David sm18 PPT 07
David sm18 PPT 07
David sm18 PPT 07
Chapter 7
Implementing Strategies:
Management and Marketing
Source: Fred R. David, “How Companies Define Their Mission,” Long Range Planning 22, no. 1 (February 1989): 91.
See also Anik Ratnaningsih, Nadjadji Anwar, Patdono Suwignjo, and Putu Artama Wiguna, “Balance Scorecard of David’s
Strategic Modeling at Industrial Business for National Construction Contractor of Indonesia,” Journal of Mathematics and
Technology no. 4 (October 2010): 20. Also Meredith E. David, Fred R. David, and Forest R. David, “Closing the Gap
Between Graduates’ Skills and Employers’ Requirements: A Focus on the Strategic Management Capstone Business
Course,” Administrative Sciences 11, no. 1 (2021): 10–26.
Division I Revenues
Roman numeral one
1.00 1.40 1.96
0 point 5 0 0 point 7 0
Division II Revenues
Roman numeral two
0.50 0.70 0.98
0 point 5 0
Divisional Objective
Increase the division’s revenues from $10 million in 2022 to $15 million in 2023.
Supporting Policies
1. “Beginning in January 2023, each one of this division’s salespersons must
file a weekly activity report that includes the number of calls made, the
number of miles traveled, the number of units sold, the dollar volume sold,
and the number of new accounts opened.”
2. “Beginning in January 2023, this division will return to its employees 5
percent of its gross revenues in the form of a Christmas bonus.”
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Table 7.3 (continued)
A Hierarchy of Policies
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Simple and inexpensive 1. Accountability forced to the top
2. Capitalizes on specialization of 2. Delegation of authority and
business activities such as responsibility not encouraged
marketing and finance
3. Minimizes need for elaborate 3. Minimizes career development
control system
4. Allows for rapid decision- 4. Low employee and manager morale
5. Enables uniformity across 5. Inadequate planning for products and
stores and product offerings markets
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Clear accountability 1. Can be costly due to duplication of
functional activities
2. Allows local control of local 2. Can hamper efforts for uniformity across
situations stores and product offerings
3. Creates career development 3. Requires a skilled management force
4. Promotes delegation of authority 4. Requires an elaborate control system
5. Leads to competitive climate 5. Competition among divisions can become
internally so intense as to be dysfunctional
6. Allows easy adding of new 6. Can lead to limited sharing of ideas and
products or regions resources
7. Allows strict control and attention to 7. Some regions, products, or customers may
products, customers, or regions receive special treatment
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Clear project objectives 1. Requires excellent vertical and horizontal
flows of communication
2. Employees clearly see results of 2. Costly because creates more manager
their work positions
3. Easy to shut down a project 3. Violates unity of command principle
4. Facilitates uses of special 4. Creates dual lines of budget authority
equipment, personnel, and facilities
5. Shared functional resources 5. Creates dual sources of reward and
instead of duplicated resources, as punishment
in a divisional structure
6. Creates shared authority and reporting