Agile Diagram Infographics Template
Agile Diagram Infographics Template
Agile Diagram Infographics Template
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Planning Planning
There are people who have a There are people who have a
significant number of followers significant number of followers
in every business. in every business.
Planning Planning
There are people who have a There are people who have a
significant number of followers significant number of followers
in every business. in every business.
i n g
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P l a Da
p r in t Cy ily
S cle
u ct
Preparation Sprint Deliberation
o d
P r
t e
p d a
t in
d uc
Pr o
Sp r i nt
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. Refresh Plans number of followers in every business.
Your Title
There are people who have a significant Innov- There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. ation number of followers in every business.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
There are people who have There are people who have
a significant number of a significant number of
followers in every followers in every
Sp w
business. Re business.
r in
e m ct
v ie
cr u
in od
Preparation Deliberation
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. number of followers in every business.
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. Analysis number of followers in every business.
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. number of followers in every business.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
06 02
05. Testing 02. Planning
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. number of followers in every business.
05 03
04. Implementation 03. Analysis
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. 04 number of followers in every business.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Daily Cycle
There are people who have There are people who have
a significant number of Sprint Review a significant number of
followers in every followers in every
business. business.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
02 01
There are people who There are people who
have a significant on le 04 have a significant
number of followers r a ti r ab number of followers
a ve
in every business. ep e li in every business.
03 Pr D
06 05
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Maintenance Planning
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. number of followers in every business.
Testing Analysis
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. number of followers in every business.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Implementation and Maintenance
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Daily Cycle
There are people who have There are people who have
a significant number of a significant number of
followers in every followers in every
business. business.
Sprint Review
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Planning Maintenance
Promotions only work as well Promotions only work as well
as the marketing, to get your as the marketing, to get your
Analysis Testing
company’s. company’s.
Promotions only work as well Promotions only work as well
as the marketing, to get your as the marketing, to get your
company’s. company’s.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
05. Testing 02. Planning
There are people who have a significant There are people who have a significant
number of followers in every business. number of followers in every business.
Maintenance Planning
1 There are people who have a There are people who have a 2
significant number. significant number.
Maintenance Planning
4 There are people who have a There are people who have a 3
significant number. significant number.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Planning B Planning D
Promotions only Promotions only
work as well as the work as well as the
marketing. marketing.
Planning Planning
A Promotions only
work as well as the
C Promotions only
work as well as the
marketing. marketing.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Planning Implementation
There are people who There are people who
have a significant have a significant
number of followers. number of followers.
Testing Analysis
There are people who There are people who
have a significant have a significant
number of followers. number of followers.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
There are people who have a
significant number of followers
in every business.
Planning Implementation
There are people who have a There are people who have a
significant number of followers significant number of followers
in every business. in every business.
Agile Infographics
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business process
of creating relationships with and satisfying customers.
Planning Testing
There are people who have a There are people who have a
significant number of followers significant number of followers
Preparation Deliverable
Analysis D C Implementation
There are people who have a There are people who have a
significant number of followers significant number of followers