•Concrete is the most significant building material and its use has been
growing day by day in the entire world.
•Concrete is brittle by nature and possess very low tensile strength and
therefore fibres are used in one form or another to increase its tensile
strength and decrease the brittle behaviour.
Introduction( conti…….)
•Structural concretes are classified according to their
reinforcement material.
The purpose of this investigation is to increase the compressive
strength, flexural strength and split-tensile strength properties of
concrete reinforced using shot descrete fibres.
AR Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
•AR Glass fibre reinforced concrete (ARGFRC) is a cementitous
composite product reinforced with discrete glass fibres of
varying length and size.
•GFRC is stiff in fresh state and have lower slump so it’s less
workable, to overcome this problem water reducing admixtures
are utilized.
•Lighter weight: With GFRC, concrete can be cast in thinner
sections and is therefore as much as 75% lighter than similar
pieces cast with traditional concrete. A GFRC manufactured rock
will measure a little portion of what a genuine rock of comparable
extents would measure, taking into account lighter establishments
The main area of FRC applications are as follows
2. Design & Properties Of Material
Mix Design
Mix Design (Cont…)
According to IS 10262-2009, the mix proportioning for concrete of M20 as shown in table
Properties of materials
Concrete and steel reinforcement
• The steel used is TMT 500 grade. The avg value for
yield and tensile strengths of the bars were 496.74
n/mm and 657.87n/mm
Materials And Methods
Portland cement (PC) - 43 grade ACC cement used in this work.
Standard consistency, initial setting time, final setting time, 28-day
compressive strength tests were carried out as per the Indian
standard specifications.
Clean river sand passing through 4.75 mm sieve was used as fine
aggregates. The grading zone of sand was zone 3 and as per IS
Coarse Aggregate
Angular stones were used as coarse aggregates maximum size
20mm and specific gravity of 2.72
Materials And Methods(Cont…)
Concrete was mixed and cured with help of tap water or ordinary
Glass fibers
Glass fiber also known as fiberglass is made from extremely fine
fibres of glass. It is a light weight, extremely strong and a robust
material. Glass fibres are relatively less stiff and made
from relatively less expensive material as compared to carbon
fibres It is less brittle and also has lower strength than carbon
Materials And Methods(Cont…)
Casting Of Tiles
The tiles were prepared as per the guidelines of IS 1237:2012.
The size chosen was one of the standard sizes mentioned in the
code, The size was 400mm*40.0mm*20mm.
The tiles were single layered and outmost care was taken to
prepare them so that thickest and thinnest tile in the sample when
compared did not exceed 10% of the minimum thickness.
Materials And Methods(Cont…)
The mix was prepared by machine and then the mix prepared was
poured in the moulds one at a time and then first they were hand
compacted after that vibrated on the vibrator table
The cubes were tested at the age of 7days and 28 days and the
variation was noted
Experimental set up ( Cont…)
Fibre content was varied from 0% to 0.3% when the nominal
maximum size of aggregates was 20mm and no admixture was
In order to calculate the flexural strength as per IS 456:
Split Tensile Strength
Concrete may be subjected to tension in very rare cases and is
never designed to resist direct tension.