Edge Computing
Edge Computing
Edge Computing
Cloud Computing
Limitations of Cloud Computing
What is Edge Computing
Need For Edge Computing
Comparison between Cloud Computing and Edge Computing
Architecture of Edge Computing
Feature Research Topics
The Internet has changed the way people access the information they need.
Whether it is individuals reading emails or watching videos, or factories utilizing
automated fabrication devices, the access and processing of data is totally different.
As, new research areas are emerging. One of them is Internet of Things (Io T) which
connects countless devices to the Internet as well as the data generated and
This increase brings several issues which could degrade the Quality of Service (QoS)
with delays or even failed requests due to bandwidth limitations. • Current
tendency to solve problems that the Cloud Computing has is to perform
computations close to the device as much as possible. This paradigm is called Edge
Cloud computing is a infrastructure and software system that allows for access
to shared network of storage, server and application over the internet.
With Cloud Computing users can access database resources via the internet
from anywhere for as long as they need without worrying about any
maintenance and management of actual resources.
Limitations of Cloud
Latency: In the traditional cloud computing model applications send data
to the data Centre and obtain a response, which increases the system
latency. For e.g. High speed autonomous driving vehicles require
milliseconds of response time.
Develop real time data processing method for load balancing and increase the
performance of EC.
Fundamental Perception of EDGE Computing. "Khaja Mannanuddin et al 2020
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 981 022035.
Stead, M., Lancaster University, U. K., Gradinar, A., Coulton, P., & Lindley, J. Edge
of Tomorrow: Designing Sustainable Edge Computing. DRS2020: Synergy.