Presentation For Hope 1
Presentation For Hope 1
Presentation For Hope 1
Psychological abuse
Physical Abuse
Cruelty –
• Any act by word or deed which debases, degrades or demeans the
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being.
Note that…
Child Neglect
Failure to provide, for reasons other than poverty, adequate food,
clothing, shelter, basic education or medical care so as to endanger
seriously the physical, mental, social and emotional growth/development
Abandonment or concealment of child
Failure to give education commensurate to family’s social station and
financial condition
Causes or permits child’s truancy
Allows child to possess or carry deadly weapons
Allows child to drive without and/or fake license
Sexual Abuse
Refers to any sexual act committed against the
will of another person
Emotional maltreatment
1. child abuse
2. cruelty or
3. exploitation or
4. to be responsible for other conditions prejudicial to the child's development
including those covered by Article 59 of Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended, but not
covered by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, shall suffer the penalty of prision
mayor in its minimum period.
Section 10 of Republic Act 7610 punishes not only those enumerated under Article 59
of Presidential Decree No. 603, but also four distinct acts, i.e., (a) child abuse, (b)
child cruelty, (c) child exploitation and (d) being responsible for conditions
prejudicial to the child's development. The Rules and Regulations of the questioned
statute distinctly and separately defined child abuse, cruelty and exploitation just to
show that these three acts are different from one another and from the act
prejudicial to the child's development. Contrary to petitioner's assertion, an accused
can be prosecuted and be convicted under Section 10(a), Article VI of Republic Act
No. 7610 if he commits any of the four acts therein. The prosecution need not prove
that the acts of child abuse, child cruelty and child exploitation have resulted in the
prejudice of the child because an act prejudicial to the development of the child is
different from the former acts.
Child abuse and neglect are serious public health problems because
they lead to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that can have long-term
impact on children’s health, opportunity, and wellbeing.
Survival Protective
Rights Rights
Child as a
“Holder of Rights”
Participatory Developmental
Rights Rights
Statutory Protection
Constitutional Law:
◦ 1987 Philippine Constitution
International Law:
◦ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN
Statutory Law:
◦ R.A. 7610, R.A. 9231, R.A. 10627, R.A. 9262, R.A. 7877,
R.A. 11313, R.A. 8353 as amended by R.A. 11648 R.A.
11956, R.A. 11930
Child Protection
Philippine Legal Framework
• Refers to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a
written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture,
or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the
effect of:
1. physical abuse
2. sexual violence
3. psychological abuse
4. economic abuse
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children
Republic Act No. 9262
No criminal liability on the part of a person having carnal knowledge of another
person under 16 years of age when:
the age difference between the parties is not more than 3 years;
the sexual act in question is proven to be consensual;
the sexual act in question is proven to be non-abusive;
What do we mean by non-
No criminal liability on the part of a person having carnal knowledge of another
person under 16 years of age when:
the age difference between the parties is not more than 3 years;
the sexual act in question is proven to be consensual;
the sexual act in question is proven to be non-abusive;
the sexual act in question is proven to be non-exploitative.
What do we mean by non-
No criminal liability on the part of a person having carnal knowledge of another
person under 16 years of age when
the age difference between the parties is not more than 3 years; and
the sexual act in question is proven to be consensual, non-abusive, and non-
Provided, That the penalty of lascivious conduct when the victim is under 16:
Reclusion Temporal in its medium period.
Amendments to SEC 7, RA 7610 Amendments to SEC 9, RA 7610
• Any person who shall keep or have on his company a minor 16 years of age or under, or who
is 10 years or more his junior
In any public place or private place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque, cabaret, pension
house, sauna or massage parlor, beach, and/or other tourist or similar places
• PENALTY: Prision mayor in its maximum period and a fine of not less than Php 50,000.00
Provided: Provision not applicable to any person who is related within the 4 th degree of
consanguinity or affinity or any bond recognized by law, local custom and tradition or acts in
the performance of a social, moral or legal duty
Republic Act No. 11596
Imprisonment with a penalty of prision mayor in its medium period, and a fine
of not less than Php 40,000.00.
Imprisonment with a penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period, and a fine
of not less than Php 50,000.00.
If the perpetrator is a public officer, he or she shall be dismissed from the service
and may be perpetually disqualified from holding office, at the discretion of the
whether offline, or by, through or with the use of ICT, by means of visual,
video, audio, written, or any combination thereof, by electronic,
mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other means
• The use of ICT as a means to abuse and/or exploit children sexually, which
includes cases in which offline child abuse and/or exploitation is combined
with an online component.
• This can also include, but is not limited to, the production, dissemination and
possession of CSAEM; online grooming of children for sexual purposes; sexual
extortion of children; sharing image-based sexual abuse; commercial sexual
exploitation of children; exploitation of children through online prostitution;
and live-streaming of sexual abuse, with or without the consent of the victim
Definition of Terms (Sec. 3)
• The act of using a child as an object
for the sexual desire or satisfaction of
another, even if there is no actual
sexual intercourse or no private part
of the body of the child has been
Definition of Terms (Sec. 3)
• Predatory conduct, act, or pattern of acts,
of establishing a relationship of trust, or
emotional connection by another, with a
child or someone who is believed to be a
child, and/or the family, guardian, and/or
caregivers, whether in person or via
electronic and other similar devices, for
the purpose of perpetrating sexual
abuse or exploitation or the production
of any form of CSAEM
Definition of Terms (Sec. 3)
• The act of communicating, by means
of a computer system, with a child or
someone who the offender believes to
be a child for the purpose of
facilitating the commission of sexual
activity or production of any form of
Definition of Terms (Sec. 3)
• The act of offering, advertising,
promoting, representing or distributing
through any means any child sexual abuse or
exploitation material, or any material that
purports to contain any form of child sexual
abuse or exploitation material, regardless of
its actual content
Creation of the OSAEC and CSAEM
Offenders Registry (Sec. 32)
• An OSAEC and CSAEM offenders registry for both Filipino
nationals and foreigners shall be created containing the following
information of adult individuals convicted of OSAEC, CSAEM and
other sexual offenses against children:
a. name;
b. address;
c. employment;
d. fingerprints;
e. complete criminal history;
f. recent photograph; and
g. other relevant information necessary for the proper
registration of child sexual offenders.