Death and Dying 2018
Death and Dying 2018
Death and Dying 2018
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the lecture you should have some
understanding of:
1. Permanence
2. Inevitability
3. Cessation
4. Applicability
5. Causation
Children’s understanding of
death – Maria Nagy (1948)
Wanted to understand children’s comprehension of death
N=378. Aged 3-10 years
1. Written compositions – used with 7-10 year olds. Asked them
to write about ‘everything that comes into your minds about
death’. Had 1 hour to do this and were not allowed to ask
2. Drawings – used with 6-10 year olds. Children began to make
drawings of death of their own accord after the written
composition task.
3. Discussions – used with all year groups. Used varying method
with 3-6 and 7-10 year olds.
Maria Nagy (1948) – first
First stage (3-5 years) – there is no definitive death
Early adulthood:
Adolescence: Unique Middle/late
invulnerability adulthood:
but are still
conception of Changes in roles
realistic about
death and relationships
Death Education
Many people have argued for education around death and dying to
help young people to remove the taboo
Defence mechanism?
◦ Allows acceptance at one’s own pace
• Altruism
– Wanting extra time to make
things easier for loved ones
(Komp, 1996)
(O’Brien, 2016: 187)
Depression – what difference
does it make anyway?
Depression about the end of life and the process of
Phases of depression:
◦ Reactive: Sadness based on what has already been,
or things that have ended
◦ Preparatory: Sadness over future losses
State of “peace”
Methodological problems:
• How often did she speak to participants?
• How long a period was the assessment??
• How old were the patients?
• Type of diagnosis?
Evaluation of Kubler-Ross’
(Boyd and Bee, 2015:477)
Responses to impending
(Boyd and Bee, 2015:477)
Moving between dealing with the two types of can distract and
give the bereaved a ‘break’
Ghana's funeral dancers
To summarise
1. There are different ways to describe death and
which definition you use may depend on the
purpose of the definition
2. Kubler-Ross’ stage theory of death and dying
has been very influential but there are
limitations to the theory
3. Bereavement is a complex process which needs
to be considered in the context of individual and
cultural differences
Examples of exam questions
Discuss how Kubler-Ross’ model helps
us to understand dying and