Injectable Anesthetics PPTX
Injectable Anesthetics PPTX
Injectable Anesthetics PPTX
Anesthetic Techniques
• No injectable anesthetic produces all of the components of
general anesthesia without depressing some vital organ
• Combinations of drugs are necessary to provide surgical
anesthesia without depressing vital functions
• The available drugs have rather selective actions within the
• IV anesthetics generally provide only the mental depression of
the anesthetic state (other than ketamine)
• Additional analgesics;
• inhaled anesthetics, and/or muscle relaxants - provide and
maintain all of the components of general anesthesia
• Injectable drugs are used to induce an unconscious state or are
administered by repeated injection and infusion to maintain the
mental depression necessary for anesthesia
• Neurosteroids
• Chloral Hydrate
• Chloralose
• Urethan
• Magnesium Sulfate
• Metomidate
• Etomidate
• Propofol
• Chloral hydrate alone and in combination with magnesium sulfate and
pentobarbital sodium has been used for induction and maintenance of
anesthesia in large domestic animals (i.e., horses and cows).
• Many drugs used to depress the CNS and immobilize laboratory animals
do not find application in routine small animal clinical use.
• Among them are chloral hydrate, chloralose, urethan, metomidate, and
magnesium sulfate.
• Newer drugs, such as etomidate and propofol, have been developed to
provide short periods of unconsciousness from which recovery is rapid.
• These hypnotic drugs are most effective when given in combination
with preanesthetics and analgesics to achieve anesthesia and
• Propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) is unrelated to barbiturates, euganols, or
steroid anesthetics.
• It is only slightly soluble in water and is marketed as an aqueous
emulsion containing
• 10 mg of propofol,
• 100 mg of soybean oil,
• 22.5 mg of glycerol, and
• 12mg of egg lecithin/mL.
• Sodium hydroxide is added to adjust the pH. It is available in sterile glass
ampules and contains no preservatives.
• Propofol emulsion can support microbial growth and endotoxin
• Propofol induces depression by enhancing the effects of the
inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA and decreasing the brain’s
metabolic activity.
• Decreases intracranial and cerebral perfusion pressures.
• It transiently depresses arterial pressure and myocardial
contractility similar to the ultra-short-acting thiobarbiturates.
• Hypotension is primarily the result of arterial and venous
• Enhances the arrhythmogenic effects of epinephrine
Alternative Methods of Anesthesia and
• Hypothermia
• Electronarcosis and Immobilization
• Acupuncture
• Physiological Hypnosis
• As the body temperature of warm-blooded animals falls, their
metabolism is reduced, and therefore the need for oxygen is
• Oxygen uptake in dogs is reduced by approximately 50% at
30°C and 65% at 25°C
• The heart, brain, liver, or other vital organs can survive at a low
temperature for a considerably increased period when deprived
of all or a portion of their blood supply.
• Hypothermia may be artificially produced in the entire body or in
only a portion, such as the heart or head
• Three methods of whole-body cooling have been used: surface, body cavity, and
• Surface cooling is usually accomplished by directly immersing the unprotected
body in ice water or by placing the body on a mattress through which ice water is
circulated. Hyperventilation is maintained throughout the procedure to keep the
blood pH on the alkaline side of normal. This has been shown to reduce cardiac
arrhythmias and fibrillation.
• Below 28°C (82.4°F), no anesthetic is needed, and the patient is maintained on
artificial ventilation alone.
• Active cooling is stopped when approximately two-thirds of the desired temperature
fall has been accomplished.
• Otherwise, the temperature continues to drop once the desired degree of
hypothermia has been reached.
• Body cavity cooling is accomplished by pouring cold saline
solution into the open thoracic cavity.
• This method has the disadvantage of being slow and requiring
large volumes of saline solution.
• Extracorporeal cooling can be accomplished by running blood from a cannulated
artery through a heat exchanger using cold tap water as the cooling medium.
• A pump is required to force the blood through the system. Thrombosis is
prevented by administration of heparin.
• Extracorporeal cooling has been used to lower the brain temperature below that of
the general body temperature, but carries with it the dangers of hemolysis,
interference with the blood coagulation mechanism, and thrombosis.
• The most obvious advantage is that it provides the best control over body
temperature, and rewarming can be performed quickly and efficiently by running
warm water through the heat exchanger
• Hypothermia has been used for surgery of the heart and great vessels,
brain, and spinal cord, and in some other surgical procedures.
• It also has been advocated in treatment of shock, stroke, and cerebral
and spinal contusion, and in prevention of brain damage following a
severe hypoxic episode. The chief factor limiting its use alone in heart
surgery is the danger of hypoxic brain damage.
• For this reason, older patients and those with cardiac defects requiring
extensive repair should be managed with heart lung bypass.
• Hypothermia has also been used in dogs to remove heartworms and to
repair cardiac anomalies, but its use is not widespread.
• To produce hypothermia in dogs, a phenothiazine tranquilizer may be given IV
as a preanesthetic agent.
• A thiobarbiturate is injected for general anesthesia, following which an
endotracheal catheter is inserted and an inhalant anesthetic is used for
• A slow intravenous drip of Ringer’s lactate solution or 5% dextrose is started,
and a muscle relaxant is given in the drip tubing to abolish respirations.
• Controlled ventilation is then initiated. Unless a cooling mattress is available,
the animal is positioned in a sink, bathtub, or other container, with its head
above water.
• Electronic thermometer probes are placed in the esophagus at heart level and
in the rectum, and electrodes of an electrocardiograph are attached to the feet.
• From this point, constant monitoring of the electrocardiogram on
an oscilloscope is desirable, because cardiac fibrillation may
occur at any time during the cooling period and requires
immediate corrective measures.
• Ice water is used for rapid cooling. It should be constantly
agitated by hand or with a pump.
• The dog should be removed from the bath before the desired
body temperature is reached, because temperature will
continue to decline even after the dog’s removal from the water.
• Remove dog
• Rewarm
• If the operation is short, rewarming in a water bath may be
necessary, along with administration of atropine and
neostigmine to reverse the effects of the muscle relaxant.
Electronarcosis and Immobilization
• Electric stimulation of the brain can activate either opioid or
nonopioid pain-control pathways or both
• needle electrodes applied to the head.
• Direct, pulsating direct, and alternating current have been used
to produce electronarcosis
• Continuous electrode contact is important to maintain
electronarcosis anesthesia.
• Individual variation among animals requires that the current be
adjusted for each according to the response observed.
• This technique has been advocated for providing analgesia
during the operative and postoperative periods, to treat chronic
pain, and even to treat selected disease states.
• Charts for people and farm animals (horses, cattle, and pigs)
can be commonly found in the Oriental literature.
• Acupuncture points can be stimulated in many different ways,
including needling, injection of saline, electric stimulation, and
metal implantation.
• It has been shown that electroacupuncture minimally decreases
halothane MAC in dogs
• Three reasons why acupuncture should not be solely relied upon for surgical
1. lack of restraint,
2. inadequate analgesia, and
3. lack of adequate information on acupuncture points to be used for specific surgical
• These factors—along with the disadvantages of
• unfamiliarity, time-consuming methods of application, and inconsistent effects—have
made acupuncture an unreliable and nonviable method of producing general
• Acupuncture may be best used for treatment of chronic pain in animals.
• Treatment of laminitis and chronic back pain in horses has reportedly been effective.
Physiological Hypnosis
• Certain species of animals are highly susceptible to hypnosis
• (immobility reflex). These include arthropods, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, guinea pigs, and rabbits.
• This modality is seldom used in animal anesthesia because of a
lack of analgesia associated with the state of physiological
• Hypnosis should be viewed as a legitimate method of producing
immobilization, not anesthesia.
• Calm environment
• Gentle touch
• Soothing sounds
• Holding position
• Tonic State(immobility)