Leukemia 200331060831
Leukemia 200331060831
Leukemia 200331060831
It is a group of malignant
disorder, affecting the blood and
blood –forming tissue of the bone
marrow lymph system and spleen.
The word Leukemia comes
from the Greek leukos which
means "white" and aima
which means "blood".
The stem cells are committed to
produce specific types of blood
cells. Lymphoid stem cells
produce either T or B
Myeloid stem cells
differentiate into three broad
cell types: RBCs, WBCs, and
Function of the bone marrow
The bone marrow is found in the inside
of bones. The marrow in the large bones
of adults produces blood cells.
Approximately 4% of our total bodyweight
consists of bone marrow.
It arising from a single lymphoid stem cell, with
impaired maturation and accumulation of the
malignant cells in the bone marrow.
Acute lymphatic leukaemia
Signs and symptoms
Anaemia, bleeding, lymphadenopathy, infection
Clinical manifestation Clinical manifestation
Fever Weakness
Pallor Bone, joint and
Bleeding abdominal
Anorexia pain
Increase intracranial
Fatigue press.
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Infection of respiratory tract
Anaemia and bleeding of
mucus membrane
Weight lossa
Mouth sore
Acute lymphatic leukaemia
Low RBCs count, Hb, Hct, low platelet count ,
low normal or high WBC count.
Blood smear show immature lymph blasts.
Chemotherapeutic agent, it involve three phases
1. Induction: Using vincristine and prednisone.
2. Consolidation: Using modified course of
intensive therapy to eradicate any remaining.
3. Maintenance
Acute lymphatic leukaemia
Treatment Cont.
Prophylactic treatment of the CNS
, intrathecal administration and /or
craniospinal radiation with
eradicate leukemic cells.
I. Persons are treated only when symptoms, particular
anaemia , thrombocytopenia , enlarged lymph
nodes and spleen appear.