CNS Neurotransmitter
CNS Neurotransmitter
CNS Neurotransmitter
in CNS
Discovery of neurotransmitters
Synaptic plasticity
Pain Perception
Long term
Glutamate receptors
Ionotropic (fast): Na+ in
◦ AMPA: fast excitatory signals
◦ Kainate: fast excitatory, autoreceptor (↑ GLT
Ionotropic (slow): Na+, Ca2+ in
◦ NMDA: sustained, high-frequency excitatory
◦ Activated by repeated excitatory stimulation:
Metabotropic (slow): K+ out; Ca2+ in
Main sites of drug action on NMDA and
GABAA receptor
NMDA receptors
Highly permeable to Ca2+, as well as to
other cations Na+
Activation of NMDA receptors
Ca2+ entry.
Blocked by Mg2+
Activation requires glycine & glutamate
Selective NMDA blocking agents
◦ Ketamine & Phencyclidine (PCP-angel dust)
both dissociative anaesthetic
NMDA receptor antagonist.
Competitive antagonists
Selfotel: anxiolytic
Uncompetitive channel blockers
Amantadine: Parkinson's disease
Memantine: Alzheimer's disease
Xenon: an anaesthetic.
Eliprodil: an anticonvulsant with
neuroprotective drug.
Non-competitive antagonists
GABA functions as an inhibitory
transmitter in many different CNS
About 20% of CNS neurons are
GABAergic; most are short interneurons,
but long GABAergic tracts run to the
cerebellum and striatum.
GABA serves as a transmitter at about
30% of all the synapses in the CNS.
GABA Receptors
◦ Noradrenaline (Norepineprine)
◦ Dopamine
◦ 5 HT (Serotonin)
◦ Acetylcholine
◦ Histamine
Noradrenaline Synthesis
The basic processes responsible for the
synthesis, storage, release and reuptake of
noradrenaline are the same in the brain as in
the periphery and the same types of
adrenoceptor are also found in pre- and
postsynaptic locations in the brain.
Noradrenaline Function
The actions of noradrenaline are mainly
inhibitory (β-receptors), but some are
excitatory (α- or β-receptors).
Noradrenergic transmission functions in
◦ the 'arousal' system, controlling wakefulness
and alertness
◦ blood pressure regulation
◦ control of mood (functional deficiency
contributing to depression).
Noradrenaline excess
NA Sympathetic nervous system of brain
ADD with comorbid anxiety
Anxiety – PTSD
Panic attacks
Sleep disturbances
Mediating survival mechanisms
What cofactors
that drive
Dopamine to
Copper & Noradrenaline?
Ascorbic Acid
Noradrenaline Pathway
The cell bodies of noradrenergic neurons
occur in small clusters in the pons and
medulla, and they send extensively
branching axons to many other parts of the
brain and spinal cord
The most prominent cluster is the locus
coeruleus (LC), located in the pons.
◦ descending control of pain pathways
Noradrenergic Drugs
Psychotropic drugs that act partly or
mainly on noradrenergic transmission in the
CNS include
◦ Antidepressants
◦ Cocaine
◦ Amphetamine.
◦ Antihypertensive drugs – clonidine &
Dopamine & Brain Function
The brain is designed to orientate itself to
experience of high emotional valence
Emotional significance
Pain and pleasure
Cerebral microcirculation
Dopamine Significance
Dopamine is particularly important in
relation to neuropharmacology;
◦ Parkinson's disease
◦ Schizophrenia – hyperdopaminergic state
◦ Attention deficit disorder
◦ Substance abuse
◦ Endocrine disorders
◦ Fatigue, concentration difficulty, low
motivation (anhedonia)
Dopamine Synthesis
neurons lack
dopamine β-
hydroxylase, and
thus do not
needs iron as
Dopamine Metabolism
Dopamine Distribution
Distribution of dopamine in the brain is
more restricted than that of noradrenaline
Except precursor is
Tryptophan not Tyrosine
Availability of
tryptophan is the main
factor regulating
5-Hydroxytryptamine pathways
Serotonin Pathways
5-HT neurons are concentrated in the
midline raphe nuclei in the pons and
◦ Projecting diffusely to the cortex
◦ Limbic system
◦ Hypothalamus
◦ Spinal cord