Stress Powerpoint
Stress Powerpoint
Stress Powerpoint
“Father of Stress”
was a Hungarian endocrinologist and the first to
give a scientific explanation for biological
“stress”. He actually borrowed the term “stress”
from physics to describe an organism’s
physiological response to perceived stressful
events in the environment.
He eloquently explained his stress model, based
on physiology and psychobiology, as the
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), stating
that an event that threatens an organism’s well
being, a stressor, leads to a three-stage bodily
General Adaptation
There are three distinct
phases to the General
Adaptation Syndrome:
The Alarm Phase, The
Resistance Phase, and
The Exhaustion Phase.
A Graphical Representation of the
General Adaptation Syndrome
If that last slide startled
you a little you probably
experienced the first
phase of the General
Adaptation Syndrome
called the Alarm Phase.
Alarm Phase
In the Alarm Phase the
body gets ready for fight or
flight through a number of
rapid physiological changes.
Alarm Phase
Physical changes and their benefits which
occur during the Alarm Phase:
this phase the body would
breakdown and die of exhaustion.
The Exhaustion phase
During the exhaustion phase the
body rests, recuperates and
replenishes nutrients until it has
reached homeostasis.
The Danger of Stress
When a person is subjected to either
physical or mental stressors for extended
durations the exhaustion phase is cut
short which eliminates the body’s ability to
heal itself.
– Cardiopulmonary Disease
– Stroke
– Cancer
– Diabetes
– Depression
– Anxiety
– Sleep Apnea
– Insomnia
Transactional & Interactional
Richard S. Lazarus
stress as a product of a transaction between a person (including multiple systems:
cognitive, physiological, affective, psychological, neurological) and his or her
complex environment.
Lazarus & Folkman’s Transactional
model of stress (1984)
• Transaction (interaction) occurs between a person & the
Primary appraisal –
concerns relevance
to our well-being
Secondary Appraisal
• Individual will then
engage in secondary Secondary appraisal
appraisal to work out how
we can best deal with – concerns coping
situation & change options
undesirable conditions
• Evaluate internal/
external coping options as
well as more specifically
resources to create a more
positive environment.
• Evaluate internal/
external coping options as
well as more specifically
resources to create a more
positive environment.
Psychoneuroimmunology of Stress