Kreditebee Noc
Kreditebee Noc
Kreditebee Noc
Rat da hardik Bhagvandas. Date 2004*2021
We writo m reference to your request to issue a no flues certificate with respect to credit faoMies availed by you We further refer
to the term loan ot the aggregate amount ot INR 11CXX) (Indian Rupees Eleven Thousand) bearing Loan Idenoiicabon Number
KB201217RFOIM availed by Ratda harrtk Bhagvandas. from Vtvrio Capital Private Lvnited (the -Lender*) through FINNOVATION
in relation io the Faotaty. we hereby certify chat we are in recent of ail pnnapai. rseresc and other payments due under the FaoMy
and tie same has been remitted to the Lender towards the Faotty We further confirm that there are no outstand ng payments due
and payable by you as on date n relation to the Faafcty
Please note that this certificate is beog issued pursuant to the request submcted by you to issue the no dues certificate and shal
not be construed as a financial undertaking ot or result n any commitment or liabiity on us. the Lender or its officers and
Please note that this no dues certificate a being issued lo you for and on behal al Vrvnti Capital Pnvato Limited
Yours Sincerely
Authorised Sanatory