Mnemonic S
Mnemonic S
Mnemonic S
Dr.M.Prasantha Kumari
There are four types of mnemonics:
Alphabetical Mnemonics
Scheduled Mnemonics
Seminal Mnemonics
Systematic Mnemonics
Alphabetical Mnemonics
In alphabetical mnemonics an entity is denoted by its
name using its initial alphabet,
e.g., J381B
B means Basmati Rice
while D5125H
H means Hero Bicycle,
M means Maruti motorcar.
Library of Congress, (LCC) and UDC use alphabetical
mnemonics to a large extent. In the LCC we have:
A General works
AC General Collections
AE General Encyclopedias
AS General Societies
In the LCC we have literal mnemonics which are
G-Geography, M-Music, and T-Technology
Scheduled Mnemonics.