Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Farm implements - accessories pulled by animals or
mounted to machineries to make the work easier
Hand tools - objects that are usually light and are used without the
help of animals and machines such as shovel, spade, sprinkler etc.
Preventive maintenance - an activity or operation done to prevent
malfunction of tools and equipment and it is done to prolong the
useful life of tools and equipment
Repair - to restore to good condition
something broken or damaged
Farm Tools in Agricultural Crop Operation
Farm tools, implements, and
equipment play very important role in
agricultural crop operations. Their
availability makes the work much
easier and faster. In order to do crop
production operations successfully, one
must have a good working knowledge of
the tools, implements and equipment
before using them.
Hand Tools
areusually light and are used without the
help of animals or machines. They are
being used in performing farm activities
which involve small areas like school
garden and home garden.
Crop Calendar
2. Triangular Pattern
PPD= Area ÷ DBH × DBR x 1.15 and x NPH
Hazards involved in Cultivation
Rubber boots
Respirator/Dust Masks
Hand gloves
Face masks
Native Plow
Parts of a Native Plow
1. Beam
2. Standard
3. Chisel
4. Single tray
5. Landside
6. Shoulder adjustment belt
7. Yoke
8. Draw rope
9. Guide rope
10. Moldboard
11. Cleavage
Land Clearing- is the process of removing trees,
stones and other obstacles in the area.
Types of Climate in the Philippines
Type I- Dry from November to April and wet
during the rest of the year.
Type II- No dry season and maximum rainfall
from November to January.
Type III- Dry from November to April and wet
during the rest of the year.
Type IV- Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed
throughout the year.
Planting Layout- is the arrangement of
crops in the farm area.
1. Square method
2. Triangle method
3. Rectangular method
Environmental Issues to be Considered in Cultivating the Soil