FCL2 - 2the Sacred Scripture
FCL2 - 2the Sacred Scripture
FCL2 - 2the Sacred Scripture
• Describe the role of Scripture in
God’s revelation.
• Explain the functions of Sacred
Scripture in DR.
• Develop conviction in faith
through Sacred Scripture.
Scriptural Foundation
“All scripture is inspired by God and is
useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error,
correcting faults, and giving instruction for
right living, so that the person who serves
God may be fully qualified and equipped to
do every kind of good deed.”
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
• Interpreted as something
“connected with God or dedicated
to a religious purpose and so
deserving veneration.”
• Secular point of view: it means “too
valuable to interfere with”
• Sacred rites: Holy Mass
• The site of Eleusis is sacred to
• Cows in Hindu are sacred
• Sacred writings of Christianity
contained in the Bible
• Bible – (Gk) Books
• First passed on through oral
tradition before it was put in
written form
• Originally written in Hebrew and then
translated to Greek around the 2nd and 3rd
centuries BC
• Composed in Greek during the 2nd half of the
first century AD
“Sacred Scripture”
• The inspired record of how
God dealt with His people and
how they responded to,
remembered and interpreted
that experience.
Biblical Inspiration
• It means that the sacred and
canonical books of the OT and NT,
whole and entire, were written
under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, so that, we can call God as
the ‘Author’ and the Bible as the
‘Word of God’.
Dei Verbum
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation