Performance Analysis
Performance Analysis
Performance Analysis
Trending Analytics
Building today’s networks is hard.
Simply rolling out ‘fatter’ pipes will
leave you in the dust.
Sandvine 2
What’s the market saying?
A new generation of network users has higher expectations.
©2018 Sandvine
©2018 SandvineProprietary 5
Get to know your subscribers
©2018 Sandvine
©2018 SandvineProprietary 6
Data visibility and accuracy are our core building blocks for value delivery.
Our Foundation
Our network intelligence powers mission critical systems.
Provide the broadest solution area breadth and use case depth with DPI
Our Value based middleware to help our customers maximize their OPEX savings
opportunity within their infrastructure investments.
©2017 Sandvine
Business Intelligence enables Analytics
Our foundation: be ahead of the rest, with the right data
with action
orientated data
High accuracy
Domain with KPI’s that
Expertise are relevant
and actionable
Refined data with Machine Learning NextGen front end; Simple Schema,
high granularity; and AI capable; limitless ways to open access;
opportunities to solutions for new interact and
innovate in the field insights visualize
Business value built on a ‘philosophy of zero unknown traffic’ unmatched visibility of your network activity
Business value built on a ‘philosophy of zero unknown traffic’ unmatched visibility of your network activity
©2018 Sandvine
Trending Analysis
Insights you need to make informed strategic and tactical decisions
User Behavior and
Performance Analysis Capacity Planning
Demographic Analysis
Closely monitor and analyze Using detailed network insights Develop a comprehensive
quality metrics and KPIs to plan for the smart network of understanding of customers
understand the performance the future. and to unlock monetization
trends of critical services, opportunities.
network users, and applications
©2018 Sandvine
Performance Analysis
A new generation of network users have a higher expectations about what they expect from their service providers
It is vital that network operators understand the network’s performance through metrics including key performance
indicators (KPIs) and key quality indicators (KQIs).
Using these metrics and other raw measurements enables network operators to understand network performance for:
— Crucial network services
— Applications used on the network
— Network elements
— Individual customers
Web Browsing Score Heat Map Video Streaming Score Heat Map