• A model is a set of guiding assumptions, concepts, and propositions about the
nature of phenomena or human experience.
• Models have often been defined as human-made tools for understanding and
human-made guidelines for action.
• Treatment and intervention strategies are guided by the type of disability model
Medical Model of Disability
• It is sometimes referred to as the Biological-Inferiority or Functional-
Limitation Model.
• The Medical Model places the source of the problem within a single person
with impairment,
• People with impairments are disabled by the fact that they are excluded from
participation within the mainstream of society as a result of physical,
environmental and attitudinal barriers which prevent them from gaining
equal access to education, employment, information, housing, public
transport, leisure opportunities, and so on.
Functional Models of Disability
• The functional model of disability theorizes that the functions of the
individual influence the definition of disability.
e.g. The loss of one finger would probably not be considered a disability for
most people, and yet, because of the impairment in occupational functioning
for the concert pianist, the amputation would be a life-changing disability.
Ecological Models of Disability
• In this model the disability or ability is defined as the interaction between the person and
their environment.
• Ability and disability do not exist as two separate entities, but as a spectrum that is
dependent on the interaction between person and environmental factors.
• E.G. if an individual has the physical potential to see, but there is no light in
his/her environment, then the person-environment interaction creates a
• If the same person has 20/20 vision, yet is unable to view bacteria, the addition
of a microscope creates ability.
• Therefore, the ability or disability is not inherent in the person or the environment, but a
dynamic interaction between these two factors.
Human Rights Model of Disability
• The human rights model positions disability as an important dimension of human culture,
and it affirms that all human beings irrespective of their disabilities have certain rights which are
• A rights based approach to disability and development is about:
• leveling the playing field so that people with disabilities can access jobs, education, health
and other services;
• the removal of physical and social barriers;
• attitude adjustments for policy makers, employers, teachers, health care professionals and
even family members;
• ensuring universal design, accessible technology, and coordinated public programs and
• This approach requires government to provide the resources necessary to implement these
7 goals
Concept of Inclusion
Rationales of Inclusion
• Implementation of inclusion has number of rationales. The
major ones include:
• Educational,
• Social,
• Legal,
• Economic and
• Inclusive society building foundations.
Definitions of Inclusion
• Inclusion is seen as a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of
needs of all persons through increasing participation in learning, employment,
services, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion at all social contexts.
• Inclusion is defined as having a wide range of strategies, activities and processes
that seek to make a reality of the universal right to quality, relevant and
appropriate education and services.
• It is part of a wider strategy promoting inclusive development, with the goal of
creating a world where there is peace, tolerance, and sustainable use of
resources, social justice, and where the basic needs and rights of all are met.
• It involves changes and modifications in content, approaches, structures and
strategies, with a common vision which covers all people, a conviction that it is
the responsibility of the social system to educate all children, employ and
provide social services.
Components of Inclusion
• All children have a right to education within their own community
• Everyone can learn, and any child can experience difficulties in learning
• It helps to use appropriate resources and support within schools and at local
levels for the needs of different children.
Components Cond…
• It promotes combating discrimination and exclusionary pressures at any social sectors
• It enables responding to/embracing diversity as a resource not as a problem
• It prepares learners for an inclusive society that respects and values difference
• Promotes unlocking and fully using local resources redistributing existing resources
Principles of Inclusion
• The fundamental principle of inclusion is that all persons should learn, work
and live together wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or
differences they may have.
• UNESCO (2005) has provided four major inclusion principles that support
inclusive practice:
1. Inclusion is a process.
• Other factors
Barriers to Inclusion
• Problems related with societal values and beliefs
• Economic factors
• Rigid curricula, teaching method and examination systems that do not consider
students with dives needs and ability differences
• Large class sizes that make teachers and stakeholders meet students‘ diverse