Seismic Waves and Trianguation Method
Seismic Waves and Trianguation Method
Seismic Waves and Trianguation Method
Seismic waves are the waves of
energy caused by the sudden
breaking of rock within the earth or
an explosion. They are the energy
that travels through the earth and
is recorded on seismographs.
Types of Seismic waves
Types of Seismic waves
Body Waves
(compression wave)
P wave or primary wave is the fastest kind
of seismic wave.
It travels faster than S waves, it reaches
the detector first that is why it is called
primary wave.
P wave can move through solid rock and
fluids, like water or the liquid layers of the
It forces the ground to move backward and
forward as they compressed and expanded
Body Waves
(transverse wave)
S wave or secondary wave is the second
wave you feel in an earthquake.
it move as shear or transverse waves and
forces the ground to sway from side to
side, in rolling motion that shakes the
ground back and forth perpendicular to
the direction of the wave.
S wave can only move through solid
Surface Waves
Love Waves
Lovewave was named after A.E.H. Love, a British mathematician who
worked out the mathematical model for this kind of wave in 1911.
the fastest surface wave and moves the ground in a side-to-side
horizontal motion like that of a snake causing the ground to twist.
it causes the most damage to structures during an earthquake.
Surface Waves
Rayleigh Waves
wave was named after John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, who
mathematically predicted the existence of this kind of wave in 1885.
Rayleighwave rolls along the ground just like a wave rolls across a lake or an
ocean. since it rolls, it moves the ground up and down, and side-to-side in the
same direction that the wave is moving.
Mostof the shaking felt from an earthquake is due to the Rayleigh wave, which
can be much larger than the other waves.
“There are no P-
waves or S-waves
received in the P-
wave shadow zone
because P-waves
are refracted and
S-waves are
absorbed by earth's
outer core”.
Andrija Mohorovicic- a Yugoslavian
seismologist who found out that the velocity of
seismic waves changes and increases at a distance
of 50 km below the earth's surface. this led to the
idea that there is a difference in density between
the crust and the mantle.
the boundary between the crust and the mantle is
called Mohorovicic discontinuity or Moho.
Beno Guttenberg- a German seismologist proves
the existence of a shadow zone could only be
explained if the earth contained a core composed of
a different material than that of the mantle causing
the bending of the P-waves
Guttenberg discontinuity- the boundary
between the mantle and the core.
Inge Lehmann- a Danish seismologist who
predicted the innermost layer of the earth. He
discovered a new region of seismic reflection within
the core. so the earth has a core within a core.
The size of the earth's inner core was accurately
calculated through nuclear underground test
conducted in Nevada. Echoes from seismic waves
provided accurate data in determining its size.
Crust - 40 km
Mantle - 2900 km
Outer core - 2200 km
Inner core - 1278 km
RED lines shows the PLATE Boundaries
What is Triangulation Method?
Triangulation method is used by scientist to find the
epicenter of an earthquake.
In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you need to
determine the time interval between the arrival of the P and S
waves on the seismograms from at least 3 different stations. You
have to measure the interval in the closest second and then use a
graph to convert the S-P interval to the epicentral distance.
Once you have your epicentral distance, you can draw circles to
represent each distance on the map. The radius of each circle
corresponds to the epicentral distance from each seismic recording
station. Once you have drawn all 3 circles and located the point
where all 3 intersect. You have successfully located (triangulated)
the epicenter of the earthquake.
The diagram shows triangulation method, based
from the diagram below where is the epicenter of
an earthquake?
The epicenter of
an earthquake is
the point where
the three circles