Diarrhoea Presentation
Diarrhoea Presentation
Diarrhoea Presentation
Roll no- 49, 123
(Batch 2016)
Case description
• I am presenting a case of Nandu , 2 year old,male ,Hindu by religion, resident of Nand
Nagri, Delhi. The informant is his mother and the history seems to be reliable. The child
is brought to GTB hospital paediatrics emergency on 1 st September 2020.
Chief complaint
• Since 1 day
• Decreased intake including water
• Lethargic
No history of
• Fever
• Runny nose/ear discharge
• Cough/fast breathing
• Crying while passing urine
• Drug intake
• Consumption of food from outside
• Child was born to 26 year old second para mother at term by vaginal delivery in GTB
• Antenatal period was supervised ;mother had taken IFA supplementation for a duration of
6 months, received TT injection.
• Baby cried immediately at birth and weighed 2.6 kg.
• Immediate postnatal and neonatal period were uneventful; no NICU stay
• Breast feeding was started within 2 hours of delivery
Developmental milestones
• Child belongs to a nuclear family with 4 living members residing in a 2 room pukka
house in Nand Nagri with separate kitchen and bathroom.
• Inadequate ventilation
• Water supply from Delhi Jal Board, water boiled and stored in lid covered containers.
• Father educated upto 10th class is an unskilled worker(farmer) and earns 10,000 per
• Mother is educated upto 10th class and homemaker
• Family belongs to Upper lower SES (score=9, class=IV) by Modified Kuppuswamy
Scale.(add scale)
Family history
Pallor is present
Icterus: absent
Cyanosis: absent
Clubbing: absent
Lymph nodes: no significant lymphadenopathy seen
Edema: absent
Head: normal in shape and size, fontanelles closed, normal hair, no frontal bossing
Face: normal symmetry,
Eyes: sunken, no ulceration or bitots spots
Mouth and oral cavity: no glossitis, cheilosis, no bleeding gums, dental caries,
dry mucous membranes
Chest and abdomen: no obvious deformity
Skin: normal
Limbs: BCG scar on left shoulder
Inspection: symmetrical, non distended, no scar marks, umbilicus inverted and in
normal position, all quadrants moving equally with respiration, genitalia normal
Superficial – no local rise in temperature, no guarding/rigidity, hernial sites free
Deep - Liver is just palpable, Spleen is not palpable,
Percussion: Tympanic, no dullnes
Auscultation: bowel sounds heard
Normal tone, power >3/5
DTR 2+
No neck rigidity
Apex beat is present in the fourth intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 are heard.
No murmurs
Respiratory system:
Bilaterally equal air entry, normovesicular breath sounds heard
No adventitious sounds
Nandu, a 2-year-old boy presented to the pediatric casualty with complaints of diarrhea for
past 5 days, vomiting for past 2 days, decreased feeding for 1 day.
On examination, the child was lethargic with oral mucosa dry, skin pinch delayed. Other
systemic examinations were normal. Capillary refill time was 3 sec.
Pre illness calorie intake was 672 kcal and protein intake 13.3 gram per day, with a deficit of
37% and 21% respectively. The child is moderately underweight.
A diagnosis of ‘Acute gastroenteritis with severe dehydration with moderate acute
malnutrition is made’ is made.