Lecture Five - Paris
Lecture Five - Paris
Lecture Five - Paris
–Baron George Eugene
PARIS Hausmannbecame prefect of
• Background
Seine in 1853. Emperor
–Mid 19thCen. central Paris
overcrowded, dark, dangerous, Napoleon III showed him the
unhealthy, poor traffic circulation, map of Paris and instructed
armed uprisings; Haussmann to aérer, unifier, et
• –In 1833, prefect of the Seine
constructed new sewers, though
embellir Paris: to give it air and
still emptied into the Seine, and open space, to connect and
better water supply system. unify the different parts of the
Constructed 180 kms of sidewalks, a
new street.
city into one whole, and to
• –Wanted more but budget and make it more beautiful.
powers were limited. No power to –Hausmann[1809-1891] was a
easily expropriate property to build French civic planner who is
new streets; first law which
required minimum health standards associated with the rebuilding
for Paris residential buildings passed of Paris.
in 1850.
• –Hausmannstarted with the
grand croiséede Paris, a
great cross in the centre of
Paris for easier E-W
movement along the rue de
Rivoliand rue Saint-Antoine,
and N-S along two new
• –Completion of Rue de
Rivolitop priority -Emperor
wanted it finished before
opening of the Paris
Universal Exposition of
Duede Rivoli, 1855: 1stBoulevard by
• –Under the Emperor,
Haussmann had greater
power than predecessors.
1851 French Senate had
simplified the laws on
expropriation, giving him
authority to expropriate all
the land on either side of a
new street;
• –Pereire brothers organised
a company to raise money
to finance construction of Boulevards& Streets by Napoleon III &
Haussmann in red. Also built smaller parks &
streets, in exchange for squares
rights to develop real estate
along route = model for
development of all
Haussmann's future
• -Haussmann begins
work with the
Croiséede Paris (1853–
59);-2ndphase -a
network of new
boulevards (1859–
• –Annexation of 1860-
Paris is enlarged to its
modern boundaries
(annexed suburbs);
• –3rdphase –with
The Îlede la Cité transformed by Haussmann: mounting criticism
new transverse streets (red), public spaces
(light blue) and buildings (dark blue).
• Haussmann was indicted for mishandling public
funds in 1867. Moreover, Haussmann was blamed
– the social disruption caused by his gigantic building
projects. 1000s of families/businesses had to relocate
when buildings were demolished for construction of
– dramatic increase in rents during while wages (except
of construction workers) remained flat;
– Speculation in the real estate market.
– Reducing housing available for low income families,
forcing low-income Parisians to move from the centre
to the outer neighbourhoods of the city, where rents
were lower.
• –Pierre L'Enfant [1754-1852]
French architect & engineer
responsible for the design of
Washington, D.C.
• –City plan based on Baroque or
“Grand Manner” principles
employed in the palace and
garden of Versailles.
• –Through the use of long
avenues joined at key points
marked by important buildings
or monuments, the U.S. capital
city is a symbolic representation
of power radiating from a
central source.
• –Est. 1733
• –Historic Preservation;
Old & New.
• –Original town plan by
J. Oglethorpe; GA
debtor colony;
• –(Military) Grid Pattern;
public park-like squares
River Street: commercial & residential; historic & modern; walk-ability &