Law of Contract - Topic 2 Formation of Contract
Law of Contract - Topic 2 Formation of Contract
Law of Contract - Topic 2 Formation of Contract
Contract according to validity or enforceability
a)Valid Contracts
• Valid contracts are those agreements
enforceable by law.
• These are contract that satisfy the definition
‘as per Section 2(1)(h) of The Law of the Law
of Contract Act. contract is an agreement
enforceable by law’
• They contain all the legal requirements of
contract stipulated under Section 10 of Law of
Contracts Act to include offer, acceptance,
lawful object, lawful consideration, competent
parties, free consent, certainty etc. The law
recognizes these contracts and enforces them.
b)Voidable Contract
• A voidable contract is an agreement
which is enforceable by law at the option
of one or more parties but not at the
option of the others. Section 2(1) (i) of
the LCA.
• A voidable contract is therefore a
contract with full legal force until one of
the parties who are entitled to bring it to
an end rescinds the contract.
Characteristics of Voidable Contract
Causes of Voidable Contracts
i)Coercion /duress that is entering into contract
by being forced
ii)Misrepresentation: telling false information
which is believed to be true by the other party
iii)Fraud: doing an act or omission with intention
to deceive other
iv)Undue influence: where the stronger party
uses his power/ status to contract to dominate
the will of weaker party
Limitations on the right to rescind the contract by the Innocent party
Effect of voidable Contract
c) Void Contract/Agreement
• Void Agreement: is the agreement of
something that is not legally valid.
• It is something that has no legal force.
• A void contract is not legally enforceable and
the parties of the contract are not legally
obligated to each other as per Section 2(1)(g)
of the LCA state that agreement which is not
enforceable is void.
The following agreement are void according to SS.24-30 of the LCA
e)Unenforceable Contract
• Unenforceable contract is the agreement
(agreement) which is not enforceable by law.
• Unenforceable contract is contract otherwise
valid but they cannot be enforceable because
of some technical defects.
• These defects may be failure of the parties to
comply with certain procedural requirements
such as having contract in writing, stamping
Case: Kanti Printing Works v Tanga Municipal Council (1950)H.C.D 253
Contract according to Performance
Bilateral Contract
• Are contract where two side exchange
• Illustration
• “A” promises to sell and deliver car to
“B”. “B” promises to pay for the car upon
delivery. This is a promise for a promise
and hence is a two-way traffic deal.
Therefore, is bilateral contract.
Executed and Executor Contract
• Executed contract are the contracts
where parties have performed their
contractual obligations.
• Nobody is in breach of the contract and
therefore no body is claiming anything
from each other
• Executor Contracts: these are contract
which are partially executed.
• Occur when one of the parties has
fulfilled his contractual obligation but the
other is yet to perform his/her
• In such situation, it is executed as against
one party, while executory as against the
2.2 Essential Ingredients of Contract
• Essentials of a valid contract means legal
requirements for the creation of a
• In order for an agreement to be
enforceable by law, it must have the
following essential elements/ingredients
of a valid contract which are mostly
provided for under Section 10 of the Law
of Contract Act Cap. 345 R.E. 2019
• Section 10 of the Law of Contract Act,
provides that all agreements are
contracts if they are made by the free
consent of parties competent to
contract, for a lawful consideration and
with a lawful object, and are not hereby
expressly declared to be void.
1)Free consent S.13 LCA
• Section 13 of the Law of Contract provides that
two or more persons are said to consent when
they agree upon the same thing in the same
sense.(‘Consesus ad idem’=meeting of minds)
• Consent is said to be free when it is not caused
by duress (coercion), undue influence,
misrepresentation, fraud or mistake. These
are technically known as vitiating factors to a
(a)Duress (Coercion)
• Duress is defined under Section 15 as
committing, or threatening to commit any act
against a person’s will.
• Duress is some element of force, either
physical or economic, which is used to
override one party’s freedom to choose
whether to enter into a particular contract or
• Such contracts are voidable at the insistence
of the innocent party.
In order to benefit from the doctrine of
duress, claimants must prove that the
• resulted in an absence of choice on their part,
was brought on them against their will.
• was of a nature considered to be illegal by the
Eg. Armstrong threatened to kill Barton if he
did not sign a contract=void contract.
b)Undue influence
• A contract is said to be influenced by „undue
influence‟ when all the essential elements of
undue influence are satisfied. As per section
16 of the LCA, the elements of undue
influence are that: the relationship between
the parties is such that one of the parties is in
a position to dominate the will of the other;
the influence has been used by one of the
parties to obtain an unfair advantage over the
other; and unfair advantage is in fact obtained
c) Misrepresentation S.18 LCA
• Misrepresentation is untrue or misleading
statement of fact made during negotiation by
one of the party to another, inducing the
other to entre into contract.
These may be ;
• Innocent misrepresentation
• negligent misrepresentation
• Fraudulent misrepresentation.
Innocent misrepresentation
• This is when one part makes untrue statement
which induces a part to entre into contract
believing them to be true without having
being negligent in making the statement.
• If misrepresentation is shown under s.18 the
contract becomes Voidable under section 19.
• The innocent part may either rescind the
contract or affirm it. However the contract
should not be voidable if the part had the
means to discover the truth.
Negligent misrepresentation
Kanji Kassa vs. Jadawjiwalji(1918) EA
• The trader signed an offer without reading the
content. The trader then thought to avoid the
contract alleging misrepresentation made by
the 3rd part concerning the content of the
offer but lost the case
• Held: he could not avoid the contract because
he had when affixing the signature the means
to discover the truth with ordinary diligence.
Fraudulent misrepresentation
• Is a false representation of a material fact
that is intended to deceive, and in fact
deceives another so that the individual
will act upon it to his or her legal injury.
• Fraudulent misrepresentation require
knowledge that a statement is not true.
D) Mistake
• For mistake to be operative it must be of fact
and not of law
• thus the maxim ‘Coveat emptor’ (let the buyer
• Document mistakenly signed one may plead
the doctrine of ‘non est factum’=it is not my
Sluis Bros(EA) Ltd v. Mathias and Tawari
Kitomari [1980] TLR 294
• The case stated the legal position of the plea of ‘non
est factum’ in Tanzania. In this case peasant believing
to deal in a joint venture with the appellant, a
company based in Arusha affiliated to Dutch
company, on the contrary the peasant worked on
loan had to pay it back. They successfully pleaded
‘non est factum.’
• Held: it would be clearly most absurd to expect
peasant to be able to read and understand
documents written in a foreign language.
Limitation to the right to rescind
• Affirmation of contract
• Lapse of time
• Where third part has acquired a right
• Ability to restore.(restitution integram) –is
there any possibility to restore the property?
• Failure to discover the truth using ordinary
2)Intention to create legal relations
• A contract which is governed by the law of
contract must be made with a view to creating
legal relations.
• Illustration: David is leaving on a business trip.
He promises his daughter that he will bring
her a camera. This cannot be considered a
contract as he does not intend to bind himself
CASE: Balfour v Balfour (1919)
Court’s decision
3) Consideration
• An informal promise without
consideration is not actionable in law
even though the promisor may have
acted upon it to his detriment.
• S.25(1)(b) of LCA, an agreement made
without consideration is void.
4) Lawful object
• It is an essential element of a valid contract.
• A contract that breaks the law is illegal.
• The courts have recognized that any contract
that tends to prejudice any social or
economic interest of the country must be
• The contract which its object is either
prohibited by law or is against public policy is
considered by law illegal.
• If the consideration and the object of the
contract is unlawful then the contract
become illegal , and the contract which is
illegal becomes void a binitio and
therefore not enforceable by law section
24 of Law of Contract
5)Capacity to contract
• Capacity to contract refers to
competence to contract.
• Capacity refers to a person’s ability to
enter into a contract.
• In general, all adults of sound mind have
full capacity to contract.
• However the capacity of certain
individuals is limited.
• Section 11(1) of the Law of Contract Act
provides that every person is competent
to contract if he is of the age of majority,
is of sound mind and is not disqualified
from contracting by any law to which he
is subject.
• Any agreement with a person who is
incompetent to contract is void
2.3 Agreement
• An agreement is defined under 2(1)(e) to
mean every promise and every set of
promises forming the consideration for
each other.
• A contract is a bilateral agreement
between two or more parties.
• Therefore, the presence of an offer and
its acceptance are of utmost importance
for any contract to take place.
• Example: the statement that : John I want to
buy your goat is not an offer because it is not
clear and certain since the buyer has not
specified the price which he is willingly to pay
• In this aspect section 29 of Law of Contract
provides that: Agreements which an offer is
uncertain and incapable of being made certain
is void.
Nittin Coffee Estates Ltd & Others v. United Engineering Works Ltd & Another 1988] T.L.R. 203 and Alfi E.A. Ltd. v. Themi Industries & Distributors Agency Ltd [1984] TLR 256
3)It must be final and firm expression
• Where the proposal terms keeps on changing
the terms of his statement, then such
statement cannot be regarded in law as
4) Offer must be communicated: that means the
proposal must come to the knowledge of
whom is made.
Offer and Invitation to treat
Case:Fisher vs Bell (1960)QB394
i)Unilateral Advertisement
ii)Bilateral Advertisement
How is an offer communicated?
i) Termination by Withdrawal/ Revocation
• A proposal may be revoked at any time before
the communication of its acceptance is complete
as against the proposer and not afterwards. S.
5(1) of the LCA
• This is the case even where the offeror has stated
that his offer is open for a specific period of time.
• Provided his promise to keep the offer open is
not supported by consideration, it does not bind
him and as such he can revoke his offer even
within the period when the offer is open. S.6(a)
of the LCA
Moreover, the offeror may prescribe the duration the
offer is to remain open for acceptance.
• However, the offeror is free to revoke or withdraw his
offer at any time before such duration lapses.
• In Dickinson v Dodds (1876) 2 Ch D 463, the
defendant offered to sell a house to the plaintiff on
Wednesday 10/06/1874 and the offer was to remain
open up to Friday 12th at 9 am. The plaintiff learned
on Thursday that the defendant was planning to sell
the house to someone else. He left a formal
acceptance for the defendant same day but the
defendant did not see it.
• On Thursday, the defendant sold the
house to a 3rd party
• The plaintiff purported to accept the offer
on Friday morning before 9 am.
• It was held:
• that there was no agreement between the
parties as the defendant had revoked his
offer by selling the house to a 3rd party on
June 11th
• That there is neither principle nor authority for
saying that there must be an express and actual
withdrawal of the offer
• That the plaintiff knew, through a third party, that
the defendant was no longer minded to sell the
house to him and this was as plain and clear as if
the defendant had expressly said he withdrew the
• That the defendant would not have been able to
withdraw the offer only if both parties agreed that
it was a continuing offer until acceptance
• Leaving the offer ‘over’
• A promise of leaving on offer ‘over’will only
be binding if supported by consideration,
sometimes called ‘buying the option’ as stated
in Routledge v Grant 130 ER 920
• The offer to be accepted until six week does
not bind the proposer to keep the property
unsold until the stated date. Unless supported
by consideration.
• A similar holding was made in Routledge v
Grant 130 ER 920 , where the defendant’s
offer was to remain open for 6 weeks but he
revoked or withdrew it after 4 weeks. It was
held that there was no agreement between
the parties.
Note: That the revocation must be
The communication of a revocation is
complete per S. 4(3) LCA
(a) As against the person who makes it, when it
is put in the course of transmission to the
person to whom it is made, so as to be out of
the power of the person who makes it.
(b) As against the person to whom it is made,
when it comes to his knowledge
• Note: The ‘postal rule’ does not apply in relation to
withdrawal/revocation of an offer S.4(3)& S.6(a)LCA
• In Byrne v Van Tienhoven (1880) CPD 344, the
defendant posted letter of offer (from Cardiff to New
York) on 1 October. The Claimant received the letter
on 11 October and immediately accepted by
telegram. Meanwhile the defendant had posted a
withdrawal on 8 October which did not reach the
claimant until 20 October.
• Held: binding contract was made on 11 October;
revocation is not effective until it is communicated in
this case on 20 October.
ii)Termination by Rejection
• Rejection may be express or by a counter-
offer; a counter-offer kills off the last offer.
• An offer will be held to have terminated once
it has been rejected by the offeree.
• The rejection need not be express, provided
that the offeror is justified in inferring that the
offeree does not intend to accept the offer.
• Read: Hyde v Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334
iii)Lapse for want of acceptance S.6(b) LCA
• An offer may provide that it will remain open for
a specific period of time. In such case acceptance
must be effected within the time limit.
• The offer lapses after the fixed period of time.
Where no time is given an offer must be
accepted within the reasonable time.
• What is a reasonable time depends on the
circumstances of each case.
iv)Death of the offeror or Insanity
• Where the offeror dies before the offer is accepted
and the offeree is aware of the death, it would
seem the offer lapses and becomes incapable of
• What happens if the offeree accepts the offer in
ignorance of the offeror’s death? The fate of the
offer will depend on the nature of the contract.
• An offer which involve personal services of the
offeror cannot be enforced but other offers may
survive, be accepted and carried out by personal
• The offer is terminated automatically and that
knowledge is irrelevant. In Bradbury v Morgans
(1862) 1H&C 249 is frequently cited as an
example that a continuing contract of guarantee
is enforceable against the estate of the
deceased guarantor where the acceptance of an
offer to guarantee fresh credit has been made in
ignorance of his death. However, the better
opinion is that, the death ipso facto terminates
the offer, provided the offer is one which could
have been revoked by the offeror.
v)Failure of a condition precedent
• Where an offer is subject to fulfillment of
a condition precedent by the offeree
before acceptance, failure to fulfill the
condition precedent causes the offer to
• See Hyde v. Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334
Characteristics of acceptance
2) Acceptance must be made in exchange
of proposal
• A person may be aware of the offer but
may not accept it just for the other
factors not for the exchange for the offer.
In this case it is not the valid acceptance.
Case: R v Clarke (1927)40 C.L.R 227
• Clarke was granted the free pardon;
however he thereafter sued government
for reward.
• Held; the court held that a valid
acceptance must be made with the
object of exchanging for an offer. Since
the plaintiff intended to clear himself off
a charge of murder and not getting
reward, he cannot get reward
• Suppose A has standard terms of sale and B has
his own terms of purchase and the terms are in
conflict, what is the legal consequence?
• In Arthur v. Coutchley (1968) WLR 811: 1967 All
ER 285 the plaintiff delivered a consignment of
goods to the defendant for storage, the delivery
note incorporated the plaintiff’s terms and
condition, the defendant stamped the note
defendant handed over the goos. Was the
contract concluded? Under whose terms and
• It was held that the defendant’s statement amounted
to a counter offer which the plaintiff accepted by
handing over the goods, therefore the contract was
concluded under the terms and conditions of the
• Such conflict resulted into formulation of a rule called
the “last shot doctrine” which states that where
conflicting communication have been exchanged
(battle of forms) each being a counter offer but
ultimately a contract arises, it must be the last
document in the series that a contract is concluded
• However, the rule was later modified, it
is not necessary that who shot last has
the contract. Read the case of, Batler
Machine Tool Co. Ltd v. Ex-Cell –O Corp
(England) Ltd (1979) 1WLR 401
Communication of Acceptance.
a) Communication to an agent
• An agent is a person appointed by another
(the principal) to act on his behalf, where an
agent is authorized to receive acceptance,
then communication to an agent is as good as
communication to the principal, But where
the agent’s authority is merely to transmit the
acceptance to the principal, there is no
acceptance untill transmitted to the principal.
b) Conduct of the proposer
• Where by his conduct the proposer fails
to see the notice of acceptance of the
proposal he cannot disclaim liability on
the ground that it was not
communicated to him
c) In accordance with the terms of the proposal
• Where the proposer may either expressly or
impliedly intimate/ show the mode of
acceptance, and the offeree need to follow
the mode of acceptance intimated by the
• In unilateral contract no advance
communication of acceptance is required,
performance of required act or service is
sufficient acceptance of the proposal as it was
in the case of Carllil v. Carbollic Smoke Ball
d)Postal rule for the Acceptance
• Contract Act does not provide for post rule.
• But under the common law post rule, where
an acceptor posts his letter of acceptance so
that the letter is out of his power, then the
proposer is bound but not acceptor himself.
• Thus, the contract is concluded as far as the
proposer concerned when the letter of
acceptance is posted.
• The acceptor is not bound until his
acceptance comes to knowledge of proposer
• Unlike under the common law position
the provision of the LCA gives an
opportunity to revoke his acceptance by
a speedier means before the acceptance
reaches the proposer.
• In Adam vs Lindsell(1818) 1 B& Ald 681
the Court said that where the acceptance
is communicated by post contract arises
on the date when the letter of acceptance
is posted in the dues course.
e) Instantaneous communication
• This include communication by telephone,
telex or email, it entails communication that
are instantly made. Such communication are
always fast compared to snail mail or the use
of posted letters.
• Acceptance becomes complete when the
proposer receives a notification of acceptance
hence a contract concluded at the place
where acceptance is received.