Level of Prevention
Level of Prevention
Level of Prevention
Subject-Nursing Foundation
Topic- level of prevention.
Venue- B.Sc. Nursing 1st Semester Class Room
-Presented By-
1.)Health promotion
2.)Specific protection
1.)Health Promotion
It is the process of enabling people to
increase control over the determinants of
health and thereby improve their health.
Health promotion is directed towards
strengthening the host. Main aims of
health promotion is to enable people to
increase control over health & to improve
the over all health.
The aim can be achieved by the following
intervention: health education, environmental
modification, behavioral changes, life style
change, nutritional intervention etc..
Health education to improve healthy habits and
health consciousness in the community.
Improvement in nutritional standards
of the community. Healthful physical
environment (housing, water supply,
excreta disposal etc. Good working
condition periodic selective
examination of risk population.
2).Specific protection
Selectivemass treatment
Total mass treatment
The type of approach used depends upon nature
of disease & incidence of disease.
4.Tertiary prevention
It is used when the disease process has advanced
beyond its early stages. It is defined as “all the
measures available to reduce or limit
impairments and disabilities, and to promote the
patients' adjustment to irremediable conditions.
"Intervention that should be
accomplished in the stage of tertiary
prevention are-
Disability limitation
1) Disability limitation
Diseases are often known to be medical
conditions that are associated with specific
symptoms and signs. Any loss or abnormality of
physiological, psychological, or anatomical
structure or function. Any restriction or lack of
ability to perform an ability in normal range of
human being. Permanent disability or
impairment of an individual.