Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
Week 1: Introduction
Why do we need to study the History of
Technology and Inventions?
The main object of this work is to provide students of
technology and applied science with some humane and
historical background for their studies.
This in turn will helped them to realize that the subjects of
their special training are parts of a very ancient process and
are rooted in many civilizations.
During this course will not treat recent history of applied science
and technology that are presently being studied, rather we will
provide a longer perspective of the ways in which complex
technical knowledge of our civilization came into being.
This subject tells the story how man started making
tools from stone axe to spacecraft, from cave
dwelling to computer.
is best known for the dinosaurs. This era also saw
the evolution of birds and the first mammals.
Cenozoic. extinction of giant reptiles
A large meteorite crashed
into the Gulf of Mexico 66
million years ago,
causing a massive
tsunami and a climate
disruption that killed up to
80% of the world's animal
and plant species, the
last of the dinosaurs
being the most
noticeable victims.
During this period, man’s basic task was gathering food and
hunting animals using tools made from natural rocks and stones,
which were used for making fire, killing animals and enemies.
Examples of stone age tools are flints which were used for cutting,
basalt and sandstone which were used for grinding.
Iron Age:
The Iron Age is a pre –history period
(Approximately 3500years ago 1. E. 1500 BC)
during which cutting tools and weapons were
mainly made of Iron or steel.
For the first time, humans were able to exploit
efficiently the temperature forests, villages
were fortified, warfare was conducted on
horseback and in horse-drawn chariots, and
alphabetic writing based on the Phoenician
script became widespread.
Lower Paleolithic