Field Crop
Field Crop
Field Crop
Chapter 1:
Definition of terms & importance of field crops
Crops - refers to plants sown and harvested by man for economic purpose.
Field crops - often referred to as agronomic crops which are grown on a large scale
for human consumption, livestock feed and as raw materials for industrial products.
Crop production-is a branch of agricultural science dealing with principle of crop
production and field management. It is a science of manipulating the cop
environment complex with dual aims of improving agricultural productivity and
gaining a degree of understanding of the process involved.
Crop production- is basically conversion of environmental inputs like solar energy,
carbon dioxide, water and soil nutrients into economic products in the form of
human or animal food or industrial materials.
Crop production: - is the practice/art/ of growing and harvesting of crops. Crop production is a complex
operation/process which consists of seed selection and preparation; site selection and clearing of
vegetation; seed bed preparation; sowing seeds; nutritional management (fertilizer and water);
controlling insect pest, diseases and weeds and harvesting.
Seed selection ?
Site selection ?
Clearing of vegetation ?
Sowing of seeds ?
Nutritional management ?
harvesting ?
During the twentieth century (1950–1990), grain yields of cereals (wheat, corn, and
rice) tripled worldwide. Wheat yields in India, for example, increased by nearly
400% from 1960 to 1985, and yields of rice in Indonesia and China more than
The vastly increased production resulted from high-yielding varieties, improved
irrigation facilities, and the use of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen.
For example when we compare the yields that obtained in our country from data
which was reported in 1999 and 2013, the variation in area under cultivation and
production in quintals is very small as compared to increment of yield of each
individual crop per hectares.
The results were very significant in Asia and Latin America, where the term green
revolution was used to describe the process.
Green revolution, defined as a commodity-centered increase in productivity, achieved by
changes in plant architecture, improved grain harvest index and photoperiod insensitivity,
resulted in the growth rate in food production exceeding the growth rate in population.
The green revolution was the product of alteration in plant architecture and physiological
properties through breeding in wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, and other crops.
The semi-dwarf plant stature contributed to providing adequate nutrition to the plant for
high productivity, without inducing lodging. It also increased the grain harvest index.
Similarly, photo insensitivity helped to match the crop cultivar two seasons with
appropriate moisture availability.
Natural factors such as rainfall, water supply, flood and pests are often
Farming experience
Existence of wide agro-ecological zone and its suitability for most crops
Bimodal rain fall and availability of irrigation water on certain area
Suitability of the lands for farm mechanization
Depending of most of Ethiopian population’s on the agriculture
Suitability of most of Ethiopian soils’ for crop production
Adaptation of most crops.
Annual crops - Crop plants that complete life cycle within a season or year. They produce seed
and die within the season. E.g. wheat, rice, maize, mustard.
Biennial crops - Plants that have life span of two consecutive seasons or years. First year/Season
these plants have purely vegetative growth usually confined to rosette of leaves. e.g., sugar beet,
beet root, cabbage, radish, carrot, etc.
Perennial crops - They live for three or more years. They may be seed bearing or non-seed
e.g., sugarcane, Napier grass. In general perennial crops occupy land for more than 30
Agronomic Classification
This type of classification of plants identifies a plant’s agricultural use.
is a business convention and not an attempt to classify plants in a precise scientific
This system of classification of plant species’ is on the basis of how a crop will be
A . Cereal
These groups belong to the grass family.
are grasses grown for their edible seeds.
They include wheat, rice, rye, sorghum, barley, oats and maize, which are the major
Cereals are among the world leading food and fed crops (high-energy food, easily
stored, easily transported because moisture content in seed at harvests usually 15%).
Grass family includes about 3/4 of the cultivated forage crops and all of cereals.
B. Legumes (pulses)
These belong to the family Leguminacea.
Pulses provide large amount of high quality protein.
Normally human body needs more than 20 different amino acids to build the various
proteins it needs for growth, development, and maintenance.
They include cowpeas, soybeans, groundnuts, field peas, beans, lentils and pigeon
E.g. Soybean meal is as much as 40% protein comparable to some sources of animal
protein and far less expensive but more efficient, to produce.
Groundnut also has high quality protein.
C. Fiber crops
Crops grown for fiber yield
E.g. Cotton, steam, jute, hemp, flax. Ramie, sisal, kenaf.
D. Oil crops
crop seeds rich in fatty acids, are used to extract vegetable oil to meet various
E.g. Groundnut, Mustard, Sunflower, Sesame, linseed etc. Castor beans are grown for
non-edible oil.
E. Sugar crops
These are Sugar cane (60% sugar come from this plant) and sugar beet (40%
sugar come from this plant).
J. Forage crops
These crops are grown as feed for ruminants.
They are fed to the animals either fresh or in dried form, such as hay and silage.
E.g. ginger, garlic, chili, cumin onion, coriander, cardamom, pepper, turmeric etc.
A. Cover crops
are those crop plants which are able to protect the soil surface from erosion.
If a crop serves as a cover crop and is then turned under, it becomes also a green-
manuring crop.
E.g. groundnut, black gram, marvel grass, sweet potato, rye and vetch.
Those crop which are grown to be plowed under or to be disked into the soil to
increase its productivity. As rule they are:
Legumes are more desirable than non-legumes
Fast growing crops
High biomass production
E.g. millet, beans, green gram, black gram, cowpea, onion, coriander and bajra.
D. Trap crops
are those crop plants grown to trap soil borne harmful parasitic weeds.
striga by sorghum
E. Companion crops
It is an intercropping system i.e. growing of two or more crops on the same field and in the same
nourishes the main crop by way of nitrogen fixation and or adding the organic matter into the soil.
F. Smother crop
Crops produce heavy foliage, which suppresses population and growth of weeds by
preventing air and radiation movement.
G. Mulch crops
These crops grown to conserve soil moisture from the ground by their thick and
multilayer foliage ( e.g., cowpea…)
H. Soiling crops: Those cut green and feed green directly from the field. e.g. Alfalfa -
grasses, maize, as succulent stage.
I. Alley crop: crops grown in alley formed by trees or shrubs to increase soil
productivity and reduce soil erosion.
1. Sexual: Plants that develop from a seed or spore after undergoing union of male and
female gametes
2. Asexual: Plants which reproduce by any vegetative means without the union of the
sexual gametes
A. Native: crops grown within the geographical limits of their origins (teff in Ethiopia).
B. Exotic or introduced: crops introduced from other countries (maize from America).
A. Irrigated crops: The crop cultivation primarily depends upon the irrigation water
for a part/entire growth period of the crop.
B. Rain fed crops: The crop cultivation entirely depends upon the rainfall received.
Crop varieties depend upon the rainfall pattern.
a) Hydrophytes (or aquatics) - require large amounts of water and may in fact grow
submerged in water. E.g. rice (among cultivated crops it is the only hydrophytes plants)
B. Tolerant to saline soils: Chillies, cucurbits, wheat, sorghum, bajra, cluster beans,
barley etc.
C. Tolerant to alkali soils: Barley, cotton, Bengal gram, berseem, sunflower, maize,
D. Tolerant to waterlogged soils: Wet rice, daincha, para grass, napier grass, guinea
grass, etc.
e. Crops tolerant to soil erosion: Marvel grass, groundnut, black gram, rice bean,
moth bean, and horse gram, etc.
a. Direct seeded crop: Where the seeds are sown directly. e.g. upland rice, wheat,
groundnut etc.
b. Planted crops: Where plant parts are planted directly. e.g., sugarcane, potato, sweet
potato, guinea grass.
c. Transplanted crops: Where seedlings are raised in the nursery, pulled out and
planted in the field. e.g. rice, tobacco, bellary onion.
c. Medium duration crops (100-125 days): wheat, jowar, bajra, groundnut, sesame,
jute, etc.
e. Very long duration crops (>150 days): sugarcane, red gram, castor, etc.
Scientific classification
Scientific classification gives binomial name for every organism.
The name composed of two names.
Scientific name is written in italics or underline.
No two organisms can have the same name throughout the world.
The botanical name is often followed by a letter or letters which stand for the
botanist who named that plant.
common name
Are not specific
differ from area to area
difficult to communicate across World
no rule to name
do not show any information about the species
Different plants may have the same common name.
May not exist for some plants
Easy to pronounce, Easy to remember, More pleasure to ear
More familiar to the people who give the name
1. Internal factors
High yielding ability
Early maturing
Resistant to lodging
Drought, flood & salinity tolerance
Tolerance to insect pests & diseases
Chemical composition of grain
These characters are less influenced by environmental factors.
A. Climate
B. Edaphic
c. Biotic
d. Physiographic
e. Socio-economic
A. Climatic Factors
Precipitation (water)
Precipitation includes all water which falls from atmosphere such as rainfall, snow,
hail, fog & dew.
The importance of water to the living plant can be summarized in general functions.
Water serves:
2. Water in the living cell is the universal solvent that allows critical chemical
reactions to occur.
3. Water is the solvent that carries essential nutrients through the plant.
loss of turgor: this affects cell expansion and cell size which resulting in decrease
growth rate, leaf expansion and stem elongation, finally crop yield.
Effect on water relation in plants: water deficit alters plant water status by its effect
on transpiration, absorption and translocation.
As a general
Rainfall is one of the most important factor influences the vegetation of a plant.
Amount of distribution of rainfall greatly affects the choice of a cultivated species in
a place.
Rainfall has major influence on yield of crops, yield are not always directly
proportional to the amount of precipitation as excess above optimal reduces yield.
Distribution of rainfall is more important than total rainfall.
Plants take up much water than they actually use the chemical reactions taking place
in them.
More than 95% of water that enters the roots moves up through the xylem and is
lost in the form of water vapor through transpiration as water vapor is given off
because of evaporation more water is absorbed from the soil.
Water loss by evaporation is not available for plant growth.
Temperature is a measure of intensity of heat energy.
The minimum, maximum and optimum temperature of individual plants is called
cardinal temperature.
The range of temperature for maximum growth of most of the agricultural plants is
between 15-400C.
Germination, growth and development of crops are highly influenced by
Adjusting planting date: certain crops required specific soil temperature for
germination. As a rule, maize should not be planted until the soil temperature reaches
130C, 170C for cotton, 180C for sorghum to avoid low temperature effect.
Selection of crop varieties. There are varietals differences in adapting low/high
Use of sprinkler irrigation: sprinkler application of irrigation water helps for physical
heat exchange.
Use of funs: stirring warmer air with lower air which increased by 1 -3 0C.
Use of heaters: used in small areas (orchards) by switching light to rise the
surrounding temperature.
Relative humidity
Water is present in the atmosphere in the form of invisible water vapor, known as
R.H is the ratio b/n the amount of moisture present in the air to the saturation capacity of
the air.
Relative humidity (RH) directly influences
When radiation is strong and temperature is high, low RH can restrict plant growth
Excessive RH retards the flow of water through the plant, thereby reducing the
supply of minerals and the transfer of hormones synthesized in the roots to its
various organs.
Solar energy provides two essential needs of plants.
Light (visible portion of radiation or PAR) is required for photosynthesis, seed
germination, leaf expansion, growth of stem and shoot, flowering and fruiting
(photo morphogenesis).
Light affect plant growth in the following ways;
1. Chlorophyll synthesis
2. Stomatal action
3. Rate of transpiration
Duration of light
Short day plants: These plants require a minimum critical period of sun
hours (less than 10 hrs) to initiate flowers and seed formation.
Long day plants: These plants require a maximum critical sun light
hour (>14 hrs) to initiate flowers and seed formation.
neutral plants: These types of plants do not affect by the duration of
light hours.
Wind influences agriculture and agricultural practices in various ways.
When wind is hot, it accelerates the desiccation of the crop by replacing the humid
air by dry air.
With increase in wind velocity, there is greater increase in cuticular transpiration
than stomatal transpiration.
Strong wind in association with rain causes lodging, particularly at flowering in
Provision of windbreaks in areas can minimize the adverse effects of wind speed.
Atmospheric gases
Global warming owing to emission of greenhouse gases has emerged as an
important issue in the last two decades. The six major gases responsible for global
warming are:
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Hydroflurocarbons (HFCs)
Perfluoro carbons (PFCs) and
Sulphurhexafluorides (SHFs)
B. Edaphic/Soil factors
The soil in which crops are grown can be defined as the upper weathered part of the
earth’s crust that support plant life.
Indeed, soil supports plant life in
It supplies moisture and essential nutrient.
It provides anchorage for the root of the plant- it is a medium flourishing plant
Physical Properties of Soil : texture and structure
Chemical Properties of Soil: Cation Exchange capacity (CEC), Soil PH??internet
Texture - the mineral part of a soil which composed of different proportions of soil
Soil structure: Soil structure is a field term descriptive of the gross, overall
aggregation, or arrangement of soil particles.
It influences water movement, heat transfer, aeration, bulk density and porosity
of the primary soil separates.
Infiltration rate of water is rapid in granulated soil.
Infiltration rate of water is moderate in blocky and prismatic.
Infiltration rate of water is slow in platy soil.
A soil is said to be of good structure when the air and water move through it at
desired rate (soil of its occupied by pore spaces).
Soil moisture
It is a universal solvent on which most chemical reactions takes place
85-95 % of the weight of living plant tissue is water
Water is a media through which most chemical substances move with it.
Nutrient availability and mobility increases with increasing soil moisture
Can adjust the soil temperature
It is important for photosynthesis
Soil air: The percentage by volume of soil occupied by air at a given suction has
been suggested as a measure of soil aeration status. As bulk density increased soil
compaction also increase that leads to minimize soil pore spaces.
Aeration of soil is absolutely essential for the absorption of water by roots
Germination is inhibited in the absence of oxygen
Soil air is required for respiration of roots and micro organisms
Soil air is essential for nutrient availability?
For proper decomposition of organic matter
Soil temperature
High soil temperature is more critical as damage to the roots is severe resulting in
substantial reduction in shoot growth.
The energy received from the sun is absorbed by the soil, which is converted into
The flow of the temperature in the soil is expressed as thermal conductivity.
It increases with water content and decreases with porosity.
Soil temperature
Influences the rate of absorption of water and solutes (nutrients).
Affect the germination of seeds and growth rate of underground portion of the
Controls the microbial activity and processes involved in the nutrient availability.
Soil mineral matter
The mineral content of the soil is derived from weathering of rocks and minerals as
particles of different size.
These are the sources of plant macro and micro nutrients.
Soil organism
Soil consists of the following various types and forms of plant and animal life
fauna- earth worm, termites, ants, snails, centipedes, millipedes, etc
-fauna- protozoa, nematodes etc.
-flora- plant roots, macro algae
C. Biotic factors
1. Diseases
Plant that showed any deviation from normal functioning of physiological processes
said to be diseased plant. These functions include
cell division
photosynthesis and
- Fungi
- Bacteria
- Nematodes
- Viruses
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Lack of O2
2. Insects
Insects are pests when they reduce the quantity or quality of foods, feed or fiber
damage commodities.
3. Weed
i) a weed is a plant that has no economic value, with a negative value, whose
potentialities for harm are greater than its potentialities for good and that
competes with plant for soil, moisture, and light.
ii) In general, weeds are often defined as any plants growing where man does not
want them. Therefore, a particular plant is a weed only in terms of human
iii) A plant of a useful crop is a weed when it grows in a stand of another crop when
it is undesirable ex maize in teff field.
Weeds are growing only where we want other plants to grow (on arable land, on
pastures, on horticultural land, on forest land, etc.) or where we want no plants at all
(irrigation and drainage ditches, industrial sites, along roads and railways, on air
Weeds encompass all types of undesirable plants, such as trees, bushes, broad-
leaved plants, grasses, sedges, aquatic plants, and flowering plants.
4. Animals
Soil fauna like protozoa, nematode, snails and insects help in organic matter
Honey bee and other insects help in crop pollination and increase yield.
Burrowing earthworm facilities aeration and drainage of water.
Large animals cause damage to crop plants by grazing (cattle, goats…).
D. Socio-economic factors
Labor allocation
Choice of crop and crop varieties
Economic condition of the people
2. The distribution of the crops in space on the field, i.e. whether intercropping or
sole cropping is practiced.
3. The level of management and resources utilized to produce the crop, i.e. whether
production is intensive or extensive.
4. The type of crop grown, i.e. whether orchard, arable cropping, pasturing,
forestry, etc. is practiced.
1. The farmer first selects a site which has been under bush fallow for several years.
3. Crops are then grown on the field for one, two or three years, starting with crops
with high nutrients requirement and ending with crops that has low nutrients
5. Most of the operations are carried out using simple hand tools and the labor
requirement is high while the yield is correspondingly low.
B. Continuous Cropping
It refers to growing of crops on a piece of land year after year.
Advantages of Continuous Cropping
A. Mono cropping/Monoculture
This is the practice of growing of only one crop on a piece of land year after year.
It permits maximum concentration of production effort on a single target crop.
For example sugar cane farming in the farms of sugar cane factory.
Disadvantages of monoculture
1. In monoculture diseases and pests of the particular crop always have their host present, and
therefore have the opportunity to build up over the years.
2. Monoculture encourages rapid depletion of soil nutrients and destruction of the soil
Advantages of monoculture
The main advantage of monoculture is that it permits maximum concentration of
production effort on a single target crop.
B. Crop Rotation
The practice of growing different kinds of crops, one at a time, in a definite
sequence on the same piece of land is referred to as crop rotation.
In designing a good crop rotation, the farmer must decide what crops to have in the
rotation, in what sequence the crops should occur and for how many years or season
each cycle of the rotation must run.
Advantage of crop rotation
A. Pest Control: it is an effective means of controlling weed, diseases and insect pests.
The pathogens and insect pests of a particular crop are more likely to die off when
their host crop is followed by a completely different non-host crop.
Rotation may include smother crop as a means of controlling certain weeds.
D. It reduces risk
This helps in proper and uniform use of nutrients and water from the soil and the
Sole Cropping: is growing of one type of crop on the piece of land within a year.
Multiple cropping : growing of two or more crops on the same piece of land within a year.
It refers to intensification of cropping both in time and space dimensions.
It includes sequential cropping and intercropping. i.e. more number of crops within a year
and more number of crops on same piece of land in given time.
Sequential cropping: it can be defined as growing of two or more crops in a sequence on the
same piece of land in a farming year.
The succeeding crop is planted after the preceding crop has been harvested. Depending on the
number of crops grown in a year, it is called as double, triple and quadruple involving two,
three and four crops, respectively.
Maize-legume intercropping
2. Mixed cropping: is the two or more crops simultaneously intermingled without row
pattern or at random with each other. Seeds of different crops are mixed in a certain
proportion and are sown. The objective is to meet the family requirement of cereals,
pulses and vegetables.
Principles of intercropping
The crops having complementary effect should be preferred over those having
competitive effect.
The two crops should have different lengths of growing period i.e., one crop should
be of short duration and other of long duration.
The plants of both the crops should be different in growth habit. , i.e. one' should be
tall and other dwarf. Similarly, one crop should be shallow rooted whereas the other
should be deep rooted.
One crop should have low water and nutrient requirement. whereas the other
should have higher water and nutrient requirements.
Advantages of intercropping
Additional income from the companion crop
There is a more efficient utilization of the available resources. It provides better utilization
of different resources like water, nutrients, land and labor. Farmers get all their required
agricultural commodities from a limited space. Thus profit per unit area is increased.
Prevents complete failure of crops. If the principal crop is damaged due to unfavorable
conditions like drought, flood, epidemics, etc., companion crop may give sustenance
income. When one component of an intercrop combination fails, the other combinations are
able to utilize the resources that would have been available to the failed crop and so yield
better than they would have done otherwise. In other words there is yield stability.
For example, in an intercrop of a legume with a cereal crop, the cereal would benefit
from the nitrogen fixed by the legumes.
Weed infestation and management are less because of smothering effect.
Quick growing companion crops always suppress the harmful weeds thriving in the
inter-spaces of the principal crops.
It helps to prevent soil erosion compared with sole cropping.
The spread of diseases and pests is less rapid than in sole cropping.
In many instances, the other component crops are not susceptible to the particular
disease or pest may not affect the other component and may act as physical barriers
to the spread of diseases and pest.
Intercropping allows for a more uniform distribution of labor throughout the year.
Disadvantages of intercropping
Since many crops exist together on the field, it is difficult to apply production practices to the
needs of any particular crop:
The fertilizer management is difficult because the nutrient requirement of the crops is
Control of pests and diseases is particularly difficult. because pesticides which have been
developed to control a disease on one particular component crop may have deleterious effect
on other crops in the combination.
The sowing of intercrops is slightly different and requires more time, hence difficult to be
adopted by large farmers.
Endosperm is the storage organ for food substance that nourishes the embryo during its
development. it is a thick and massive structure made up if elongated cells containing
abundant starch.
Seed coat is the outer cover that protects or shields the embryo and endosperm from
desiccation, mechanical injury, effect of environmental fluctuations and damage due
to insects and micro-organisms.
Cotyledon:- it is the extension of the embryo, on the basis of number of cotyledon,
the crop species are divided into two groups
1. Monocotyledonous: one cotyledon is present.
2. Dicotyledonous:- two cotyledon are present.
Types/Classes of seeds
Breeder seed or nucleus seeds: - is the small quantity of seed representing the first product
of breeding program that is maintained by the breeders. They are directly controlled by the
originator or in some cases by the sponsoring plant breeder or institution.
Foundation/basic seeds:- It is produced as a result of multiplication of breeder seeds and is
handled to maintained specific genetic identity and purity. Foundation seed is the source of
all other certified seed classes, either directly or through registered seed.
Registered seeds:- These are the progeny of foundation. It is carefully handled so as to
maintain satisfactory genetic identity and purity that has been approved and certified by the
certifying agency. This class of seed should be of quality suitable for production of certified
Certified seeds: - it is seeds in the final stage of the certification process that farmers can
On the basis of life span, seeds can be divided into three categories.
Microbiotic seeds, which have a life span that does not exceed 3 years
Mesobiotic seeds, which have a life span varying from 3 to 15 years
Macrobiotic seeds, which have a life span ranging from 15 to more than 100 years
Based on their storage behavior, seeds are categorized into
Orthodox: seeds are tolerant to both drying and low temperature
Seeds that survive long term dry storage
Shed in a relatively dry condition, and can be dried to low moisture contents (<
5%) without losing viability. They can be stored for many years at ambient
Intermediate: Those which can be dried to minimal levels of moisture content without
significant adverse effect on germination but are sensitive to low temperature storage
Seeds can withstand dehydration to a certain extent but have reduced longevity.
Recalcitrant: those seeds sensitive to both drying and low temperature. Seeds that
cannot withstand dehydration
Seed Quality
A. Maturity
Immature seeds tend to store poorly, and in many instances may fail to germinate. Both
the stage of maturity when harvested and the conditions prevailing during maturity are
important factors in seed quality.
B. Wholesomeness
Diseased seeds germinate poorly and pests such as cowpea weevil may damage the
seeds and also cause poor germination. Seeds that are to be stored are commonly
protected from diseases and pests by treating them with appropriate pesticides
procedure is referred to as seed dressing.
d. Foreign matter
Inert foreign matter such as stones and dried plant material are objectionable,
particularly in seeds destined for consumption.
The quality of seed is governed by its purity, viability, germination capacity, seed health
(pathogens) test, genetic purity test etc.
If seed lacks in any of the characteristics it may becomes unfit for sowing. Each of such
characteristics is discussed below:-
A. Seed Vigor
The strength or vigor of seeds, especially after exposing these to conditions of the
storage room and planting area, needs to be determined. Weak seeds planted in poor
field conditions will die, or the resulting plants will be susceptible to pests and diseases.
These seeds might cause an epidemic or will introduce a new pest or disease and are,
therefore, unfit for planting. Clean the seeds and remove diseased or infected seeds.
Sometimes, a disease can be seen only after the seeds have been planted. Check if
germinating seeds have fungi or bacteria (symptoms of infection: seeds are watery,
shiny and have bad smell).
Many fungi and bacteria can be killed by soaking the seeds in hot water (50°C) for
30 minutes. However, some pests and diseases cannot be killed by this method.
a) Genetic quality- the inherent genetic information contained in the seed which
provides the potential for higher yield, better grain quality, greater tolerance to
biotic or abiotic stress, and varietal identity.
b) Physiological quality- the viability and vigor of seed which determines the
germination and subsequent seedling emergence and crop establishment in the field
as well as the storage potential of the seed lot.
As a measure of the cleanness of seed, pure seed is separated from impure seed, and
then separately weighed.
Seed is considered pure if it appears normal in terms of size, shape, and general
outward appearance.
Conversely, seed that is too small, has been partly eaten by insects, or exhibits
fungal stains is regarded as impure. A sample for a purity test may consist of 100 to
1,000 seeds.
Seed germination
To the seed analyst, germination means the emergence and development from the
seed embryo of the essential structures that indicate the seed’s ability to produce the
normal plant under favorable conditions.
For seeds to germinate, certain environmental conditions must be fulfilled.
Water must be available.
There should be an appropriate temperature.
Oxygen should be present for aerobic respiration to occur so as to supply energy for
germination process.
Light (optional).
Seed treatment
It is the process of applying physical, chemical or biological treatment to keep the
seed viability and healthy.
Physical treatment includes subjecting seeds to solar energy exposure, immersion in
conditioned water.
Chemical treatment treating seeds with fungicides, insecticides, nematicides etc
Biological treatments of seeds with microbial cultures such as Rhizobium.
Sowing Seeds
Sowing is the placement of a specific quantity of seed in the soil for germination and
growth, while planting is the placing of plant propagules (may be seedlings, cuttings,
rhizomes, clones, tubers etc.) in the soil to grow as plants.
Time of Sowing
Time of sowing is a very 'important factor for proper establishment, growth and
yield of a crop.
It is the non-monetary inputs which greatly influence the crop growth & yield.
But it is difficult to recommend specific date of sowing in rain fed agriculture.
Methods of Sowing
Direct seeding
1. Broadcasting
Seeds are spread uniformly over well prepared land and covered by ploughing.
There is no specific or definite inter or intra-row spacing between crops.
Broadcasting may be done by hand, mechanical spreader or aeroplane.
Broadcasting is suitable for close planted crops that do not require specific crop or
plant geometry.
II. Drilling:- drilling is the practice of dropping the seeds in rows or lines.
1) Seeds are placed at proper & uniform depths, resulting in uniform crop stand.
III. Dibbling
It consists of placing individual seed material in a hole or pre-determined
spacing and depth.
Those crops are crops with bigger size seeds and those needing wider spacing.
It is more laborious, time consuming and expensive compared with
broadcasting and drilling. But it requires less seed and gives rapid and uniform
germination with good seedling vigor.
Tillage is the manipulation of soil with tools and implement for loosening the
surface crust and bringing about conditions favorable for the germination of seeds
and growth as well as development of crop plants.
Tillage is a practice by which a good tilth can be maintained.
Tillage is as old as agriculture.
Primitive people used to disturb the soil for placing seeds.
After harvest of crop, soil become hard and compact due to beating action of rain
drops, subsequent drying, movement of inter cultivation implements and labor cause
soil compaction.
Field contains weed and stubbles after the harvest of the crop.
Seeds need loose and friable soil with sufficient moisture and air for good
Tillage operation consists of breaking hard compact surface to a certain depth
and other operations which bringing the soil in a good physical condition for
plant growth.
Therefore tillage is a practice by which a good tilth can be maintained.
Tilth is a physical condition of the soil resulting from tillage.
When the soil is brought to such condition ideal for crop growth it is called
seedbed and is said to be in good tilth.
Tillage loosens the soil and results in a seed bed suitable for seed germination and
development of the young seedlings.
A good seed bed should be moist and should not contain large lumps of soil that may
prevent close contact between the seed and soil particle.
To level the farm: obtain levelling of land for irrigation and other operations.
To make the soil loose & porous: tillage often serves the purpose of breaking up the
surface layers of the soil so that water is able to infiltrate more rapidly into the soil.
It enables rain water or irrigation water to enter the soil easily i.e. infiltration.
To aerate the soil: Aeration enables the metabolic processes of the living plants
& microorganisms to continue properly.
Due to adequate moisture and air, the desirable chemical & biological activities
would go on at a greater speed & result in rapid decomposition of the organic
matter and consequently release of plants nutrients to be used by crops.
to eliminate competition from weed growth, break disease and insect cycle.
It is the major function of tillage, which controls weeds by uprooting the weed
To destroy insect pests: Many of the insect-pests remain in dormant condition in the
form of pupae in the soil during off season & when the host crop is again planted,
they reappear on the crop. So pests can be destroyed by tillage through either
exposing insects to the sun or to birds that pick them up.
To incorporate organic and other bulky manures: Organic manures should not only
Disadvantages of tillage
Can bring buried weed seed into the surface some time.
It increases evaporation of soil-water.
Types of Tillage
Tillage operations are grouped into two types based on the time (with reference to
crop) at which they are carried out. They are:
A. Preparatory tillage
Tillage operations that are carried out from the time of harvest of a crop to the
sowing of the next crop are known as preparatory cultivation.
Operations carried out in any cultivable land to prepare seedbed for sowing of crops are
known as preparatory cultivation.
It refers to tillage operations that are done to prepare the field for raising crops. It is
divided into three types: viz., (i) primary tillage, (ii) secondary tillage, and (iii) seed
bed preparation.
A. Primary tillage or Ploughing: is opening of the compacted soil with the help of
different ploughs. It is mainly done to open the hard soil. In addition, it should
ensure inversion (whenever necessary) of soil, uprooting of weeds and stubbles and
less cloddy soil surface.
Depending on the purpose or necessity, different types of primary tillage are carried
They are deep ploughing, sub-soiling and year round tillage.
Deep tillage: Central Research Institute for Dry land Agriculture (CRIDA) in India
classified ploughing of 5-6 cm depth as shallow, 15-20 cm depth as medium and
20-30 cm depth as deep ploughing.
Sub-soiling: is breaking the hard pan without inversion and with less disturbance of
Year-round tillage: It is a tillage operation carried out throughout the year.
In dry farming regions, field operation is initiated with the help of showers. Repeated
tillage operations are carried out until sowing of the crop.
Even after harvest of the crop, the field is repeatedly ploughed or harrowed to avoid
weed growth.
B. Secondary tillage
Lighter or fine operations performed on the soil after primary tillage is known as
secondary tillage.
After ploughing, the fields are left with large clods with some weeds & stubbles
partially uprooted
Harrowing is done to a shallow depth to crush the clods & uprooting the remaining
weeds & stubbles.
Sowing operations are also included in secondary tillage.
In conventional tillage, the soil is opened (primary tillage), the soil mass is
broken into loose system of clods of mixed sizes, subsequently, a fine seedbed is
prepared by secondary tillage in which crushing of clods, repacking,
incorporation of plant residues, fertilizers, smoothing of soil surface etc. is done.
Minimum tillage: This means that crop production could be carried out with as little
tillage or soil disturbance.
Improve soil condition due to decomposition of plant residues.
Higher infiltration caused by decomposition of vegetation present on Soils.
Improve root growth due to improved structure.
Less soil compaction by reduced frequent movement in the farm.
Zero tillage
Zero tillage is an extreme form of minimum tillage
It reduces time of tillage operation and energy requirement for tillage.
Soils are homogenous in structure
Large population of perennial weeds appears
Buildup of pests is more
The fertilizer grade is the percentage composition, expressed in the order N-P 2O-
Classification of fertilizers
Straight fertilizers :
The chemicals which supply only one primary plant nutrient, namely nitrogen or
phosphorus or potassium are known as straight fertilizers.
Urea (46% N), Ammonium Sulphate (20.5% N, 23.4 % S), Potassium Chloride (58-
60% K2O), Potassium Sulphate (48-50% K2O) and Single Super Phosphate (16-
22% P2O5) are the examples of straight fertilizers.
Complex fertilizers
The chemicals which supply two or three primary plant nutrients of which two primary
nutrients are in chemical combination are known as complex fertilizers.
Crop protection
Pest control
In crop protection, pests can be defined as any form of pathogenic agent, which is
potentially injurious to crop or crop products."
According to damages on crops, pests can be divided into two types.
Economic pests mean pests cause a crop loss of about 5-10%, or even more in a
definite field.
Non-economic pests mean pests cause a crop loss of less than 5% in a definite field.
5. Mechanical control
6. Regulatory control
5. Mechanical control
- Physically excluding pests from areas where they are not wanted. E.g. hand-pulling,
mowing, and burning weeds in fields or traps, screens, barriers, fences, nets, radiation,
and electricity, prevent the spread of pests into an area.
6. Regulatory control
Regulatory control: Regulatory is the enactment of legislation to prevent or control
Establishing quarantine stations at major ports of entry into an area.
Setting up monitoring systems for pests in an given area.
Characteristics of weeds
Weeds are persistent and resistant to control and eradication.
Weeds possess an immense capacity to produce large number of seeds and their
growth is prolific.
Weed seeds remain viable or dormant for long duration.
Most of the weeds are hardy and able to withstand adverse soil, climate and disease
Some weeds are similar to crop seeds in shape and size and their separation become
Soil heating
Hot water treatments
Controlling temperature and humidity
Pathogen-free seed stock
Pathogen-free propagation materials
Pathogen-free storage
Chemical Control
b. Harvest maturity: It generally occurs seven days after physiological maturity. The
important process during this period is stopped due to loss of moisture from the plants.
Method of harvesting
a. Manual harvesting: In manual harvesting, sickle is the most important tool. It has
to be sharp, curved and serrated for efficient harvesting. The other tools used for
harvesting is knife especially for harvesting of plants with woody stems.
Sorghum producing counties are: USA, India, China, Nigeria, Sudan and Argentina.
Types of sorghum
Common types of sorghum
White seeded sorghum: highly affected by birds
Dark brown sorghum: - have a bitter taste so that it is not palatable for
Pop sorghum: is small seeded with hard endosperm
Sorgo sorghum: is sugary and juicy (contain about 10% sucrose).
Botanical description
Plant height: - 0.5 m to over 4m.
Root system: - Most of the roots are confined to the upper 15cm of the soil layer and
reach to 1 - 2m deep.
Stem: The numbers of nodes differs with the varieties.
Leaves: - have 7-24 leaves according to varieties.
Improved varieties had yielded about 80-100% more yield than local tall variety.
Low land var.:- Melkamash, Gambela1107, 76-T-3323.
Production practices
Purchase the seeds from reliable source /certified seeds/. If it is not treated,
treated the seeds with Thiram or Agrosan about 3gm per kg seeds.
Time of sowing: - Under rain fed, onset of rain, delay the first rain may decrease
Water management
• Usually sorghum is rain-fed crop, but at flowering and grain filling stages, it
requires more water.
• 15-45 days of crops grown is critical with regard to crop weed competition.
Uses of maize
• Food (mainly in developing countries)
• Used in the form of porridge, Injera and bread
• Used for production of adhesives, clothing, and pharmaceutical
tablets, paper and ethanol
• The starch can be converted into sweeteners and used in products such
as soft drinks, sweets, bakery products and jams
• The protein, hulls and soluble part of the maize kernel are used in
animal and poultry feed.
Climatic requirement
Temperature:- Maize is a warm weather crop and is not grown in areas where the
mean daily temperature is less than 19 ºC or where the mean of the summer months is
less than 23 ºC. Optimum T for germination is about 16 to 18 ºC. At 20 ºC, maize
should emerge within five to six days.
Soil:- Maize plant is sensitive to water logging. Water logging more than 24 hours at
early stage can kill the crop. Maize grows best in deep and loamy soils with a pH range
of 5.5 – 7.8.
Rain fall:- An average annual RF of between 600-1500mm could help to grow
Time of sowing: - Under rain fed, at the beginning of rainfall through considering its
maturity time.
Water management
Maize is more sensitive of both excess water and drought conditions than is sorghum.
Irrigations should be scheduled to ensure adequate moisture in the soil. Drainage of
the maize field is as important as irrigation.
Crop rotation: Maize crop benefits when rotated with legumes as legumes can fix
Soybean, haricot bean and other pulse crops are recommended for rotation with
In addition, niger seed followed by haricot bean as precursor crop for maize is
recommended around Bako and similar areas.
Intercropping: Intercropping 75% plant density of haricot bean with 100% plant
density of maize during oxen-cultivation (Shilshalo) at about 35 days after planting is
recommended around Bako.
Intercropping one seed/hill of haricot bean within the same row of maize (80 cm x 50
cm, two seeds/hill) is also recommended around Jimma and similar areas.
In addition intercropping of two rows of maize and one row of faba bean/
gomenzer /potato is recommended in the highland areas.
Relay cropping: Relay planting of sweet potato at 50% flowering of maize is
In addition, relay planting of haricot bean starting from 50% flowering to 15 days
after flowering of maize is also recommended.
• The flour of wheat forms dough when mixed with water which up on leaving and
baking produces porous bread due to glutein which holds the carbondioxide
produced during fermentation.
Types of wheat
Under grass family it belongs to genus Triticum. Although as many as 18 spp. of
wheat have been described, only a few are agriculturally important.
Environmental Requirement
Wheat is high land crop, but also cultivated in low lands (tropical and subtropical
regions of the world).
Altitude: - 1800-300m a.s.l.
Rainfall: - 250-750mm of annual precipitation.
Temperature: - For germination. 20-25 Co
• For tillering, 16-20 Co
• For development, 20-23 Co
Soil: fertile, well drained, silt and clay loam soils and it is good water holding
Land preparation
• Land should be cultivated 3 times (Plowing and Harrowing)
Sowing methods
• Broadcasting and drilling in the rows
• Depth of sowing 2.5-5cm whereas seed rate is 123-150kg/ha
Time of sowing
It is influenced by the onset of rainy season & soil temperature as well as altitude of the
• 2450-2700 m a.s.l: late may to early June
• 2150-2450 m a.s.l: in the first half June
• 1850-2150 m a.s.l: late June to early July.
Various improved varieties of barley for rained, irrigated, late sown and moderately
saline condition have been released which are capable of giving 15-25 % more yields.
• Food barely:- IARH 485, HAOR, HB42, ARDU,1260B.
• Mostly mixed intercropping is done with barley plus pea, barley plus wheat, barley
plus linseed etc.
Field preparation
• One cross cultivation with soil turning plow, followed by planting is enough to get good seed
bed for sowing.
Seed sowing and time of sowing
Seed rate;- 100kg/ha for broadcasting and 75-85kg/ha for row planting.
Spacing:- 22.5-25cm by drilling.
Depth of sowing:- 4-8 cm deep.
Growth stages of barley plant
Barley has well defined stages of growth and development similar to wheat. A few growth stages
of agronomic importance are:-
• Germination stage and initial seedling establishment:- it is after germination below soil surface
up to the coleoptiles emerges to the soil surface. This stage lasts up to 20-25 days from sowing.
Fertilizer application
• For food barley:- 60kg/ha N and 60 kg/ha P 2O5
Environmental requirements
Broad beans/faba beans are widely grown in temperate and subtropical countries with
good rainfall. During cool seasons, they are also cultivated at higher attitudes in the
tropics. The crop is highly susceptible to drought and high temperatures.
A field having good drainage-neutral soil on which the same crop was not grown in
the previous year (unless the variety of the crop was the same and cerrified) should be
selected as a seed plot.
Cultural practices
Time of planting:- Faba beans may be sown from mid-June to early July.
Spacing:- Kelly recommended 60 x 12 cm spacing for better results. Wider spacing
may also be advantageous in drier areas, and where inter-row cropping is practiced.
Seed rate:- Seed rates of Faba bean vary considerably from 175 to 200 kg/ha for the
small-seed cultivars to as high as 250 kg/ha for larger seeded varieties.
Lower rates are generally used for free-tillering autumn-sown cultivars than for those
sown in spring, which tiller less.
Faba beans should be sown deeper than most crops (8 cm deep). Broadcasting the
seeds followed by plowing to put the seed deep in soil or putting the seed box on the
plow are more satisfactory methods than sowing the seed with drillers.
Deep sowing prevents bird damage.
Pests and their controls
The plants affected by disease like bacterial blight, anthracnose, ascochyta blight, and
bean mosaic should also invariably be recovered from time to time as required.
Control: The off-types and the diseases plants affected by pea mosaic, root rot,
and blight should be rogued out from the field from time to time.
Harvesting: The harvesting of pea seed crops may begin when 90% of the pods
turn brown. The plants are uprooted and stacked in small heaps and allowed to dry
in the field for about a week.
Area and description:- Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), which takes the 2nd share of the area and the
production of pulses next to faba bean (vicia faba L.), is among the most important cool season food
legumes in Ethiopia.
The crop grows in several regions of the country mainly in Shoa, Gojam, Tigray, West Wollo,
Gonder, East Bale and West Hararge.
Uses:- Chickpea is a good source of dietary protein, fertility restorer through symbiotic nitrogen
fixation, drought tolerant and break crop.
It can be processed and used in form of dehulled (split seed or kik), and soaked and roasted (kolo or
It is used in mixture with cereals and root crops in the preparation of childhood food such as faffa, of
which 10% is chickpea, as a protein supplements.
Types of chickpea
There are two types of chickpea in the world: the Desi type, with small angular brownish
colored seeds, widely cultivated in Ethiopia; and the Kabuli type, with large, ram-shaped,
white or pale cream or yellow colored seeds. They have also differences in yield and market
Botanical description
Environmental requirements
It grows in well within altitude range of 1400-2300 m.a.s.l. and annual rain fall of 700-
It grows on stored soil moisture after the end of rainy season on clay soil.
The major cereal crops such as tef, Barley and wheat are commonly rotated with chickpea in
Northern and Central Highland of the country where it grows as a sole crop.
Cultural practices
Seedbed preparation;- To keep the soil friable and weed free, it is advisable to plough
deep once from March to May in dry season and disking twice from Mid June to early
Where chickpea is grown on flat heavy clay soils, it is advisable to use ridge and furrow
(RF) plots as it facilitate the removal of excess water from the field.
Broad bed and furrow (BBF) can also be used on gentle slopes of 0-0.8%.
Sowing time and methods:- Planting time is an important factor in increasing chickpea
The recommended sowing times for chickpea vary with altitudes, locations, and
depends upon site specific seasonal rain fall, soil types and maturity period of specific
chickpea variety.
The recommended sowing date for Vertisols of medium and high altitude areas is
from mid August to early September depending up on the intensity of rain fall.
Advancing planting time to early September increase about 50% yield in chickpea
since planting during this rainy season allows the crop to grow vigorously and enable
it to make efficient use of conserved moisture during germination, establishment and
seed filling stage.
In low moisture stressed environments such as low lands or sandy soils, early
planting in July is advantageous.
Chickpea can be sown in rows or broadcasted.
Planting in row gave higher yields as compared with broadcast method as the former
facilitates inter-row cultivation and hand-weeding.
Seed rate and spacing:- The optimum planting density for chickpea varies from
location to location depending up on the growing environments and growth habit of
the crop.
It was known that seeding rate has no significant effects on seed yield due to the
capacity of the crop to produce large number of branches to compensate for low
plant population.
However, it is essential to use high seed rate in ensuring good plant stand under
adverse environmental conditions. For row planting, a spacing of 30cm between
rows and 10cm between plants is recommended.
A reduced spacing between plants can be used for varieties with erect and hence
plant density can be increased.
However, seed rate for broadcast method appears to vary depending up on the seed
size of the cultivars and growth habit.
So, high seed rates for large seeded and erect cultivars and low seed rates for
varieties with small seed size and prostrate growth habit can be used.
For instance , the seeding rates for small seeded cultivars such as DZ-10-4 and
DZ-10-11 varies is 90-100 kg/ha where as that of large seeded cultivars like
Shasho, Arerti and Mariye vary up to 140-160 kg/ha.
Fertilization:- From different fertilizer trails, it is confirmed that neither fertilizer
rates nor sources have a marked effect on yield of chickpea on Vertisols.
However, the uses of 100kg DAP/ha have been noticed to supplement nitrogen
and phosphorus requirements at early growth stage of the crop.
Control measures: The best method of wilt control is use of resistant cultivars.
• Fusarium root rot (Fusarium solani)
The disease is favored by a temperature of 22-28OC and high soil moisture. The disease can
appear at any growth stage of the crop. It causes yellowing of the basal foliage, stunted
growth and reddening of the vascular tissue below the soil line.
Control Measures: use of resistance varieties, an integrated approach that includes cultural
practices (drainage), maintenance of good seed vigor and genetic resistance is required.
An important group of viruses affecting cool-season food legumes are those causing
yellowing, chlorosis, reddening and stunting.
Control measures: Cultural practices such as varying sowing dates, plant density and
using borders of plants which are not hosts to the virus are effective in reducing yield losses.
Control measures
• Chemical control: application of Cypermethrin (45g ai/ha) and Endosulfan
(472 g ai/ha) at peak flowering stage. It should be noted that insecticides for
the control of ABW must be applied when the larvae are at early stage.
• Cultural control: An increase in plant density and early planting favored the
incidence of the pest.
• Use of resistance varieties:
Control measures
Chemical: use of Actellic 2% dust at the rate of 50g/ 100kg.
Botanicals: Birbira Melletia ferufinea at 5% W/W gave complete protection of
chickpea for long period. Nonetheless, the toxicity of this species to human beings
has not yet been investigated.
Harvesting and Postharvest handling
Chickpea maturity, usually 4-5 months after emergence, has been manifested by
light green coloration of pods. It is advisable to harvest when about 90-95% of the
crop matures.
Threshing: it can be done by driving animals on the crop on well-prepared ground
threshing or by threshers.
• Sometimes as roasted or boiled whole grain snack alone or often mixed with cereals or
other pulses.
• Relatively high level of lysine in lentil compensates for low concentration in cereal grains
hence when consumed in combination gives nutritionally well balanced diet.
• Besides, lentil is leading in fetching the local market price and comparably has
significant export market option in field crops.
• Maintaining soil fertility through symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation. Lentil can fix
up to 107 kg N/ha (Saxena, 1980).
• For breakage of the life cycle of important diseases and insect pests in crop rotation.
Botanical description:-
Lentil plants are typically short compared to cereal crops, ranging from 20 to 75 cm
in height.
The first two nodes on the stem develop below or at the soil surface and are known
as scale nodes.
The third node on the stem is the usual site of the first leaf development. Lentil
seedlings can produce a new node every four to five days under good growing
Just prior to flowering, new leaves will develop a short tendril at the leaf tip. Leaves
are about five cm long with 9 to 15 leaflets.
Lentil plants have an indeterminate growth habit, so they will continue to flower
until there is some form of stress such as moisture, nutrient deficiency, or high
Environmental requirements:-
Lentil (Lens culnaris) in Ethiopia is amongst the principal cool season food legumes.
It is very sensitive to environmental stresses such as drought, water logging and frosts.
In Ethiopia, lentil grows between 1700-2400 m.a.s.l with annual rainfall ranging from 700-
2000 mm. in the world; however, it is cultivated between sea level and 3000 m.a.s.l.
Cultural practices
Land preparation
Lentil is mainly grown in the highlands of Ethiopia where rainfall is usually high.
Generally, lentil is highly susceptible to excessive moisture stress and farmers plant lentil
on sloppy fields or otherwise use ridge and furrow system to drain excess water from
lentil field to avoid water logging problem specifically on black soils (Vertisols).
The soil should be friable and free of weeds at planting. One deep dry plough
(March early June) and twice disking from mid June to early July depending on the
environment are recommended.
Double yield advantage of lentil can be obtained when two to three times oxen
ploughed accompanied by twice hand weeding.
Planting Time
Luxurious growth followed by severs lodging due to early planting and terminal
drought stress due to late planting should be avoided to get maximum yield.
Late June to mid July planting is recommended in both mid to high altitude areas.
Seed rate
Response to planting densities varies among lentil genotypes/varieties depending on seed size and
growth habit of the specific cultivars.
Erect growth and large seeded genotypes need higher seed rate where as prostrate and small seeded
ones needs relatively lower seed rate.
Lentil can be planted either by broadcasting or in rows however, broadcasting is quite common.
For row planting, 20cm row-spacing and 5cm between plants spacing is recommended. Seed rate of
65, 80 and 100 kg/ha seeding rate for small, medium and large-seeded lentil varieties, respectively is
Cultural control: Plant density has no effect on the incidence of pea aphid on lentil and early
planting expose the crop to more aphid attack.
However, planting large area early in the season leads to pest dilution and thus, it might not result in
high incidence of pea aphid in lentil.
Control measures: Rotation with cereals, clean tillage of field prior to sowing
b. Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis): Fusarium wilt is severe
on lentil mainly grown on residual moisture in the highlands dominated with
vertisols. Wilt is severe during warm weather.
Symptoms: Symptoms appear at seedling and adult plant stages. Wilt in adult
plants can appear from the flowering to late pod filling stages.
Seedling wilt is characterized by sudden drooping followed by drying of leaves
and deaths of seedlings.
The infected roots when split show very little vascular discoloration.
Control measures: Adjusting sowing dates and use of resistant cultivars.
c. Collar rot (Sclerotium rolfsii): The disease is prevalent in areas with high soil
moisture in the seedling stage of the crop.
Symptoms: The affected seedlings lie flat on the ground. The typical symptoms are
seen near the collar region, which is rotted and discolored. On the affected collar region,
white strands of the pathogen are characteristic rapeseed like brown sclerotia are seen
on the affected collar region.
Control measure: Adjusting sowing dates to avoid high soil moisture and temperature.
Residue management (straw should be well decomposed before planting lentil).
d. Rust (Uromyces fabae): Early infection in the crop growth stage and environmental
conditions (temperature ranging from 20-22 OC and wet weather) can result in complete
crop failure.
Symptoms: Rust pathogen infects all aerial plant parts. Brown uredia are formed on
both sides of leaves and other plant parts.
At maturity dark-brown telia develop on infected plant parts.
The pathogen completes its life cycle on lentil. The pathogen also affects faba bean,
chickpea and grass pea.
Control measures: The most effective means of combating rust is use of resistant
cultivars, adjusting sowing date, crop rotation, fungicide spraying (Dithane M-45 at the
rate of 1 l/ha) and field sanitation can be practiced to mitigate the effect of rust on lentil
yield and quality.
e. Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta lentis): it affects both quality and quantity if lentil is
introduced in low lands.
Symptoms: Above ground plant parts are affected during all crop stages if
environmental conditions (cool and wet weather) prevail. Tan spots are seen on
leaflets, pods and stems speckled with black fruiting bodies called pycnidia. Seeds
from infected pods can show symptoms.
Control measures: use of pathogen free seeds; seed treat with fungicides
(thiabendazole and benlate); foliar fungicide spray (Chlorothalonil at 2-3 l/ha) as
single application at flowering to early pod stages; 2-3 years crop rotation and use of
resistant varieties.
Weeds of Lentil
The commonest and important weed species identified in lentil were; Phalaris
paradoxa, Argemone mexicana , Bromus pectinatus, and Cyperus rotundus.
• Fresh beans (mature and green pods) as vegetable for local consumption and export.
• An important source of protein (22%), vitamins, and minerals such as Ca, Cu, Fe,
Mg, Mn, and Zn for human diets, especially in developing countries.
• In the first world countries the nutritional benefits and contribution of beans to
healthy human diets is recognized by nonprofit organizations targeting human
aliments like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease
Types of crops
• Prostrate bush type:- it is a bushy types of haricot bean and in the central
zone achieve rapid ground cover and compete well with weeds.
Botanical description
Morphologically it is classified as determinate or indeterminate based on whether a
terminal reproductive or vegetative stem is formed though growth habit.
It is a highly polymorphic species showing considerable variation in growth habit,
vegetative characters, color of flowers and seeds, size and shape of seeds and pods
Environment requirement
The wide range of growth habits among bean varieties has enabled the crop to be
cultivated well under different agro-ecological conditions.
Early maturity and a moderate degree of drought tolerance have led to the crop’s
vital role in farmer’s strategies for risk aversion in drought prone lowland areas of
central, eastern, and southern Ethiopia
Altitude:- Common bean has a wide range of adaptation. In Ethiopia, common bean grows
well between 1400 and 2200m above sea level
Temperature:- The minimum and maximum mean temperature requirements are 10 and
320C, respectively.
Beans do not grow well at low altitudes as high temperatures cause poor seed set. At high
altitudes, the growth is slow and beans are sensitive to frost
Areas with medium rainfall ranging from 350mm to 700mm (70 to 100 days) are good with
a well-defined rainy season so that harvesting is done in dry weather. Some rain is required
for the critical flowering period.
Very high rainfall causes flower drop and increase the incidence of diseases. The relative
humidity should not exceed 75%.
Beans can be grown on a variety of soils. I can be grown on light sandy soils to heavy clay
soils if they are well drained as beans are sensitive to water logging.
pH should be above 5.0. As beans have relatively bigger seeds, they do not need a fine
seedbed. The land should be ploughed properly and should be free of weeds, soil clods and
other undesirable materials.
Plowing should be done just after harvesting the previous crop and before the soil is too
hard to till.
This operation will help to turn down the vegetation and the remains of the previous crop.
A second plowing can be made one month later. A third plowing can follow just before
sowing. Pulverizing all soil clods with a hoe is also important.
Seed sowing
Time of sowing;- Delays in sowing reduce potential yield considerably.
For any growing areas, the proper sowing time is when conditions are ideal for
germination, emergence, establishment, and growth of bean.
As they take 75-95 days to maturity at medium altitudes (1000-1700m) and about 110
days at high altitudes (1800-2200m), the sowing should be done about 70 days before
the end of the rains at medium altitudes and about 100 days before the end of the rains
at high altitudes.
Too late sowing will lower the yield.
Depth of sowing:- 4-8cm is the proper range to use depending on seed size, soil
type, and climate.
Spacing:- The seed can be row planted or broadcasted followed by subsequent
plowing to cover the seeds.
Spacing depends on the size of mature plant; both above ground and below ground,
and how the land is used efficiently.
For the Central Rift Valley, the spacing between rows should be 40cm, and seeds in
the row 10cm apart.
Seed rates:- Seed rate should be chosen to give about 300 to 500 thousand plants per
hectare. To achieve this plant population a seed rate of 70 to 100 kg/ha is required for
row planting and 110 to 120 kg/ha for broadcasting based on seed size and quality.
Fertilizer requirement
Bean is responsive to N, P and K fertilizer when soil levels are inadequate to support
yield levels possible with existing soil moisture and growing season climatic conditions.
Crop response to a nutrient is affected by soil moisture, temperature, placement, tillage,
and crop. Thus, agronomists should know and give due emphasis to soil types, climate,
and the bean plant itself.
If other crops respond to phosphorus in the area apply around 50-100kg DAP/ha during
The small amount of nitrogen will help the plants to get a good start. When the plants
are deficient in nitrogen they show leaf yellowing, at this moment, 50-100 kg urea could
be applied as top dressing before flowering.
Crop rotation:- In Ethiopia, beans are grown in rotation with cereals. Growing of
beans year after year on the same land will result in build-up of pests and diseases.
Beans should preferably be not grown more often than every 3 rd to 4th year on the
same land.
Intercropping:- Shade tolerance and early maturity contribute to the predominant
position of beans as an under storey intercrop for sorghum, maize, coffee and enset
in southern and eastern zones (85% of all sorghum in the eastern highlands is
intercropped with beans).
Beans can be inter-planted with maize or sorghum in the same field either by
broadcast planting the two crops together or by planting in different rows or by
planting cereals in rows and broadcasting beans in between.
The intercropping system not only improves the total productivity by 20% but can
also reduce weed incidence and improve soil fertility.
Early maturing bean varieties planted simultaneously with maize in two maize/1
bean intercrop pattern can give sustainable yield and income advantage in the rift
Alley cropping:- alley cropping of beans with perennial leguminous shrubs such as
Sesbania sesban or Cajanus cajan (with 4 to 6m between perennial hedge rows) can
reduce soil erosion and also improve soil fertility.
The system can produce an additional biomass of 2 to 3 t/ha, which can be used for
fodder or for mulching or for green manure application without any significant grain
yield reduction of beans.
Diseases and their controls:- Common beans suffer from a wide range of leaf, stem
and root diseases including common bean bacteria (CBB), rust, anthracnose, angular
leaf spot, floury leaf spot, web blight, halo blight, aschochyta (Phoma) blight and bean
common mosaic virus (BCMV).
In Ethiopia CBB, rust and anthracnose are the most important and are widely
distributed, while the others, though important, are much more restricted in their
Control:- Various methods are used to control haricot bean diseases’.
• Seed treatment with copper fungicides
• Use of resistance varieties like Awash-1, Roba-1, Nasser, and Awash Melka
• Sanitation
• The use of clean seed, burial of infected debris, and rotation or inter cropping with cereals.
Insect pests and their control:- Common insect pests are bean stem maggots (BSM)-commonly
known as bean fly, bean bruchids and African ball worm (ABW).
Control for BSM
• Bean fly numbers were lower and crop yields higher in early sown beans in the drier areas of
Mekelle, Kobo and Melkassa where as at Hawassa, which has higher rain fall, bean fly
numbers declined with late seeding.
• On the other hand lower bean fly numbers and higher yields were with higher plant densities of
300,000-500,000 seeds/ha at all locations.
• Growing resistant varieties to BSM (e.g. Beshbesh and Melke)
• Seed dressing with endosulfan at the rate of 5g a.i/kg of seed gives adequate control of BSM.
• Mix with botanicals like Neem seed powder at rate of 10% by volume.
Uses of soybean
• It is an important source of human dietary protein and vegetable oil.
• Animal feed
• Being a legume crop it also plays significant role in soil improvement in the cropping
system by fixing atmospheric nitrogen via symbiotic bacteria.
• It is also good crop in crop rotation to break the buildup of pests and diseases.
Area and distribution
• In our country soybean is among the pulse crops being cultivated on an area of about
31,854.75 hectare with a production of about 636,531.01 quintals (CSA, 2013).
Nutritional value
• The soybean seed on an average contains 40% protein, 20% oil, 35% carbohydrate and about
5% ash.
Botanical description
Height:- it is erect; bushy with a height of 0.5-2 m. Soybean varies in growth habit, height and
has two types determinate and indeterminate.
Roots:- The roots are tap with large number of secondary adventitious roots which may go as
deep as 1.5m, but most of the active root system is restricted to only 0.15-0.2m from soil surface.
Leaves:- Trifoliate leaves develop on main stem and branches and fall before the seeds are
Flowers:- Flowers develop as short axillary with terminal racemes in cluster of 8-16 flowers and
are white, pink or purple.
Pod:- Pods are small straight, flattened or cylindrical containing 2-3 seeds, the seed colour
range from pale green and yellow to dark brown and green.
Climate requirement
Temperature:- Soybean grows well in warm and moist climate. A temperature of 25 0- 300
C is optimum for growth and development.
Altitude:- crop grows very well from 300 to 2200m above sea level.
RF:- The crop does well grows when well distributed average rain fall of 550 to 700mm
throughout the growing period.
The need for a long growing season and satisfactory soil moisture during flowering and
pod filling are very important for higher yield of soybean.
Soil:- It grows best under good soil conditions. A fertile and medium textured soil with pH
from 5.5 to 7 is usually best.
Cultural Practices
Seedbed Preparation:- A uniform seedbed with sufficient planting depth and spacing, good
germination, weed control and better moisture retention, is a precondition for good yields.
Planting Date:- Planting time should be conceding with adequate moisture to satisfy the
crop water requirement.
Planting time varies depending on growing period areas and maturity period of the varieties.
Therefore prediction of harvesting time at dry time is necessary to avoid heavy rain at this
time because soybean is easily spoiled if it gets rain at harvest.
Early planting when the rain stars recommended to use the available water efficiently.
Planting Depth:- The seed depth varies depending on the type of the soil, however, usually
2.5cm-4cm depth for heavy soil; and 4cm-5cm depth for light soil are recommended.
Spacing:- For early maturing varieties 40cm between rows and medium and late
maturing varieties 60cm between rows for all maturing groups 5cm between seeds
are recommended for proper growth and yield.
Fertilizer Utilization:- Compared to other legume crops, soybean requires higher
amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium mineral
To yield 1ton/ha, soybean requires about 80 kg nitrogen from the soil. Hence, 100
kg/ha DAP is usually applied before planting, however, it is recommended to study
the specific requirement of the farm as soybean responded differently to different
fertilizer levels at different locations.
six weeks of growth. Pre-emergence herbicides should be applied immediately following planting
weeks after planting. Two to three hand weeding will also be required.
Soybean can be affected by a number of diseases, such as bacterial blight, downy mildew, leaf
spot, soybean mosaic virus, many soil borne fungal pathogens and root-knot nematodes.
Most of the pathogens transmit through seeds. The use of resistant varieties,
clean and healthy seeds, seed treatment with fungicides, appropriate sowing date
and good sanitary conditions are an important disease control measures.
Soybean has epigeal type of germination, in which the seed is lifted up above the
surface of the soil and the cotyledon expand and develop several centimeters above
the soil during germination.
This nature of the crop exposed it to bird attack at seedling emergence. Usually 4-
5 days of bird scaring are sufficient to protect the seedlings from the attack.
Botanical description
Roots:- its taproot system enables the plant to explore a large volume of soil up to a depth
of 2 m for moisture and nutrients, with abundant nodules on main and lateral roots.
Leaves:- The leaves are alternate and pinnate, with three to four leaflets carried on long
petioles. Leaves are obovate and softly hairy and about 3-5cm long.
Inflorescences:- Yellow flowers carried on auxiliary branches are small; about 12 mm
long. It is a self-pollinating crop, although out-crossing to the extent of about 2% takes
place in the areas of high bee activity.
About 7-10 days after fertilization, the receptacle thickens, elongates, and forces the ovary
downward into the ground.
The long carpophore bearing the fertilized ovule is known as the “peg” and the action of
burying of the immature pod is called “pegging.”
Kernel:- Mature pods (8.0 x 1.0-2.5 cm) are fibrous, containing two to four
spherical or ovoid kernels.
The kernels are without endosperm and its oil content varies significantly with
variety, seed size, season, and cultural practices.
Special characteristic
• Groundnut- annual plant that grows best under hot and sunny areas.
• Groundnut bears floral structure above ground, complete fertilization and
develops fruit/pod in the soil.
• Seven to ten days after fertilization, the embryo will enter into the soil.
• Depending on soil condition, pods or the fruiting structure can reach a depth of
3-10 cm in the soil.
Climate requirement
Temperature:- groundnut is a tropical crop. It requires long growing season which
are free from frost. Lower limit for germination is 18 ºc, 20-30 ºc results in 95%
The optimum temperature for vegetative growth is between 27 ºc and 30 ºc. The
number of leaves on the groundnut plant increases as the temperatures increase from
20-35 ºc.
Stem growth is also enhanced as temperatures increases, however, the minimum level
being 20 ºc.
The warmer the environment, the faster the plant reaches the reproductive phase.
Rainfall:- Grow and yield well in areas receiving 500-1250 mm of well distributed rainfall.
Adequate moisture is necessary for proper germination and good plant stand.
Groundnut cannot with stand frost or water logging.
Groundnut has specific moisture need due to their peculiar feature of producing pods
underground. Water requirement in groundnut reach a maximum during flowering and pod
Ideal soil:- Well drained, light color, loose, friable, sandy loam soil with soil pH 5.8-6.2 and
well supplied with calcium and moderate amount of organic matter.
In loose, friable, sandy-loam soils germination of seeds and emergence of seedling are high. The
peg can penetrate the soil easily and the pod can be removed from the soil with minimum losses
and the soil does not adhere excessively the fleshy dug pods.
Adequate calcium is essential in soils for the production of pods with more of sound, mature
Cultural Practices
Seedbed Preparation:- A uniform seedbed with sufficient planting depth and spacing, good
germination, weed control and better moisture retention, is a precondition for good yields.
Planting Date:- Planting time for groundnut vary from place to place depending on climatic
condition. In Ethiopia: East Hararghe, mid April is the planting time. But, western Ethiopia, planted
till mid June when mid May is the appropriate planting time for middle Awash.
Planting Depth:- The planting depth of 5 -7.5cm ensures well plant development and optimum
production. Shallow planted seeds (less than 5cm deep) will be planted in relatively warmer soil than
seed planted at levels deeper than 7.5cm.
Seeds planted in shallow soils run the risk of desiccation resulting in poor stands. Shallow planting of
seed (< 5cm) can only be considered when enough moisture is available and the climate is moist,
otherwise poor stands will result.
In situation where moisture is not limiting 5cm is the ideal planting depth.
Spacing:- It is very difficult to find the perfect spacing, as all the seeds, which have
planted, do not necessarily germinate.
Dense spacing can result in competition between plants for light, nutrition and
moisture, resulting in plants which only develop a main stem with few pods.
Plants that are densely spaced are thus forced to produce on the upper most nodes of
the main stem, resulting in delayed pod formation, immature pods and thus an
inferior yield.
Plants in low populations produce more side branches than normally spaced plants
and produce large quantities of pods per plant, but total yield per hectare will be poor.
Generally 60cm between row/ridges and 10 cm between plants for irrigated areas
when for marginal areas like Babile 35cm between rows and 25 cm between plants is
Seed Rate:- The seed rate is determined depending on the seed size and spacing 60-
110kg/ha of shelled seed.
Earthing Up:- The main purpose of Earthing up is to bring the soil as close as
possible to the pegs thus avoiding the problem of hulling pegs in the air and more
pegs will have the chance to produce pods.
Cultural control
• Early and dense sowings when early sowing allows plants to start flowering
before aphids appear while dense sowings provide a barrier to aphids
penetrating in from field edges.
• Sanitary measures are important within crops and between seasons to prevent
the spread of viruses for which A. craccivora is a vector.
Chemical Control
• Marshal, Deltanate, polo and Endosulfan can be used
• Thiodan @ 3 lt /ha
• Karate @ 2 lt/ha suppress the population
6. Termites
1. Preventing termites gaining access to plants
• Seed dressing or placing persistent insecticidal barriers in the soil around the roots
• Poisoning the mounds with organo chlorins.
2. Cultural practices
a. Deep plowing or hand tillage
• Exposes termites to desiccation and to predators, thus reducing their number in the
• Pre-planting tillage also destroys the tunnels built by termites and restricts their
foraging activities and associated damage to crops.
• Removal of the queen and/or destruction of the nest for control of mound-building
b. Crop rotation
• May be useful in reducing the buildup of termites since intensive monoculture
for long periods makes plants more susceptible to termite attack.
c. The removal of residues and other debris from the field
• May reduce potential termite food supplies and hence lead to a reduction in
termite numbers and subsequent attack.
d. Mulches
• May either increase or decrease the incidence of termites depending on whether
they have any repellent properties.