Investigator's Brochures
Investigator's Brochures
Investigator's Brochures
Investigational medicinal products
Presented by:
Dignesh Khunt
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics
The first point (pharmacology) makes a statement about the effects of the drug
xerimax on tumor growth. This statement is therefore intended to support
efficacy (or in the case of oncology drugs, activity).
The second key message (pharmacokinetics) states observed metabolic
The third point (toxicology) describes safety considerations that may help to
predict adverse events in humans (also known as side effects).
Shree S K Patel College of Pharmaceutical
Overview in nonclinical section
text that integrates information from several studies
For the purposes of an investigator’s brochure, the overview sections for
pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology should each be
approximately one to five pages (with the exception of a small
nonclinical program, in which the integrated overview of pharmacology,
pharmacokinetics, and toxicology is combined for a total of
approximately one to ten pages), and provide a synthesis of the most
relevant information (the term ‘relevant’ is not defined, but allows for
elimination of those studies that do not substantially contribute to an
understanding of the drug due to selection of a poor model, dosing or
procedural deficiencies, lack of data collection, etc)
Tabular presentation may be beneficial to understanding drug
characteristics for the most important assessments in light of differences
in dosing, species used, study design, or outcomes assessed.
the tabular presentation notes the differences between two studies with
respect to the study design (dose and frequency of dosing, time to
endpoint and neurological assessments), and results (% tumor growth
delay, time to endpoint, ie, growth of the tumors to aCollege
Shree S K Patel specified size, and
of Pharmaceutical
Overview in nonclinical section