Process Design
Dr. Ayoola A.A.
Dr. Alagbe E.E.
Covenant University
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Some factors may be fixed, while some may be flexible (under the
control of the designer)
Nature of Design
The main design constraints are listed in the Figure below
Nature of Design
Design developmental stages are
1) Establishment of the design Objective (the need)
The designer must have clear understanding of the customer’s need at the onset
4) Fitness Testing
The design engineer must assemble all of the information needed to model the process so as to
predict its performance against the identified objectives. This entails information on possible
processes, equipment performance and physical property data
For Example: ASTM D93 Ash content of (0.008 – 0.010) % means a CODE of ASTM
D93 operating procedure with a standard value of (0.008 – 0.010) % ash content.
• The flow-sheet is drawn up from material balances made over the complete
process and each individual unit. Energy balances are also made to determine
the energy flows and the service requirements.
• During plant start-up and subsequent operation, the flow-sheet forms a basis
for comparison of operating performance with design.