Ch13 Multiple Regres
Ch13 Multiple Regres
Ch13 Multiple Regres
Adding more variables to the simple linear regression model leads us to the
discussion of multiple regression models i.e. models in which the dependent
variable (or regressand) depends on two or more explanatory variables, or
Yi β 0 β1X1i β 2 X 2i β k X ki ε i
ˆ b b X b X b X
Yi 0 1 1i 2 2i k ki
In this chapter we will use Excel to obtain the regression
slope coefficients and other regression summary measures.
ope X2
varia ble X 2
pe fo r
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd. Chapter 13, Slide 11
Example: 2 Independent Variables
R Square 0.52148
Adjusted R Square 0.44172
Standard Error 47.46341 Sales 306.526 - 24.975(Price) 74.131(Advertising)
Observations 15
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 29460.027 14730.013 6.53861 0.01201
Residual 12 27033.306 2252.776
Total 14 56493.333
Check the
“confidence and
prediction interval
estimates” box
Input values
Predicted Y value
Confidence interval for the
mean value of Y, given
these X values
In simple linear regression, the higher the R 2 means the better the model is determined
by the explanatory variable in the model.
In multiple linear regression, however, every time we insert additional explanatory
variable in the model, the R 2 increases irrespective of the improvement in the goodness-
of- fit of the model. That means high R 2 may not imply that the model is good.
Thus, we adjust the R 2 as follows:
In multiple linear regression, therefore, we better interpret the adjusted R 2 than the ordinary
or the unadjusted R 2 .
It measures the proportion of variation explained by only
those independent variables that really help in explaining
the dependent variable.
It penalizes the addition of independent variable that do not
help in predicting the dependent variable.
The Coefficient of Multiple
Determination, r2
Regression Statistics
2 SSR 29460.0
Multiple R 0.72213
r .52148
R Square 0.52148 SST 56493.3
Adjusted R Square 0.44172
52.1% of the variation in pie sales
Standard Error 47.46341
is explained by the variation in
Observations 15
price and advertising
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 29460.027 14730.013 6.53861 0.01201
Residual 12 27033.306 2252.776
Total 14 56493.333
What is the net effect of adding a new variable?
We lose a degree of freedom when a new X
variable is added
Did the new X variable add enough
2 2 n 1
radj 1 (1 r )
n k 1
(where n = sample size, k = number of independent variables)
For example:
t –test or
Z -test
Testing the overall significance of the model means testing the null
hypothesis that none of the explanatory variables in the model
significantly determine the changes in the dependent variable.
Or it means testing the null hypothesis that none of the explanatory
variables significantly explain the dependent variable in the model.
H 0 : 1 2 0
H 1 : i 0, at least for one i.
The test statistic for this test is given by:
yˆ 2
Fcal k 1
But to test such joint hypothesis, it is impossible to use t-test, Z-test
and SE-test
However, this joint hypothesis can be tested by the analysis of
variance (ANOVA) technique.
Total SST y 2 n 1
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.72213
MSR 14730.0
R Square 0.52148
FSTAT 6.5386
Adjusted R Square 0.44172 MSE 2252.8
Standard Error 47.46341
With 2 and 12 degrees P-value for
Observations 15 of freedom the F Test
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 29460.027 14730.013 6.53861 0.01201
Residual 12 27033.306 2252.776
Total 14 56493.333
ei = (Yi – Yi)
The errors are normally distributed
Test Statistic:
bj 0
t STAT (df = n – k – 1)
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.72213
t Stat for Price is tSTAT = -2.306, with
R Square 0.52148 p-value .0398
Adjusted R Square 0.44172
Standard Error 47.46341 t Stat for Advertising is tSTAT = 2.855,
Observations 15 with p-value .0145
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 29460.027 14730.013 6.53861 0.01201
Residual 12 27033.306 2252.776
Total 14 56493.333
b j tα / 2 Sb where t has
(n – k – 1) d.f.