Worl Wide Web
Worl Wide Web
Worl Wide Web
Group 3:
Key Terms
ANSI - American National Standards OS - Operating system
Perl - Practical extraction and
CPU - Central processing unit reporting language
DNS - Domain name system PHP - Hypertext preprocessor
GUI - Graphical user interface SQL - Structured query language
HTML - Hypertext markup language WISP - Wireless internet service
HTTP - Hypertext transfer protocol
WMA - Windows media audio
ISO - International Organization for
Standardization WWW -World Wide Web
OOP - Object-oriented programming XML - Extensible markup language
Android OS - is Google's open and free software stack Cable modem - provides high-speed internet
that includes an operating system, middleware, and connections through the cable television network.
key applications for use on mobile devices such as This service costs about twice as much as dial-up
smartphones. access.
Assembly language - is used primarily for direct Chat room - is a location on an internet server that
hardware manipulation and direct access to permits users to chat with each other.
specialized processor instructions. It is also used to Chat - is a real-time typed conversation that takes
address critical performance issues. place on a computer or mobile device.
Blog website - is an informal website consisting of Computer programming language - is a language used
time-stamped articles, or posts, in a diary or journal to write computer programs; it involves a computer
format, commonly listed in reverse chronological that performs some kind of computation or
order. algorithm, and possibly controls external devices
C programming language - is a general-purpose, such as printers, disk drives, etc.
imperative programming language developed in the C++ programming language - is an intermediate-level
early '70s; C is the oldest and most widely used language with object-oriented programming features,
language, providing the building blocks for other originally designed to enhance the C language.
popular languages. Database - is a collection of data used for automated
C sharp (C#) - is a programming language based on systems.
C++ and Java that helps developers create XML web
services and Microsoft's NET-connected applications
for Windows operating systems and the internet.
Dial-up access - takes place when the modem in
the computer uses a standard telephone line to Internet2 - is a not-for-profit networking
connect to the internet. It is an easy yet an consortium in the U.S. which aims to improve
expensive way for users to connect to the the internet, such as relieving bottlenecks in the
internet. current architecture.
Domain name - is the text version of an IP Interpreter - is a computer program that directly
address. Figure 34 shows an IP address and its executes, i.e., performs instructions written in a
associated domain name. programming or scripting language, without
Domain name system (DNS) - is the method that previously compiling them into a machine
the internet uses to store domain names and language program.
their corresponding IP addresses. Java programming language - is a programming
High-level language - is a programming language that was first introduced to the public
language such as C, Fortran, or Pascal that in 1995 and is widely used to create internet
enables a programmer to write programs that are applications and other software programs.
more or less independent of a particular type of Low-level language - is a programming
computer. language that provides little or no abstraction
Hypertext preprocessor (PHP) - is a server-side from a computer's instruction set architecture.
interpreted scripting language. It was designed Netiquette - refers to the etiquette guidelines that
for creating dynamic web pages and other web govern behavior when communicating on the
pages that effectively work with databases. internet.
Internet - is a worldwide collection of networks
that links millions of businesses, government
agencies, educational institutions, and
Operating system - manages the computer's specific group of people with similar interests or
memory and processes, as well as all of its relationships.
software applications and hardware; it also Web hosting - provides the technologies and
allows one to communicate with the computer services needed for the website or web page to
without knowing how to speak the computer's be viewed via the internet.
language. Web page - is a document that contains text,
Program - refers to a set of instructions and graphics, audio (sound), and/or video accessible
operations for a computer to perform or do through the internet.
certain tasks. Web publishing - is the process of publishing
Programmer - is a person who writes computer original content on the internet. The process
programs. includes building and uploading websites,
Programming language - is a formal computer updating the associated web pages, and posting
language that is designed to create instructions content to these web pages online.
for the computer. Web server - is a system that delivers requested
System software - comprises device drivers, OS, web pages to the computer.
servers, and software components. Website - is a collection of related web pages
Programming software helps in writing and associated items, such as documents and
programs through tools such as editors, linkers, pictures, stored in a web server.
debuggers, and compilers/interpreters, among WiFi - is a network that uses radio signals to
others. provide internet connections to wireless
Web browser - is the tool used to access the computers and devices.
Web community - is a website that gathers a
Wiki website - is a collaborative Wizard - is an automated assistant
website that allows users to create, that helps complete a task by asking
add to, modify, or delete the website questions and then performs actions
content via their web browser. based on the answers.
Wireless internet service provider Word processor - allows the user to
(WISP) - is a company that provides write a letter, design a flyer, and
wireless internet access to users with create other types of documents.
wireless modems or web-enabled World Wide Web (WWW) - crasists of
mobile devices, such as smartphones a worldwide collection of electronic
and personal digital assistants documents.
The Internet
The internet (capitalized as in Internet when it first came into
widespread use) is defined as a worldwide network connecting to a
million of computers via dedicated routers and servers. When
computers are connected to the internet, end-users could start
sending and receiving different types of information. These types of
information can be sent and received via electronic mails (emails),
text or video chats and/or conferencing, and computer programs,
among others. Now, most telephone companies all over the world
also function as internet service providers. In the Philippines, the
PLDT, Inc. (formerly known as Philippine Long Distance Telephone
Company) is the largest network company; Smart Communications,
Inc. and Digitel Mobile Philippines, Inc (commercially known as Sun
Cellular) are collaborating with PLDT while Globe Telecom has
acquired Bayan
Telecommunications (commonly
known as Bayan Tel or Bayan).
These telecommunication
companies use high-speed fiber-
optic cables to transmit data. But
no one actually owns "the Internet."
Large internet service providers
own infrastructure through which
internet is delivered. Today,
according to the 2018 Global
Digital suite of reports from We Are
Social and Hootsuite, there are
more than 4 billion people
anywhere in the world connecting
to the internet for various reasons.
Some of the uses are illustrated in
Figure 3.1.
The Internet: Then and Now