SM CH 4 SM Smu 2023
SM CH 4 SM Smu 2023
SM CH 4 SM Smu 2023
Strategies in action
• Strategic actions can be categorized into
different types:
– integration, liquidation, spine off, restructuring, diversification,
holding, divesting, end game, stable growth, , focus, differentiation,
cost leadership, market development and so on.
Corporate level strategies
• Corporate-level strategy(strategic issues,
development of business portfolio and
management of business portfolio)
– answers the question of what set of businesses should
the company be in or.
– determines the attractiveness of the industry and
develop and coordinate business portfolio.
• It has three key components:
– Value Creation
– Scope and
Types of Corporate Strategies
• There are four types of corporate level
– Stability Strategy
– Growth Strategy
– Retrenchment Strategy
– Combination Strategy
1. Stability or Consolidation strategy
• A firm following stability strategy:
– maintains its current business and product
– maintains the existing level of effort; and is
satisfied with incremental growth
– focuses on fine-tuning its business operations
and improving functional efficiencies
through better deployment of resources
When to use stability strategy?
External growth strategies
– Large amounts of financial resources are required
to take over running units
– Drastic changes are required in the organization
structure and management of the firm.
– Co-ordination and control of integrated units
becomes very difficult
3. Retrenchment Strategy
• Retrenchment Strategy
– Allows an organization to redefine its
business by divesting a major product line
or market.
– is necessary for a firm to cope up hostile
and adverse situations in the environment
– is commonly used when the life cycle of the
industry is in its decline stage
Retrenchment Strategy
A. Turnaround Strategy
B. Survival Strategy
Survival Strategy
• Restructuring the business operations: - the
company tries to survive by
– restructuring its management team
– financial reengineering or
– overall business reengineering
C. Liquidation Strategy
• Liquidation strategy:
– is the final resort for a declining company.
– applied when there is no promising future for the
– a simple shutdown will prevent owners from
throwing good money after bad once
4. Combination Strategies
Business Level Strategies
Generic Business-Level Strategy:
Cost Leadership
• Establish a cost structure that allows the
company to provide goods and services at
lower unit costs than competitors
• Advantages
– If rivals charge similar prices, the cost leader
achieves superior profitability
– The cost leader is able to charge a lower price than
Cost Leadership Strategic Choices
• The cost leader does not try to be the industry
• The cost leader positions its products to appeal
to the “average” customer
• The overriding goal of the cost leader is to
increase efficiency and lower its costs relative
to its rivals
Cost Leadership Advantages
• Protected from industry competitors by cost advantage
• Less affected by increased prices of inputs if there are powerful
• Less affected by a fall in price of outputs if there are powerful
• Purchases in large quantities increase bargaining power over
• Ability to reduce price to compete with substitute products
• Low costs and prices are a barrier to entry
Cost Leadership Disadvantages
• Competitors may lower their cost structures
• Competitors may imitate the cost leader’s
• Cost reductions may affect demand i.e.
perceive it as low quality
Generic Business-Level Strategy:
• Create a product that customers perceive as
different or distinct in an important way.
• Advantages
– Premium price
– Increased revenues = superior profitability
Differentiation Advantages
• Customers develop brand loyalty
• Powerful suppliers are not a problem because the company
is geared more toward the price it can charge than its costs
• Differentiators can pass price increases on to customers
• Powerful buyers are not a problem because the product is
• Differentiation and brand loyalty are barriers to entry
• The threat of substitute products depends on competitors’
ability to meet customer needs
Differentiation Strategic Choices
• Quality, innovation, responsiveness to customer
• A differentiator strives to differentiate itself
along as many dimensions as possible
• A differentiator entsegms its market into many
• A differentiated company concentrates on the
organizational functions that provide the source
of differentiation advantage
Differentiation Disadvantages
• Difficulty in maintaining long-term
distinctness in customers’ eyes b/c
– Agile competitors can quickly imitate
– Patents and first-mover advantage are limited
• Difficulty of maintaining premium price
Generic Business-Level Strategy: Cost
Leadership and Differentiation