphing
Example: E1 will be successful if C1, C2, and C3 are true. This can be
represented in the cause-effect graph as shown in Figure below. There
can be other causes, such as invalid pin, invalid amount, cash not
available, or the combination of these causes. Similarly, there can be
the effects according to these causes.
C2 ^
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Cause-Effect Graphing
Notations for cause-effect graph
Identity NOT
C1 E1 C1 E1
C1 C1
˅ E1 ^ E1
C1 C1
Cause-Effect Graphing
The process of cause-effect graphing testing is as follows:
1. From the requirements, identify causes and effects and
assign them a unique identification number.
2. The relationships among causes and effects are established
by combining the causes and effects; and annotated into
the cause-effect graph.
3. Transform the cause-effect graph into the decision table
and each column in the decision table represents a test
4. Generate tests from the decision table.
Cause-Effect Graphing
Example 9.4: Perform cause-effect graphing technique to issue a book to
the student member of the library. The membership is provided for a
session that can be renewed. This example is illustrated in Example 9.1.
In this example, the causes and the effects identified are as follows:
C1: Library membership is valid
C2: Membership expired
C3: Verify book limit
C4: Verify book availability
E1: Renew membership
E2: Exceed book limit
E3: Issue book
Cause-Effect Graphing
Figure 9.6: Cause-effect graph Decision table for cause-effect
for issuing book from library graph shown in Figure 9.6
Test #1 Test #2 Test #3
1 1 C1 x 1 1
C2 1 x x
^ E
C3 x 0 1
~ 2
C4 x x 1
C ^
3 E1 1
E2 1
C E E3 1
4 3
Error Guessing
The error guessing technique is based on guessing the error-
prone areas in the program that might be done by the
Error guessing is an intuitive and ad-hoc process of testing.
Software testers use their experiences and knowledge to design
test cases for such error-prone situations.
Let us discuss some of such error-prone situations.
The Boolean variables have the values true (1) or false (0). There
might be the chance of alteration of these values from 1 to 0 and
vice versa.
The NULL position is another error-prone area in the program.
White-Box Testing
White-box testing is concerned with exercising the source code
of a module and traversing a particular execution path.
The internal logics, such as control structures, control flow, and
data structures are considered during the white-box testing.
White-box testing methods are applied at integration and
testing phases. White-box testing is also known as glass-box
testing or structural testing.
The following white-box testing methods are widely used for
testing the software:
Control flow based testing
Path testing
Data flow based testing
Mutation testing
Control Flow Based testing
The control flow based testing strategy focuses on the control
flows in the program.
The goal of control flow based testing methods is to satisfy test
adequacy criteria.
A test is said to be adequate if it executes each statement at
least once
The goal of these coverage tests is to ensure that no defect
should remain uncovered in the program fragments.
Following are the control flow base coverage testing:
Statement coverage testing
Branch coverage testing
Condition coverage testing
Statement coverage testing
A source program written in a programming language consists of several
statements. The statements are logically grouped into program blocks.
The aim of statement coverage is to design test cases so that every
statement of the program can be executed at least once during testing.
Consider the following example written in C language:
int a,b;
printf( “%d”, a, b);
if (a < b)
printf( “%d”, a+b );
printf( “%d”, a*b);
37 }
Statement coverage testing
The test case for condition coverage criteria for above
program should be made to cover both true and false
For example, the following two test cases of a test suite will
be adequate for statement coverage of the above program:
Test suite = { (a=1,b=2), (a=2,b=1) }
This test suite will cover all the statements and even the if-
else block of the program.
The statement coverage is an appealing technique but
executing test cases with single input value cannot ensure
proper results for all other input values.
Branch coverage testing
The branch coverage testing is also known as decision coverage.
In this coverage criterion, test cases are designed in such a way that
all the outcomes of the decision have been considered.
The branch coverage is more powerful than statement coverage
Consider the following code fragment of C language with a test data
{ -2 }:
int a, b;
if (a < 0)
On executing the above code for test data {-2}, it satisfies the
statement coverage because it evaluates to true.
However, it is not adequate for branch coverage because the decision
(a<0) will not evaluate to false.
Condition coverage testing
The simple conditions, such as (a<0) are covered using branch
coverage criteria. For complex conditions use this testing technique.
Complex conditions, which are made using logical operations, such as
AND, OR, and XOR. In addition, negation operator NOT (~) is used to
negate the outcome of a condition.
The complex conditions are said to be tested if all its simple conditions
are tested to true and false.
see the following program fragment in C language:
int a, b;
if (a>=0 && b>0)
Condition coverage testing
Consider the following test cases for the above program:
Test case 1 = {a= 0, b= 2},
The first test case will cover the if part but it will not be
adequate for the else part and vice-versa.
Therefore, both the test cases will cover statement
coverage, branch coverage, and the condition coverage in the
above program.
Path Testing
Path testing is another white-box testing method, which focuses
on identifying independent paths in a program.
The purpose of identifying paths is to find the logical
complexity measure (i.e., McCabe Cyclomatic complexity) in
the program that helps to design test cases for all such
independent paths.
The idea is to design test cases to exercise all independent paths
at least once during testing, the presence of faults will lead to
An easy way to identify paths in the program is the control flow
graph (CFG).
CFG describes the flow of control in the program through
program graph.
Control Flow Graph (CFG)
A control flow graph (CFG) is also known as flow graph or
program graph. It describes the flow of control within the
It is a finite set of nodes and a finite set of directed edges.
There is a start and an end node in the graph. The start node
has no incoming edges and the end node has no outgoing
Every node in the graph is reachable from the start node and
terminates at the end node.
A basic block is a sequence of statements with a single entry
and a single exit in the program.
Control Flow Graph (CFG)
Elements of CFG
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Control Flow Graph (CFG)
Example: Write a program to compute ae in C language and draw its
corresponding CFG.
{ int a, e;
int mul, count;
scanf(“%d%d”, &a, &e);
if (e>=0) {
mul =1; count=e;
mul =mul*a;
count =count-1;
printf("%d", mul);
printf("Enter positive value of e");
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Control Flow Graph
Start 1 1
int a, e;
int mul, count;
scanf(“%d%d”, &a,
&e); N
3 3
if (e>=0) No Y
R3 4
Yes 4
mul =1; count=e;
5 5
while(count>0) Y R1
Yes 6 6
mul =mul*a;
count =count-1;
7 7
printf("%d", mul);
8 8
printf("Enter positive value of
End 9
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Cyclomatic Complexity Measure
There are three ways to compute cyclomatic complexity
1. From CFG, cyclomatic complexity( C) is computed as follows:
C = E - N + 2;
where E is the number of edges in the CFG and N is the number of nodes
in CFG. For example, the cyclomatic complexity (C) for the CFG shown in
Figure 9.9 is as follows: C = 10 - 9 + 2 = 3.
2. From CFG, another way to compute cyclomatic complexity (C) is as
where P indicates the predicates, i.e., number of selection and iteration nodes
from where the branches are emerged. For example, the cyclomatic
complexity (C) for CFG shown in Figure 9.9 is as follows: C = 2 + 1 = 3.
3. The number of regions is equal to the cyclomatic complexity. The region
is the area bounded by edges and nodes in CFG. The outside area is also
considered as a region at the time of computing cyclomatic complexity.
For example, the cyclomatic complexity for the CFG shown in Figure 9.9
ìs 3 (i.e., R1 + R2 + R3).
Design of test cases
The purpose of constructing CFG and finding the cyclomatic
complexity is to design test case that can execute every
statement of the program at least once. The process of path
testing to design test cases from CFG is as follows:
Step1: Construct CFG
Step2: Compute cyclomatic complexity
Step3: Identify independent paths
Step4: Prepare test cases
One possible test suite consisting of three test cases is as
Test case 1= {a = 3, e = -1}
Test case 2= {a = 0, e = 1}
Test case 3= {a = 1, e = 0}
Data flow based testing
Data flow based testing concentrates on data flow
representation rather than control flow in the program. Data
flow based test criteria focuses on data declared and used in the
program to specify the test cases.
Data flow based testing uses definition-use (def-use) graph. It
describes the flow of definitions across basic blocks in the
The def-use graph represents the data occurrences, which are
discussed in the following three categories, namely, def, c-use,
and p-use .
Data flow based testing
Definitions (def)
A program contains variables in the program statements.
The variable names in assignment statement are defined at
right hand side. For example:
a = b + c;
This statement defines a that uses b and c. Similarly, the
following statements
P = &a;
T = P + 5;
Data flow based testing
Computations (c-use)
The c stands for computation of variables. A variable can be
used in assignment statements, output statements, and parameters
in a function that manipulates and computes them.
For example, see the following statements that describe the c-
x = y + z; assignment statement
printf(“%d”,x); output statements
sqrt(x); function
A[i+1] = B [1]; address
Data flow based testing
Predicates (p-use)
The p stands for predicates. A variable is also used as a
condition in branch statements, such as if-else, switch-case,
For example, the following statements illustrate the p-use:
Global and local definitions and uses
The global and local variables are defined, used, and redefined within a
Let us see the following program statements:
a = b + c;
x = a * 2;
a = x + 2;
Here, the variable a is defined, used, and redefined. The definition, a =b + c
is local to the block.
The definition of a is killed or masked by the second definition, a = x + 2,
which is now survived in the program. The second definition of a is global
to use in the subsequent statements.
The c-uses of variables b and c are global because these variables do not
appear in this block before.
The variable x is also global. Similarly, the first definition of x is local and
55 second definition is global to the block.
Data flow based testing steps
The data flow based testing is performed as follows to reach to
the design of test cases:
1) Construct a data flow graph from a program
2) Select data flow testing criteria
3) Determine feasible paths
4) Design test cases
Data flow based testing steps
1) Construct a data flow graph from a program :
Compute def, c-use, and p-use for each basic block in the
Associate def and c-uses with each node of the graph.
Associate p-uses with each edge of the graph.
The entry node has a definition of each edge parameter
and each nonlocal variable used in the program.
The exit node has an undefinition of each local variable.
Example : A program to accept a number and find the sum of
its individual digits repeatedly till the result is a single digit. For
example, if the entered digits are 8953 then the program will
compute and print as 8953, 25, 7.
Data flow based testing steps
Def-clear path
There can be many paths in a data flow graph. Suppose a variable x is
defined at node i and used at node j. The path p = (i, n1, … nm, j), m ≥ 0,
(n1…nm are nodes) is called a def-clear path with respect to variable x
from node i to node j, and from node i to edge (nm, j), if x has been neither
defined nor undefined in nodes n1 – … nm.
In Figure 9.10, the path 3 -> 4 -> 5 is a def-clear path with respect to
variable s and n because s and n are not defined in node 4 but these are
live at node 5.
Global definition
A node i has a global definition of variable x if node i has a definition of x
and there is a def-clear path with respect to x from node i to some node
containing a global c-use, or edge containing a p-use of variable x.
Data flow based testing steps
Def-use pair
There are two types of def-use pairs; dcu and dpu.
The dcu is corresponding to a definition and its c-use and the
dpu is corresponding to a definition and its p-use.
Suppose a variable x is in def (i) at node i, then the dcu (x, i) is
the set of nodes such that each node has x in its c-use and
there is def-clear path from i to j.
In Figure 9.10, the dcu (s, 3) has the c-use at node 6 and there
is def-clear path 3 -> 4 -> 6. Thus, we get dcu(s, 3) = {6}.
Similarly, dpu (x, i) is the set of edges such that each edge has
x in its p-use and there is a def-clear path from i to (j, k).
In Figure 9.10, the dpu (s, 1) has p-use at node 2 and there is a
def-clear path from 1 -> 2 -> 6. Thus, we get dpu (s, 1) = {(2,
61 6)}.
Data flow based testing steps
2. Select data flow testing criteria
There are various data flow based testing criteria, such as
all-defs, all-c-uses, all-p-uses, all-p-uses/some-c-uses,
all-c-uses/some-p-uses, all-uses, and all-du-paths.
It is difficult to say a particular criterion is sufficient.
Therefore, two criteria are compared. Let c1 and c2 are
the two criteria. c2 is said to be included in c1 if for
every def-use graph, any set of complete paths of the
graph that satisfies c1 also satisfies c2.
Also, it is difficult to trace all the test criteria during data
flow testing. It includes relationship -all the criteria are
related to each other.
The ordering of different data flow based criterions for test case
design is shown in Figure 9.11.
(Path coverage)
All-p-uses/some-c-uses All-c-uses/some-p-uses
All-edges(Branch coverage)
All-nodes (Statement
Data flow based testing steps
3. Determine feasible paths
A feasible path should be selected on a criterion that can
trace out all the paths on some test data.
To satisfy the all-def criteria for variables s and n, there
will be the following three paths drawn from the Figure
{1 -> 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4 -> 6, 1 -> 2 -> 6}
Table 9.5: Occurrences of variable in def, c-use, and p-use
Line Definition c-use p-use
2 n, s
3 n
4 n
5 s s, n
6 n N
7 n, s
8 S
9 n S
10 s
13 S
Data flow based testing steps
4. Design test cases
On the selected data flow based criteria, the test cases are
generated to ensure that the criteria are satisfied by it.
For example, if all-edges criteria are selected then the test
case should be designed to cover all edges in the execution
of the paths.
The execution of these three paths for the definitions s and
n with test data (s=0, n=5), all the lines of the program will
be executed at least once.
Mutation Testing
Mutation testing is another powerful white-box testing that takes a
different approach for testing programs, where control flow and data
flow based testing are performed by exercising test cases in different
paths to find errors.
Mutation is the act of slightly changing a program.
The changed program is known as mutated program and it is called
a mutant of original program.
The process of creating mutant is called mutation.
The mutations are tested with test cases of original program to
determine whether the test case is capable of detecting the change
between original program and its mutants.
In mutation testing, mutants are created by using mutation operator.
A mutation operator is an operator whose availability depends on a
particular programming language.
Mutation Testing
Example 9.7: The following program is written in C language to
calculate the sum of numbers and their square values.
int i, sum=0, sqsum=0;
for (i=1;i<5;i++)
printf(“%2d”, i,i*i);
printf(“The sum is: %d and square sum is: %d”, sum, sqsum);
68 Continue..
Mutation Testing
The mutant program is shown below with high order mutants:
int i, sum=0, sqsum=0;
for (i=1;i<=5;i++) Mutated statement 1
sqsum=i*i; Mutated statement 2
printf(“%2d”, i,i*i);
printf(“The sum is: %d and square sum is: %d”, sum, sqsum);
69 Continue..
Mutation Testing
The mutant can be first order or higher order mutants.
If the mutant is created by single change in the program
then it is known as first order mutant. The higher order
mutants are produced by making several changes in a
If a mutant program is distinguished from the parent or
original program then it is known as dead or killed mutant.
The dead mutants are helpful to detect and fix problems. If
a test case does not distinguish the mutant program from
original program then it is called live mutant.
In case if the test case is not able to detect and fix
problems, then killed mutant and original programs are said
70 to equivalent.
Mutation Testing
A programmer tries to compute the mutation score
after mutation testing.
Let T be a test case, L live mutants and D the dead
mutants and E the equivalent mutant and N the total
mutants generated.
The mutation score on test case T, i.e., M (T), is
computed as follows:
M (T) =
|N| - |E|
Levels of Testing
Testing is a defect detection technique that is performed
at various levels. Testing begins once a module is fully
Although software engineers test source codes after it is
written, but it is not an appealing way that can satisfy
customer’s needs and expectations.
Software is developed through a series of activities, i.e.,
customer needs, specification, design, and coding.
Each of these activities has different aims. Therefore,
testing is performed at various levels of development
phases to achieve their purpose.
Levels of Testing
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Unit Testing
Unit means a program unit, module, component, procedure,
subroutine of a system developed by the programmer.
The aim of unit testing is to find bugs by isolating an individual
module using test stub and test drivers and by executing test
cases on it.
During module testing, test stub and test drivers are designed for
proper testing in a test environment.
The unit testing is performed to detect both structural and
functional errors in the module.
Therefore, test cases are designed using white-box and black-
box testing strategies for unit testing.
Most of the module errors are captured through white-box
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Unit test environment
Test driver
Integration Testing
Integration testing is another level of testing, which is performed
after unit testing of modules.
It is carried out keeping in view the design issues of the system
into subsystems.
The main goal of integration testing is to find interface errors
between modules.
There are various approaches in which the modules are
combined together for integration testing.
Big-bang approach
Top-down approach
Bottom-up approach
Sandwich approach
Integration Testing
Big-bang approach
The big-bang is a simple and straightforward integration testing.
In this approach, all the modules are first tested individually and then
these are combined together and tested as a single system.
This approach works well where there is less number of modules in
a system.
As all modules are integrated to form a whole system, the chaos may
occur. If there is any defect found, it becomes difficult to identify
where the defect has occurred.
Therefore, big-bang approach is generally avoided for large and
complex systems.
Integration Testing
Top-down approach
Top-down integration testing begins with the main module and move
downwards integrating and testing its lower level modules.
Again the next lower level modules are integrated and tested.
Thus, this incremental integration and testing is continued until all
modules up to the concrete level are integrated and tested.
The top-down integration testing approach is as follows:
main system -> subsystems -> modules at concrete level.
In this approach, the testing of a module may be delayed if its lower
level modules (i.e., test stubs) are not available at this time.
Thus, writing test stubs and simulating to act as actual modules may
be complicated and time-consuming task.
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Integration Testing
Top-down approach
S1 S2 S3
Integration Testing
Sandwich approach
The sandwich testing combines both top-down and bottom-
up integration approaches.
During sandwich testing, top-down approach force to the
lower level modules to be available and bottom-up
approach requires upper level modules.
Thus, testing a module requires its top and bottom level
It is the most preferred approach in testing because the
modules are tested as and when these are available for
System Testing
The unit and integration testing are applied to detect defects in
the modules and the system as a whole. Once all the modules
have been tested, system testing is performed to check whether
the system satisfies the requirements (both functional and non-
To test the functional requirements of the system, functional or
black-box testing methods are used with appropriate test cases.
System testing is performed keeping in view the system
requirements and system objectives.
The non-functional requirements are tested with a series of
tests whose purpose is to check the computer-based system.
A single test case cannot ensure all the system non-functional
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System Testing
For specific non-functional requirements, special tests are
conducted to ensure the system functionality.
Some of the non-functional system tests are
Performance testing
Volume testing
Stress testing
Security testing
Recovery testing
Compatibility testing
Configuration testing
Installation testing
Documentation testing
Performance testing
A performance testing is carried out to check the run time
outcomes of the system, such as efficiency, accuracy, etc.
Each system performs differently in different environment.
During performance testing, both hardware and software
are taken into consideration to observe the system behavior.
For example, a testing tool is tested to check if it tests the
specified codes in a defined time duration.
Volume testing
It deals with the system if heavy amount of data are to be
processed or stored in the system.
For example, an operating system will be checked to ensure
that the job queue will handle when a large number of
processes enter into the computer.
It basically checks the capacity of the data structures.
Stress testing
In stress testing, the behavior of the system is checked
when it is under stress.
The stress may come due to load increases at peak time for
a short period of time.
There are several reasons of stress, such as the maximum
number of users increased, peak demand, number of
operations extended, etc.
For example, the network server is checked if the number
of concurrent users and nodes are increased to use the
network resources in the evening time.
The stress test is the peak time of the volume testing.
Security testing
Due to the increasing complexity of software and its
applications for variety of users in different technologies, it
becomes necessary to provide sufficient security to the
It is conducted to ensure the security checks at different
levels in the system.
For example, testing of e-payment system is done to ensure
that the money transaction is happening in a secure manner
in e-commerce applications.
There a lot of confidential data are transferred and used in
the system that must be protected from its leakage,
alteration, and modification by illegal people.
Recovery testing
Most of the systems now have the recovery policies if the
there is any loss of data.
Therefore, recovery testing is performed to check that it will
recover the losses caused by data error, software error, or
hardware problems.
For example, the Windows operating system recovers the
currently running files if any hardware/software problem
occurs in the system.
Compatibility testing
Compatibility testing is performed to ensure that
the new system will be able to work with the
existing system.
Sometimes, the data format, report format, process
categories, databases, etc., differ from system to
For example, compatibility testing checks whether
Windows 2007 files can be opened in the Windows
2003 if it is installed in the system.
Configuration testing
Configuration testing is performed to check that a system
can run on different hardware and software configurations.
Therefore, system is configured for each of the hardware
and software.
For example, suppose you want to run your program on
other machine then you are required to check the
configuration of its hardware and software.
Documentation testing
Once the system becomes operational, problems
may be encountered in the system.
A systematic documentation or manual can help to
recover such problems.
The system is verified whether its proper
documentation is available.
Installation testing
Installation testing is conducted to ensure that all modules
of the software are installed properly.
The main purpose of installation testing is to find errors
that occur during the installation process.
Installation testing covers various issues, such as automatic
execution of the CD, files and libraries must be allocated
and loaded; appropriate hardware configurations must be
present; proper network connectivity; compatible with the
operating system platform, etc.
The installers must be familiar with the installation
technologies and their troubleshooting mechanisms.
Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is a kind of system testing, which is
performed before the system is released into the market.
It is performed with the customer to ensure that the system
is acceptable for delivery.
Once all system testing have been exercised, the system is
now tested from the customer’s point of view.
Acceptance testing is conducted because there is a
difference between the actual user and the simulated users
considered by the development organization.
Acceptance Testing
The user involvement is important during acceptance testing
of the software as it is developed for the end-users.
Acceptance testing is performed at two levels, i.e.,
Alpha testing
Beta testing.
Alpha testing is a pilot testing in which customers are
involved in exercising test cases.
o In alpha testing, customer conducts tests in the development
environment. The users perform alpha test and tries to pinpoint any
problem in the system.
o The alpha test is conducted in a controlled environment.
o After alpha testing, system is ready to transport the system at the
customer site for deployment
Acceptance Testing
Beta testing is performed by a limited and friendly customers
and end-users.
Beta testing is conducted at the customer site, where the
software is to be deployed and used by the end-users.
o The developer may or may not be present during beta testing.
o The end-users operate the system under testing mode and note
down any problem observed during system operation.
o The defects noted by the end-users are corrected by the developer.
o If there are any major changes required, then these changes are
sent to the configuration management team.
o The configuration management team decides whether to approve
or disapprove the changes for modification in the system.
Acceptance testing
Shadow testing
Benchmark testing.
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Acceptance testing
Shadow testing
Shadow testing is conducted in case of maintenance or
reengineering type of projects.
In this testing, the new system and the legacy system are
run side-by-side and their results are compared.
Any unusual results noted by end-user are informed to the
developers that they take corrective actions to remove the
Acceptance testing
Benchmark testing
In benchmark test, client prepares test cases to test the system
performance. The benchmark test is conducted either by end-
users or testers.
Before performing benchmark test, tester or end-users must be
familiar with the functional and nonfunctional requirements of
the system.
Benchmark testing helps to assess product’s performance
against other products in a number of areas including
functionality, durability, quality, etc.
Usability Testing
Usability refers to the ease of use and comfort that users have
while working with software.
It is also known as user-centric testing. Nowadays, usability
has become a wider aspect of software development and
Usability testing is conducted to check usability of the system
which mainly focuses on finding the differences between
quality of developed software and user’s expectations of what
it should perform.
Poor usability may affect the success of the software. If the
user finds that the system is difficult to understand and
operate, then ultimately it will lead to unsuccessful product.
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Usability Testing
The usability testing concentrates on the testing of user
interface design, such as look and feel of the user interface,
format of reports, screen layouts, hardware and user
interactions, etc.
Usability testing is performed by potential end-users in a
controlled environment.
The development organization calls selected end-users to
test the product in terms of ease of use, functionality as
expected, performance, safety and security; and the
Regression Testing
Regression testing is also known as program revalidation.
Regression testing is performed whenever new functionality
is added or the existing functionality is modified in the
If the existing system is working correctly, then new system
should work correctly after making changes because the code
may have been changed.
It is required when the new version of a program is obtained
by changing the existing version.
Regression testing is also needed when a subsystem is
modified to get the new version of the system.
Smoke Testing
Smoke testing is also sometimes known as sanity testing.
In smoke testing, software module is tested to verify “build”
activity in an informal and non-exhaustive manner.
It is done to check that major functionalities of the system are
working properly before performing detailed black-box and
white-box testing.
It should be able to expose errors in the system. The concept
of smoke testing is taken from the hardware devices in which a
new hardware device is attached to the system first time and it
is assumed to be successful if it does not start smoking.
Debugging is a post-testing mechanism of locating and fixing errors.
A successful test case aims to prove that the program is incorrect.
Such kind of behavior of the program is observed by symptoms or
known errors.
Once errors are reported by testing methods, these are isolated and
removed during debugging. Debugging has two important steps:
Identifying the location and nature of errors.
Correcting or fixing errors.
The identification of location and nature of an error is an important
task in debugging.
The error correction is done after errors have been identified. There
are various methods of finding and correcting errors in a program.
Debugging Approaches
The most popular debugging approaches are as follows:
Brute force
Debugging by induction
Debugging by deduction
Debugging by testing
Brute force
It is the simplest method of debugging but it is inefficient.
It uses memory dumps or output statements for debugging.
The memory dump is a machine level representation of the
corresponding variables and statements.
It represents the static structure of the program at a
particular snapshot of execution sequence.
The memory dump rarely establishes correspondence to
show errors at a particular time.
Also, one should have good understanding of dynamics of
the program.
Therefore, instead of using brute force for debugging, a
debugger should be used for better results.
Backtracking is the refinement of brute force method and it is
one of the successful methods of debugging.
Debugging begins from where the bug is discovered and the
source code is traced out backward though different paths until
the exact location of the cause of bug is reached or the cause of
bug has disappeared.
This process is performed with the program logic in reverse
direction of the flow of control.
This method is effective for small size problems.
Backtracking should be used when all other methods of
debugging are not able to locate errors. The reason is the effort
spent in backtracking if there is no error exists in the source
Breakpoint debugging is a method of tracing programs with a breakpoint and
stopping the program execution at the breakpoint.
A breakpoint is a kind of signal that tells the debugger to temporarily suspend
execution of program at a certain point.
Each breakpoint is associated with a particular instruction of the program.
The program execution continues before the breakpoint statement. If any error
is reported, its location is marked and then the program execution resumes till
the next breakpoint.
This process is continued until all errors are located in the program.
Breakpoint is also performed with watch values.
A watch value is a value of a variable or expression, which is set and shown
along with the program execution.
The watch values change as the program executes.
The incorrect or unexpected values can be observed with the watch values.
Debugging by induction
It is based on pattern matching and a thought process on some
The process begins from collecting information about pertinent
data where the bug has discovered.
The patterns of successful test cases are observed and data
items are organized.
Thereafter, hypothesis is derived by relating the pattern and the
error to be debugged.
On successful hypothesis, the devised theory is proved the
occurrence of bugs.
Otherwise, more data are collected to derive causes of errors.
Finally, causes are removed and errors are fixed in the program.
Debugging by deduction
This is the kind of cause elimination method.
On the basis of cause hypothesis, lists of possible causes are
enumerated for the observed failure.
Now the tests are conducted to eliminate causes to remove
errors in the system.
If all the causes are eliminated then errors are fixed. Otherwise,
hypothesis is refined to eliminate errors.
Finally, hypothesis is proved to ensure that all causes have
been eliminated and the system is bug free.
Debugging by testing
It uses test cases to locate errors.
Test cases designed during testing are used in debugging to
collect information to locate the suspected errors.
Test case in testing focuses on covering many conditions
and statements, whereas test case in debugging focuses on
small number of conditions and statements.
Test cases of debugging are the refined test cases of testing.
Test cases during debugging concentrate on locating error
situations in a program.
Software testing is one of the important phases of software life
cycle that aims to make the program error-free and ensures the
product quality.
The cost of testing is generally higher than the cost of remaining
activities in the software development life cycle.
There are two types of test cases design strategies, i.e., black-
box and white-box testing.
Testing is performed at various level, i.e., unit testing,
integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.
System testing is performed to check whether the system
satisfies the requirements (both functional and non-functional).