15 Urine Test Collection Female
15 Urine Test Collection Female
15 Urine Test Collection Female
I. Introduction.
II. Equipment.
III. Preparation of Equipment.
IV. Implementation.
V. Completing the procedure.
VI. Special Considerations.
VII. Complications.
VIII. Documentation
IX. References.
• Collecting a urine specimen for laboratory analysis enables screening for
urinary tract infection (UTI) and renal disorders, evaluation of treatment, and
detection of systemic and metabolic disorders.
• A first-voided morning urine specimen is best for culture and sensitivity
testing, if possible to obtain.
• Inspect all equipment and supplies. If a product is expired, is defective, or has compromised
integrity, remove it from patient use, label it as expired or defective, and report the expiration or
defect as directed by your facility.
Using scissors, create a 2" (5-cm) slit in a disposable diaper, cutting from the center point toward one of
the shorter edges.
•Place a fluid-impermeable pad under the child.
•Pour sterile water into a sterile bowl.
•Open several packages of sterile 4" × 4" (10-cm × 10-cm) gauze pads.
•Perform hand hygiene.
• Put on sterile gloves.
•Separate the child's labia.
•Using the sterile 4" × 4" (10-cm × 10-cm) gauze pads, wipe the child's perineal area with antiseptic skin
cleaner or mild soap and water, working from the urinary meatus outward to prevent contamination of the
urine specimen. Wipe only once with each gauze pad before discarding it.
Rinse the child's perineal area thoroughly with sterile water, and dry it with a sterile 4" × 4" (10-cm ×
10-cm) gauze pad. Ensure that the child's skin is completely dry before attaching the sterile pediatric
urine collection bag to ensure a secure fit. Don't use powders, lotions, or creams on the child's skin
because these substances may counteract the adhesive on the flaps used to secure the collection bag.
•Place the child in the frog-leg position with her legs separated and knees flexed. If necessary, instruct
the child's parents or guardians to hold her while you attach the urine collection bag. Encourage the
parents or guardians to distract the child by reading or providing a toy during the procedure.
•Remove the protective coverings from the urine collection bag's adhesive flaps.
•Attach the urine collection bag following these steps: •Separate the child's labia.
•Press the urine collection bag's lower rim gently to the child's perineum.
•Working upward toward the child's pubis, attach the rest of the adhesive rim inside her labia majora.
•If getting the urine collection bag to adhere to the child's skin is difficult, apply a skin preparation
product to her perineal area according to the manufacturer's instructions so that the collection bag
will adhere better and you won't have to reattach it during the urine collection period. Allow the
skin preparation product to dry.
•After you've attached the urine collection bag, pull it gently through the slit in the diaper to
prevent the diaper from compressing the collection bag and enable observation of the urine
specimen immediately after the child has voided. Fasten the diaper on the child.
•Remove and discard your gloves.
•Return the bed to the lowest position to prevent falls and maintain the child's safety.23
•Perform hand hygiene.
• Adhesive from the flaps used to secure the urine collection bag may cause skin excoriation.
Improper technique may cause contamination of the specimen and affect the validity of the
• Lippincott