Resource Package

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Apply knowledge of content within and

across curriculum teaching




Apply knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching





Hello, dear Teacher!

Welcome to this Resource Package.

I am Teacher
And I am Teacher Mike!

We are members of your support group. Together with

your principal, master teacher, and co-teachers, we are
pleased to be your guides and companions as you walk
through the modules.

These modules Are you ready?

standalone We begin by letting you know how the journey started
sections that for us in putting together this resource package.
you can select
based on your In August 2017, Department of Education Secretary
needs and Leonor Briones signed the Philippine Professional
interests. This Standards for Teachers (PPST) into policy through DepEd
means that Order No. 42, S. 2017. The policy states, among others,
you can that the PPST “shall be used as a basis for all learning
choose and and development programs for teachers.”
read any
module that is The Department of Education is committed to
most relevant supporting your continuing professional development. This
to you. You can resource package hopes to contribute to this commitment.
take your time
in familiarizing As a teacher, understanding the PPST is crucial in
yourself order for you to grow and flourish in your profession. The
with any one PPST identifies what you are expected to know, be able to
module with do, and value in your profession.
no pressure
to finish
reading all

Apply across
Introduction of content
to Tcurriculum
eacher withinareas
teaching and
Package M
This resource package:

• serves as your guidebook towards becoming better acquainted with the

• comprises 12 modules corresponding to the 12 indicators that are aligned
with the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS); and 1
• contains illustrative and instructive information that you will find realistic,
sensible and workable and can help you achieve the target indicators across
curriculum teaching areas and key stages of learners’ education.

We are happy to say that this resource package has been created and compiled by
teachers in support of other teachers.

You will find the materials here useful if you:

• reflect on your own classroom practices, and ensure that your

teaching practices are aligned with the indicators;
• want to mentor beginning teachers so they become better in their
• are a part of a group of teachers who need materials for your school-
based Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions in order to (i) learn more
about the PPST and (ii) innovate on practices using the samples in the
resource material as guide; and
• want to develop or expand the current work by (i) providing more
examples of practices or (ii) working on other career stages or indicators
other than the 12 presented in this package.

If learning is your passion,

this resource package is for


What can you expect to find in each module?

You will discover that each module discusses a specific

indicator, defines its key concepts and provides relevant
illustrations of practice that may help you understand and
attain the indicator.

The modules explore the following indicators:

edge of content within
1.1.2 Apply
knowl across
and m teaching areas. MODULE 7
curriculu 4.1.2 Plan, manage and implement
MODULE 2 e of teaching developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning processes to meet
1.4.2 Use a rangstrategies rner
curriculum requirements through
that enhanceachievement in eracy
various teaching contexts.
lea literacy andskills.
num MODULE 8
1.5.2 Apply a3range of teaching strategies
4.4.2 Participate in collegial discussions
that use teacher and learner feedback
to develop critical and creative thinking,
to enrich teaching practice.
as well as other higher-order thinking
skills. MODULE 9
MODULE 4 4.5.2 Select, develop, organize and
2.3.2 Manage classroom structure to use appropriate teaching and
engage learners, individually or in learning resources, including ICT, to
groups, in meaningful exploration, address learning goals.
discovery and hands-on activities within
a range of physical learning MODULE 10
environments. 5.1.2 Design, select, organize and use
MODULE 5 diagnostic, formative and summative
2.6.2 Manage learner behavior assessment strategies consistent with
constructively by applying positive and curriculum requirements.
non-violent discipline to ensure
learning- focused environments. MODULE 11
5.2.2 Monitor and evaluate learner
MODULE 6 progress and achievement using
3.1.2 Use differentiated, learner attainment data.
developmentally appropriate learning
experiences MODULE 12
to address learners’ gender, needs, 5.4.2 Communicate promptly and
strengths, interests and clearly the learners’ needs, progress
experiences. and achievement to key
stakeholders, including

Apply across
Introduction of content
to Tcurriculum
eacher withinareas
teaching and
Package M

The module contains the following

the indicator and why you need walks you through sample
to achieve the indicator; illustrations of specific teaching
practices that show how the
SELF-REFLECTION allows you Standards are put into action;
to reflect on your knowledge,
skills and attitude related to PROFESSIONAL
the indicator; DEVELOPMENT
PLAN helps you identify
KEY CONCEPTS defines your strengths and
key concepts pertinent to development needs and
the indicator; plans for specific action for
professional development;
SUPPORT GROUP allows you and
to consult and collaborate with
our teacher-friends who will RESOURCE LIBRARY provides
provide suggestions on how to you with resources (which
improve your current practice; may include bibliography,
forms, templates, appendices
and links) that can help you
further understand the
Each module takes you through a journey of exploration and discovery, while you learn more
about the indicator and you apply it in your teaching context.

We encourage you to actively engage with the text as you read through the module.

We hope you find the information, materials and resources in this package helpful as you
engage with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers towards your professional

We, Teacher Jen and Teacher Mike, will be

with you every step of the way.

Have a happy journey.










- Probing
- Suggestions for Improvement

- Illustration of Practice No. 1: DAILY LESSON LOGS
- Illustration of Practice No. 2: CULMINATING
- Illustration of Practice No. 3: BUDGET OF


- Annotated Bibliography



Hello! Hi! I am Teacher Jen and with me is Teacher Mike,

your teacher support group! We’re here to help you better
understand the indicator highlighting your vital roles in the
application of knowledge of content.

Every day in our teaching profession is an opportunity

for us to share with our diverse learners our knowledge of
content within and across curriculum teaching areas.

Did you know that content knowledge application influences how we engage our
learners with the subject matter, how we evaluate and use instructional materials
and how our teaching creates impact on the achievement of our learners?

Imperative to our profession is our ability to demonstrate accurate, in-depth and

broad knowledge of the concepts we deliver in every teaching opportunity. Likewise,
our proficiency to make every learning occasion a meaningful way to connect one
lesson to another and to the real world is a necessity.

That is why, in this module, we will show you sample teaching practices that
apply content knowledge within and across the curriculum teaching areas.

In this module, we will focus on:

STRAND: Content knowledge and its application within

and across curriculum areas

INDICATOR: 1.1.2 Apply knowledge of content within and

across curriculum teaching areas.

Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas



Understanding the following significant concepts

facilitates deeper appreciation of the indicator and
helps you deliver lessons that are responsive to content
knowledge and pedagogy. So, let us now acquaint
ourselves with the following key concepts.

CONTENT KNOWLEDGE. Competencies that teachers are expected

to master for them to teach efficiently and effectively.

CURRICULUM AREAS. Different learning/subject areas taught

and learned in the basic education curriculum.

WITHIN CURRICULUM TEACHING AREAS. Inclusion of appropriately

chosen intra-disciplinary topics and enabling learning competencies
within the curriculum guide of a specific learning area and grade


connections and including appropriate interdisciplinary topics and
learning competencies cited in the curriculum guide of other learning
areas in any grade level.



Before we go further, let us first reflect on our current

practice. As Proficient teachers, we have our knowledge,
skills and attitudes regarding application of content
knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas.

By looking at the indicator, I have written down my own

reflections on this. How about you?


As a Proficient As a Proficient As a Proficient
Teacher, Teacher, Teacher,
I know… I do… I feel…
... the subject matters …plan and organize … that my learners
I teach and the teaching learning strategies acquire the content better
ways I integrate my to apply my expertise in my when I relate my
topics to other subject matter and to subject matter to their
subjects. integrate my content enabling competencies and
knowledge ofother learning experiences from
learning areas. other disciplines.

As a Proficient
I eacher,
Good reflection, Jen! Now, it is your turn to reflect on
your knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to the
indicator. You may write it in the boxes below.

I do…
As a Proficient

I feel…
As a Proficient


________________________ ________________________ ________________________

. . .
Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas


Welcome to our support group! It always feels great to help
teachers who like to improve their
Teacher Shiela is a Grade 8 teacher in Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE). She handles Mechanical Drafting as
part of the exploratory TLE. In her lesson on Basic Mensuration
Calculation, she integrates enabling competencies in Mechanical
Drafting and content in Araling Panlipunan (AP) in the teaching
Would you like to examine her DLL and help her improve it
later? Below are Teacher Shiela’s notes:

A. Learning Competencies Perform Basic Mensuration and Calculation
First, I examined
B. Learning Outcome LO1. Select and use measuring instruments concepts from other
C. Learning Objectives (KSA) 1.Identify the drafting tools and drawing instruments. curriculum learning areas
2. Use the drafting tools and drawing instruments.
3.Show appreciation of the use of the drafting tools and drawing instruments by that could be potentially
thinking of ways on how to apply them in daily lives. integrated to the current
II. CONTENT Drafting tools and drawing instruments lesson.
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Next, I determined the
A. References K to 12 Mechanical Drafting Learning learners’ knowledge and
Module Pages 31 – 44 skills necessary to serve
as basis for the level of
B. Other Learning Resources integration to the subject
IV. PROCEDURES matter. So, I used previous
A.Reviewing previous lesson The students will give a recap about the previous discussion on shapes as
or presenting the new lesson. Questions to be asked: reference to the current
lesson -What are the two drawing papers used in mechanical lesson.
-Why is it important to know the different kinds of Then, I selected
eraser and pencil? interdisciplinary content to
-How can you differentiate the kinds of T-square?
be integrated into that of
B. Establishing a purpose “FLAG QUIZ”
for the lesson Directions: Identify the flags of the different Southeast Asian countries and give the current lesson. In this
the shapes and symbols used. case, I used a concept
Questions to be asked:
1.What country does this flag represent?
from Araling Panlipunan.
2. What are the shapes/symbols used in this flag? I integrated properly
3.What do you think are the tools and instruments used to draw this flag? Explain chosen content knowledge
your answer.
within and across
curriculum areas in specific
parts of the Daily Lesson
Log or Daily Lesson Plan to
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will present actual measuring tools and instruments that the
instances of the new students will identify. aid learning and
lesson instruction.
Further, I ensured
D. Discussing new Drawing materials and tools/drawing instruments that the integration
concepts and practicing The students will identify the drafting tools and drawing instruments used on
new skills #1 the given shapes. would not replace the
main lesson and would
Questions to be asked:
not hinder the
1.What drafting tools and drawing instruments are used on the given object? attainment of the
2.Why is it important to use appropriate drafting tools and drawing instruments in competency.
creating different shapes?

F. Developing mastery Recitation#_:

(Leads to Formative The students will identify the different tools and instruments based on the
Assessment 3) given pictures and give an example on how to apply it in drawing.

Questions to be asked:
1.What kind of drawing tools should you use in creating angles?
2. When should you use a 45x45 degree triangle/30x60 degree triangle?
3. How can you differentiate a compass from a divider?

G. Finding practical How can you apply the drawing tools and instruments in your daily lives?
applications of
H. Making generalizations Questions to be asked:
and abstractions about a.What are the tools used for measurement?
the lesson b.Why is it important to use appropriate tools and instruments in drawing?
c.How do you use the tools and instruments in doing a specific drawing?
I. Evaluating learning PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY
Directions: Using different drafting tools and drawing instruments in mechanical
drafting, create a flag of any Southeast Asian country that is not presented on
the discussion.
Base the activity on the rubrics below.

Scoring Rubrics
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Lastly, I developed
Accuracy The tools were The tools were Guidance from
accurately used used in performing the teacher was an assessment
in performing the the operation with strategy that would
needed to the whole operation without some help from the incorporate intra-
any help from the and interdisciplinary
content in the
teacher. teacher.
performance task.
Quality of The output was The output was The output was
un- work neatly done without neatly done but with pleasant with
errors and mistakes. minimal errors and
and mistakes.
Time Finished the task Finished the task on Needs more time to before
the given time.finish the given task. time.

Points Earned Descriptive Rating

12-15 Very Good
8 - 11
4 -7
Did you...
1 -3 Needs
1. Identify the drafting materials, tools/instruments correctly.
2. Use proper materials, tools/instruments to do the
specific job.
3. Demonstrate the proper usage of tools.
4. Produce a passable quality of work.

Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

g Have you seen how Teacher Shiela applied
content knowledge within and across curriculum
teaching areas in her DLL?

Later, Mike will provide feedback for her lesson

but for now, please answer the following probing

1 How did Teacher Shiela display extensive knowledge of


2 How were the learning competencies within the curriculum integrated into the
teaching- learning procedures?

3 How did she establish the connection of the concepts from other learning areas in
her current teaching objectives?

4 If you were to enhance this DLL, what activities would you add to emphasize the
application of content knowledge within and across curriculum?


After answering the probing questions, you may

compare your answers with Mike’s feedback for Teacher
Shiela’s DLL.

Teacher Shiela displayed extensive knowledge of content during discussion as

she labeled the drafting tools and instruments, gave their functions and discussed
procedures on their proper uses.

The integration of the learning competency within the curriculum teaching

area was shown in the presentation of new topic, where she provided sample
shapes to integrate previous lesson in ICT. This is a good starting point for
preparation and interpretation of technical drawing.

The lesson’s connection to the other learning area (AP) was established by
presenting several examples of flags with basic shapes and by asking the learners
to do their own in the evaluation part.

Suggestions for
Now, here are some suggestions to
enhance the previous DLL:

In establishing the purpose of the lesson, a short discussion or trivia on the history and
meaning of shapes and symbols to relate this lesson to learners’ prior knowledge in AP may
be added. This interdisciplinary integration will further demonstrate the teacher’s familiarity
with basic information on the expected outputs at the end of the lesson.

In discussing the first new concept and skills, a discussion on the history of drawing tools
and instruments may be included. Doing this can also help learners create a cognitive map
on the significance of their skills in drawing and on the impact that their outputs can make.

Great suggestions, Mike! We hope that these suggestions
can help you and other teachers too.

To further guide you in applying content knowledge within and

across curriculum teaching areas, we provided several
teaching practices in the next section.

Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

We will now walk you through some illustrations of practice
that could help you apply content knowledge within and across
curriculum teaching areas.

Just to give us a short refresher on content knowledge

and pedagogy, here are some additional notes from Mike:

Our fundamental task as a teacher is to help our learners understand the content
standards and to teach in accordance with the performance standards. Therefore, our
prime instrument in teaching is a strong foundation of knowledge within and across the
curriculum teaching areas, which we will use in the development of teaching instructions
for learners’ target competencies.

In this segment, you will encounter varied illustrations of practice that adhere to
Indicator 1.1.2. The first one is a set of Daily Lesson Logs for Kindergarten, Elementary
and Secondary; the second is a variety of Culminating Activities in the classroom, in
the school and in the community; and the third is Budget of Work for a specific learning


Daily Lesson Logs


The first illustration of practice is a DLL for Kindergarten,

which shows connection of the activities provided for the
developmental domains in different learning blocks. The same
set of activities allows the teacher to apply content
knowledge in different curriculum teaching areas.

Particularly, the connections were established between

Meeting Time 1 and Work Period 1, and Meeting Time 2 and

Now, let us look at the specific parts which demonstrate

integration of a developmental domain to other curriculum
teaching areas.



ARRIVAL TIME Developmental Domain(s): Daily Routine:
In developmental domain
Language, Literacy and Communication National Anthem of Pagpapaunlad sa
Opening Prayer Kakayahang Sosyo-
Content Standard: Kamustaha
Emosyunal, the teacher
The child demonstrates an understanding of increasing n uses the pupils’ names to
his/her conversation skills Attendance deliver the message of the
Performance Standard: Balitaan
The child shall be able to confidently speak and express his/her feelings
and ideas in words that makes sense
Counting the letters in the
Learning Competency Code: pupils’ names as a working
LLKVPD-Ia-13, LLKOL-Ia-1-2, LLKOL-Ig-3 & 9. LLKOL-00-10
activity enhances
MEETING TIME 1 Developmental Domain(s): Message:
Pagpapaunlad sa Kakayahang Sosyo-Emosyunal I have a name. I learners’ skills in
Content Standard:
share part of my full Mathematics.
name with my
Ang bata ay nagkakaroon ng pag-unawa sa sariling ugali at damdamin
family. Some people
Performance Standard: have nicknames. Meanwhile, doing the
Ang bata ay nagpapamalas ng kakayahang kontrolin ang sariling suggested independent
damdamin at paguugali, gumawa ng desisyon at magtagumpay sa Question:
kanyang mga gawain. What is your name? activities relates the
Learning Competency Code:
lesson to contents and
SEKPSE 00-1, SEKPSe-Ia-1.1, SEKPSE-Ia-1.2, SEKPSE-Ia-1.3 skills in Arts.
WORK PERIOD 1 Developmental Domain(s): Teacher Supervised:
• Pagpapaunlad sa Kakayahang Sosyo-Emosyunal
• Language, Literacy and Communication Graph: How
many letters are
Content Standard:
in your name?
Ang bata ay nagkakaroon ng pag-unawa sa: After using the yellow
• sariling ugali at damdamin
Independe paint in one of the
• similarities and differences in what he/she can see
Performance Standard: Activities: previous independent
Ang bata ay nagpapamalas ng: 1.Name activities, an explicit link to
• kakayang kontrolin ang sariling damdamin at pag-uugali, gumawa ng Necklace
desisyon at magtagumpay sa kanyang mga gawain 2.Name Dot Designs
Meeting Time 2 focuses
• critically observes and makes sense of things around him/her (Yellow paint) on the yellow objects in
3.Playdough: Make the surroundings. The
Learning Competency Code: My Name
SEKPSE 00-1, SEKPSe-Ia-1.1, SEKPSE-Ia-1.2, SEKPSE-Ia-1.3, LLKV-00- 4.Boy Girl Simple activity also encourages
2 Puzzle the learners to make their
5. Birthday Cake
MEETING Developmental Domain(s): Message:
TIME 2 Pagpapaunlad sa Kakayahang Sosyo-Emosyunal We see yellow
objects around us.
Content Standard:
Ang bata ay nagkakaroon ng pag-unawa sa sariling ugali at damdamin
Performance Standard: Whose favorite color
Ang bata ay nagpapamalas ng kakayang kontrolin ang sariling is yellow? What
damdamin at paguugali, gumawa ng desisyon at magtagumpay sa yellow objects do
NAP TIME kanyang mga gawain. you see around Also, connected to the
STORY Developmental Domain(s): Story:
identified yellow objects in
Learning Competency Code:
Book and Print Awareness Si Digong Dilaw the Meeting Time 2 is
SEKPSE 00-1, SEKPSE-Ia-1.1, SEKPSE-Ia-1.2, SEKPSE-Ia-1.3
Content Standard: the story entitled “Si
The child demonstrates an understanding of book familiarity, Digong Dilaw” for
awareness that there is a story to read with a beginning and an end,
written by author(s), and illustrated by someone Developmental Domain
Performance Standard:
on Book and Print
The child shall be able to: use book – handle and turn the pages; take Awareness,
care of books; enjoy listening to stories repeatedly and may play Language, Literacy and
pretend- reading and associates him/herself with the story
Communication Domains.
Learning Competency Code: LLKBPA-00-2 to 8
Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas


The next DLL in Music, Arts, Physical Education and

Health (MAPEH) for Grade 4 integrates interdisciplinary
contents in Araling Panlipuan (AP), English/Filipino and
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP).

AP is used as a springboard of the lesson while English/

Filipino concepts of role playing are applied in the discussion
part. Lastly, the reflective questions, which promote aesthetic
appreciation, cultural awareness and sense of nationalism
among learners, are connected with certain values taught in

Are you ready to examine the parts where integrations in

various learning areas are made? Let’s take a look at the
annotated segments of the DLL.

A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of lines, texture and shapes and
balance of size and repitition of motifs/patterns through
B. Performance - Practice variety of culture in the community by way of attire, body
Standard accessories, religious practices and lifestyle
- Create unique design of houses and other household objects
used by cultural groups
- Write a comparative description of houses and utensils used by
selected cultural groups from different provinces
C. Learning Appreciate the rich variety of cultural communities in the
Competencies (KSA) Philippines and their uniqueness 1.3-MINDANAO (A4EL-la)
II. CONTENT ARALIN 3: Mga Disenyo sa Kultural na Pamayanan sa Mindanao
A. Reviewing previous Pagpapakita ng larawan ng Pilipinas upang tukuyin kung saang
lesson or presenting bahagi ng bansa matatagpuan ang mga larawan ng mga The teacher uses the
the new lesson kagamitan. Isasagawa ito sa pamamagitan ng pagguhit ng learners’ prior
linya tungo sa mapa. knowledge of different
Hal. ng tanong: geographical locations
1.Ano-ano ang pagkakaiba at pagkakatulad ng mga disenyo from the AP subject as
na nakikita ninyo sa larawan? a springboard to start
2.Bakit mahalaga na malaman natin kung saan matatagpuan sa
the new lesson.
Pilipinas ang mga kagamitang ito?

B. Establishing a Pagpapakita ng larawan ng iba’t ibang katutubong disenyo na

purpose for the gawa ng mga pangkat-etniko sa Mindanao (Sumangguni sa TG,
lesson p202). Pagganyak
Hal. ng mga tanong:
1.Ano ang nais ninyong malaman sa ating aralin batay sa
mga larawang inyong nakikita?
2.Sa inyong palagay, saang bahagi ng bansa makikita ng mga
larawang ito?
3. Ano ang masasabi ninyo sa mga larawan ipinakita?
4.Ano-ano ang mga hugis, linya at kulay na ginamit ng bawat

The teacher demonstrates

knowledge in ICT integration by
providing a video clip to provide
additional information relevant
the topic.
C. Presenting examples/ Pagpapakita ng isang video clip o maaaring larawan ng
instances of the new mga pangkat-etniko (Maranao, T’boli, Yakan) ukol sa
lesson kanilang pamayanan at ipinagmamalaking obra na ang
mga disenyo ay hango sa mga bagay sa kalikasan o sa The group role-playing activity
kanilang kapaligiran. requires the application of
knowledge learned from
D. Discussing new concepts Ano-ano ang napansin ninyo sa video clip o larawan? literature lessons in English
and practicing new skills #1 May pagkakaiba ba ang kanilang mga disenyo? Alin
ang higit ninyong nagustuhan? Bakit?
Bakit nagkakaiba-iba o nagkakatulad ang mga Filipino.
disenyong mga pangkat-etnikong nabanggit?
E. Discussing new concepts Hatiin ang klase sa tatlong pangkat. Bigyan ng
and practicing new skills #2 kalayaang pumili ang bawat pangkat kung anong
pamayanan mula sa mga pangkat-etniko ang kanilang
bibigyang-buhay s pamamagitan ng pagsasadula batay
na rin sa napanood na video clip o ipinakitang larawan.
Bigyan ng sapat na pahanon at ipakita sa klase
ang nabuong konsepto.

F. Developing mastery (Leads Gawaing Pansining (Sumangguni sa LM, GAWAIN

to Formative Assessment 3) p. 203) Ang mga mag-aaral ay guguhit ng iba’t
ibang disenyo mula sa mga kultural na pamayanan
sa Mindanao. Ito ay gagamitan ng cotton buds na
isasawsaw sa chlorine solution at iguguhit sa Accomplishing individual
construction paper upang lumabas ang disenyo. interdisciplinary activity in Arts
allows learners to enhance their
G. Finding practical Itanong:
creativity and to apply
applications of concepts and 1.Ano ang naramdaman ninyo habang isinasagawa ang
skills in daily living gawain? previously mastered drawing
2. Anong kultural na pamayanan ang inyong skills.
3.Nagamit ba ninyo ang iba’t ibang kulay, hugis at linya
sa inyong ginawang diesnyo? Papaano?
4.Paano ninyo maipagmamalaki ang mga katutubong
disenyong inyong isinagawa?

5.Saan maaaring gamitin ang mga disenyong katulad

Reflective questions for the
learners to appreciate the
H. Making generalizations Paano at saan makikilala ang isang kultural importance of cultural ethnicity
and abstractions about the na pamayanan o pangkat-etniko?
lesson Ano-anong kultural na pamayanan ang nabanggit sa of different communities provide
ating talakayan? integration to content in EsP.
Maipagmamalaki ba natin
ito bilang isang Pilipino?
I. Evaluating learning Sumangguni sa LM, SURIIN p. 156-157.
J. Additional activities Pagpapakita ng ilan pang larawan ng mga pangkat-
for application or etnikong nabanggit sa talakayan kabilang ang iba pa nilang
remediation disenyo o obra upang lubos na makilala at maunawaan ng
mga mag-aaral. Maaari ring magsagawa ng pagsasaliksik
ang mga mag-aaral upang lubos na maunawaan ang

Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas


The next illustration of practice is a three-day Daily Lesson

Log (DLL) that demonstrates the application of content
knowledge in Reading and Writing Skills (a core subject in
Senior High School). The lesson establishes meaningful
connection of some teaching procedures across learning areas
like English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP),
Oral Communication in Context (OCC), Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics (UCSP), and General Science.

To show that indicator 1.1.2 can be observed in any part of

the teaching procedures, this DLL has many intra- and
interdisciplinary integrations. However, it does not necessarily
require us to do the same in our everyday teaching.

Are you ready to examine the teaching procedures?

Session 2
IV. PROCEDURES Session 1 Session 3

A. Reviewing previous The teacher shows a The teacher facilitates The class reviews their
lesson or presenting screenshot social media a review session on summary of supporting
the new lesson post about the coal-fired the ideas for the pros and cons
thermal power plant in a important points of establishing a coal-fired
nearby municipality. discussed and presented power plant in the barangay.
during the forum.
Teacher asks the following
questions: Did you know
that the same structure is
proposed to be erected in our
place? Do you want that to
happen? What do you think
are the effects of having
such structure here in our

Presenting a new lesson in the context of the learners’ real-life

experience allows the teacher to establish meaningful
connections across curriculum content.

Linking this lesson in UCSP content: new challenges to human

adaptation and social change like global warming and climate
change; responding to social, political and cultural change, including
social movements like environmentalism (UCSP11/12CSC-IIh-33 to
35), the teacher localizes the content and uses the learners’ social
context or information in their immediate community as
springboard for new writing concepts.

B. Establishing a The teacher leads the students to attend The teacher lets the students watch
purpose for the a parish-organized forum regarding the video clip about the development and
lesson establishment of the coal-fired thermal effects of coal-fired thermal power
power plant in their barangay. plant.
C. Presenting The students listen to the speakers invited After viewing and analyzing the video
examples/ by the parish priests, who discuss the clip, the teacher presented examples of
instances of new effects of the same coal-fire power plant in explicit and implicit claims of fact,
lesson a nearby town and describe their policy and value using direct
experiences and the destruction of lives and instruction.
natural environment in the place.
Students can also take notes while they
observe and evaluate the speaker in
the forum.

The teacher applies knowledge on interdisciplinary

curriculum areas like General Science by using direct
The teacher uses experiential instruction
instruction in reinforcing teaching concepts and
by directly involving the learners in
providing guide questions in the viewing activity.
societal activities like symposia and fora.
Supplementing the information from the forum, the
teacher’s use of video clips also demonstrates ICT
integration in teaching and learning.

D. Discussing new The teacher facilitates an open Forum The teacher asks the students to
concepts and or Question and Answer Portion. determine their own claim or argument
practicing new skills about the issue.
D. Discussing new The teacher facilitates the class in
concepts and identifying the types of claim in the
practicing new skills arguments and other evaluative
#2 statements that they present to the
In formulating evaluative statements, which is part of the target
learning competency, the teacher uses indirect instruction through
reflective discussion. Facilitating this activity requires the teacher
to demonstrate in-depth knowledge to qualify the learners’ claim.

F. Developing mastery The teacher gives each group of

(Leads to Formative learners a graphic organizer for them to
Assessment) organize their ideas on the pros and
cons of the establishment of the said
power plant.

The teacher attempts to meet group or individual learning needs by using

graphic forms to organize learners’ arguments and evidences, and by
explaining to them the importance of voicing one’s argument or position in a
particular issue in the society. Both activities are also relevant to another SHS
applied subject, EAPP (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIe-j-11 & (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
This part is also an excellent venue for the teacher to provide incidental
teachings by responding to learners’ questions and giving them more
opportunities to construct their knowledge.
Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

G. Finding practical The teacher explains the
applications of importance of voicing out their
concepts and skills stand and writing their
argument or position in a
particular issue.
H. Making The class summarizes supporting The class consolidates their
generalizations and ideas for the pros and cons of identified significance of
abstractions about establishing a coal-fired power writing the argumentative
the lesson plant in the barangay by essay.
reporting group works and using The teacher leads them to review
whole class discussion. the properties of well-written
text before giving them the
rubrics to be used in writing their
argumentative essay.

The teacher uses intra-disciplinary content relationship by By using the students’ outputs in the
incorporating previously learned enabling competencies within first two days of the lesson, the
the Reading and Writing Skills curriculum (EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4). teacher is able to show the
This also supports the spiral progression feature of the congruency of the current task to the
curriculum learning area. big structure of the Reading and
Writing curriculum.

I. Evaluating learning The teacher observes how The teacher explains the The teacher gives instructions in
student representatives voice importance of voicing out their writing argumentative essay on the
out their opinions regarding stand and writing their argument issue by using the individual
the establishment of the coal- or position in a particular issue. claims and supporting details the
fired power plant. students learned in the first two
A rubric which embeds the
concepts of identifying claims,
formulating evaluative statements,
and the properties of well-
written text is also presented to
the class.
J. Additional Students may be asked to make a Paper Exhibit can be done
activities for research on additional evidences to showcase learners’
application or to support their arguments. outputs in the form of
remediation collaborative creation and
of advocacy project for
Social Change relating to
“environmental conservation
and action”
Showcase of learners’ outputs in
Promoting independent study and collaboration with the Empowerment
research, the teacher also directs the Technology learning
learners to functionally link their tasks to competencies on developing an ICT project for
another learning competency from social change: advocacy projects (CS_ICT11/12-
EAPP (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-12). ICTPT-
IIm-p16 and 17) also requires the teacher to
apply broad knowledge and meaningful
interdisciplinary relationship.
From the given illustrations of practice, you have noticed how the
teacher displays in-depth and broad knowledge of different concepts by
selecting significant, appropriate and timely issue for her Reading and
Writing class. Bringing the learners to a community-organized forum
provides interdisciplinary teaching and learning opportunities for the
class, and makes the lesson contextualized and localized at the same 15

In applying intra- and interdisciplinary concepts in your teaching practices, you may
consider the following steps.
1. Analyze the target learning competencies. Think of how you can translate
these competencies to learning objectives.
2. Assess learners based on their diverse learning styles, needs, interests,
engagement level, previously mastered enabling competencies, and progression in
the past lessons.
3. Assess the setting, time and resources. Consider possible involvement of
other teachers/resource persons and expanding learning locale.
4. Localize or contextualize the lesson and use relatable issues/concerns. You may
use the following criteria:
a.Is it a real issue?
b.Are you personally interested in it?
c.Is the scope of the issue manageable?
5. Plan activities for each part of the DLL.
a.Make and deliver activities/exercises aligned with the lesson objectives.
b.Have each activity reinforce ideas and/or skills from different subjects to
indicate the importance of combining disciplines.
c.Vary activity types to increase engagement level.
6. Give time for learners to reflect on their answers/outputs.
7. Determine proper assessment strategies.
8. Develop rubrics based on the measurable lesson objectives and use criteria
that appropriately describe the target output.
9. Reflect on learners’ participation rate, products and performances.
10. Reflect on the relevance and appropriateness of interdisciplinary teaching process
in your class.



Doing final tasks or performance standards in specific

disciplines is also a good platform to carry out content
knowledge application within and across curriculum teaching

Briefly demonstrated in a simple activity plan are

instructions for a final task in English which attempts to
connect the current task to other learning areas.

Further, the task also promotes independent study,

collaborative learning, localization and contextualization in the
learning process, and integrates ICT skills in developing their
16 brochures.
Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

Aiming to promote local tourism industry, you are tasked to
develop a travelogue brochure that will showcase distinct
features of your community. In constructing your
statements, use embedded sentences and figures of speech
in describing the tourist destination/s and potential Giving the learners different
experiences in your community. You may use photos and focus for their final output clearly
other illustrations to enhance the layout of your brochure. sets interdisciplinary connection
of the current lesson (writing a
Each group shall focus on the following details: travelogue) to specific concepts
Group 1: Landmarks and their historical significance in Araling Panlipunan, Language
Group 2: Popular foods, dishes and the predominant subjects like Filipino and Mother
cuisine Group 3: Special features of language spoken in Tongue, and TLE specialization
the area Group 4: Cultural events that take place in the areas, namely: Architectural
town Drafting, Cookery, Food and
Group 5: Budgetary allotment for suggested itinerary Beverage, and Tourism and Travel

1. Analyze the learning competencies and lesson objectives.
2. Review the Learners’ Material (LM) and Teaching Guide (TG) in your subject to align
your target culminating activity with the DepEd-suggested set of activities.
3. Consider interdisciplinary connections and enabling competencies that can be applied
by your learners in the target output.
4. Create the task card or activity plan for your target output.


School culminating activities can also demonstrate application of

content knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas. These
activities are considered learning experiences that complement and
supplement the content of the National Curriculum.

The excerpt of an action plan in Youth for Environment in School

Organization (YES-O) exemplifies application of content knowledge
within and across curriculum teaching areas by providing variety of
learning activities and competitions as part of the National Science
Club Month. Such celebration attempts to create meaningful and
experiential connections among different disciplines that require
teachers to apply in-depth and high level knowledge of content and


General Activities/Strategies Target Date Persons Budget Source Expected Output

Objectiv Responsibl
e e
To promote National Science Club Month September Students Science Club Increased academic
academic Culminating Activities: 26-30, 2016 Club Offi- Fund excellence, developed
excellence, cers talents and skills of stu-
scientific skills, Quiz Bee Science Science teach- dents ready for
and talents On-the-Spot Painting Teachers ers’ donations Regional competitions
students Sci-Dama
Sci-Doku Solicited
Sci- Funds
Collage Making
Impromptu Speaking
Essay writing
Film viewing
Robotics Dance
Shadow puppetry
Science Exhibits
Creative Sci-
All the activities are relevant to one or more content areas in the Junior High School
Curriculum. To wit, Sci-quiz bee entails vertical integration of Science content; on the
spot painting, collage making, shadow puppetry, Sci-Kalokalike, Robotics Dance and
Creative Sci Modeling can be linked to Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
(MAPEH); Sci-Dama and Sci-Doku integrate Mathematics skills; Sci-Writing, Film
viewing, and impromptu speaking contests enhance communication skills in language
subjects like English and Filipino.

1. Review the national theme of the target culminating activity (e.g., Science
Month Celebration).
2. Create a general objective for the culminating activity.
3. Coordinate with your colleagues from other grade levels to review intra-disciplinary
learning competencies and select which ones to target in the culminating activity.
4. Identify learning competencies essential in choosing appropriate and meaningful activities
to display the acquired knowledge and skills of learners in a specific discipline.
5. Plan varied activities aligned with the learning goals.
6. Develop specific objectives and mechanics for each activity.
7. Identify responsible persons and resources necessary to carry out all activities.
8. Evaluate the processes and outputs of the culminating activity.


Application of content knowledge within and across

curriculum learning areas can also be observed in school or
community programs/projects.

Both of these activities incorporate interdisciplinary content

relationships by applying relevant concepts to meaningful and
authentic activities.

Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

Apple Drive Educate children about Seminar on SHS Donation Promoted As illustrated in this
Project the importance of having proper Coordinators from the school
(2nd Bite) a healthy lifestyle hygiene , Subject private to
excerpt of a school’s
Promote good personal Group Heads, individuals elementary annual implementation
hygiene. Giving of Teachers, school plan, the first project
Inspire children to apples and
dream bigger dreams hygiene kits dubbed as Apple
through storytelling. Drive promotes
Give apples and hygiene Storytelling
kits to elementary contents
students. Teach children in Health, Literacy
the value of giving and and Edukasyon
Trash to Cash To alleviate the problem of Collection of A BM SS Funds for
Project trash in school campus plastic bottles, member use in other Pagpapakatao.
in economical way. white paper, s, projects
To generate funds for the colored paper Advisers, were
accomplishment of and the like. Teachers generated.
other projects , Cleanliness is
To develop the value of Students observed
cleanliness and care for and trash
the environment lessen
The Trash to Cash Project aims to provide solution to
cleanliness concerns in school campus by applying science
concepts of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle while generating
funds for future school projects and inculcating the
values of cleanliness and environmental care.

1. From the identified needs or problems in your community, select one that your
school wants to attend to or solve.
2. Determine curriculum learning areas that will be reflected in the culminating activity.
3. Develop your objectives for the target activity.
4. Plan activities to deliver your objectives.
5. Seek for potential partnership to shoulder expenses and all other resources.
6. Identify responsible persons and create set of instructions for each activity.
7. Evaluate the success of the undertaking and the use of interdisciplinary activities
to deliver the service.


Budget of Work

The excerpt of a typical Budget of Work in English for

Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) shown on the
next page includes the learning competencies taken from the
Curriculum Guide of the subject.



Writing The learner... The learner... The learner... 1 Defining Concept Lecture/ Pen and Paper EAPP Reader,
Concept understands produce a well- 1. defines what a concept paper is and Concept Discussion Test TG, seminar
Paper the principles balanced concept CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-19 Paper papers, online
and uses of paper in a specific Powerpoint references
(Weeks 7 a concept discipline Presentation
to 10) paper
2.determines the ways a writer 3 Formal Sentence Small Group Pen and Paper EAPP Reader,
can elucidate on a concept Definition Discussion Test TG, seminar
by definition, epxlication and papers, online
clarification references
3.identifies situations in which a 1 Analyzing Sample Researc Group EAPP Reader,
concept paper may be effectively Concept Papers: h Presentatio TG, seminar
used to improve our society HUMSS Activity n papers, online
CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-21 Boondocks (focused references
Months of the on Paper /
Year Objective
Days of the Week s and or
4.comprehends what kinds of 3 Words to the of EAPP Reader,
concept paper Intellectuals Writing Test TG, seminar
CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-22 s papers, online
HE: Cookery Presentation references
Ketchup Sample Paper
5.explains and clarifies concepts in EAPP Reader,
field (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-2) Why Sinigang? Writing Test TG, seminar
such as: (Analyzing papers, online
a. Art b. Business FSTEM: Powerpoint concept papers references
c. Law d. Philosophy Fusion vs. Fission Presentatio on speicific
e. Politics f. Religion Mercury n disciplines
g. Science h. Sports Pollution applying
i. TechVoc j. Agro-fishery Video critical reading
k. LA l. ICT Arts/ Presentatio strategies)
Technical n
These parts require theDiscussion
teacher to involve
concepts in different fields and to analyze sample
papers for different specializations.

1. Review the Curriculum Guide (CG) in your learning area.

2. Look for components that are suggestive of intra- and interdisciplinary connections.
3. Identify topics, concepts, activities, materials or assessment strategies that can be
used to establish meaningful and appropriate relationship among curriculum learning
4. Embed such teaching-learning opportunities to apply content knowledge within
and across curriculum areas in the development of your budget of work.

After showing you the Illustrations of Practice, we also want to leave

you the following reminders, which can be useful in our adherence to
indicator 1.1.2:
• Aside from integrating topics or activities to the lesson, content
knowledge application can also be shown in our skillful facilitation of
our teaching practices.
• Incidental teaching is also a good venue to demonstrate and apply
content knowledge within and across learning areas.
• Teachers may integrate content knowledge within and across
subject areas in any part of the DLL/DLP.
• Culminating activities integrating learning competencies from
different subjects can also be considered as an application of this
• Calendared school activities like Nutrition Month, Buwan ng Wika,
and this indicator
Science Fairis
, actually
can alsoa practice
include we do in our classrooms.
interdisciplinary teaching
We justapplications.
have to emphasize, enhance and sustain its application to ensure
20 achievement of our teaching and learning goals.
Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

Having seen how Indicator 1.1.2 can be achieved, we believe
that you are now ready to make your own lesson, or in-school or
out-of- school activity proposals where you can demonstrate your
content knowledge application within and across curriculum
teaching areas. You may consult your mentors in school or from
other institutions for their comments and suggestions. You may
also collaborate with your colleagues to share your best teaching
Further, below are illustrations of practice that you may consider
in aligning your teaching practices with this indicator.



The teacher demonstrates accurate and A Physical Education (PE) teacher does research to
in-depth knowledge by delivering error- ensure accurate information is given to learners in every
free foundational knowledge and finer teaching and learning opportunity. In presenting a new
details of curriculum learning areas. He concept, the teacher gives a comprehensive discussion
or she applies broad knowledge of all on Philippine folk dances. Additional information like
concepts within and across curriculum history and cultural significance of the dance is also
teaching areas in the presentation of given to the class. To better exemplify such folk dances,
the lesson. the teacher also demonstrates both basic and intricate
dance steps.
The teacher promotes learning and After discussing ways to solve two-step word
responds to learners’ questions in a problems, a learner, who still finds difficulty in
manner that is responsive to learners’ comprehending and solving given word problems, asks
developmental needs. He or she answers the teacher to reteach the process and to give more
learners’ questions by providing tips in performing mathematical operations correctly.
extensive discussion of content learning The teacher extends the discussion of this content and
areas to create opportunities for the provides more board exercises and paired problem-
learners to fully understand the content. solving activities to help all the learners to fully
understand the topic.
The teacher motivates learners to During coloring session, when the kindergarten Arts
investigate the content area to expand class are tasked to color objects like sun, moon, stars
their knowledge and satisfy their natural and clouds, a pupil asks the teacher questions like
curiosity. “Where does the sun sleep?” The teacher promptly
explains the Science concept on day and night,
including that of the earth’s rotation.

The teacher cites intra-disciplinary In a Grade 6 Mathematics class, the teacher uses
content relationships. He or she her learners’ knowledge on LCD as part of the fifth
establishes linear connection of his or grade curriculum) to present the new lesson on
her current lesson to the enabling adding and subtracting dissimilar fraction.
learning competencies within the current
or previous curriculum guide of the
subject he or she teaches.


The teacher has a repertoire of A teacher employs different instructional strategies

appropriate teaching strategies to deliver inside the classroom to achieve objectives of a lesson.
the content teaching areas. Such strategies include direct, indirect, interactive,
experiential instructions, independent study as
described in DO 42,
s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation
for the K to 12 Basic Education Program).




The teacher applies interdisciplinary An English teacher uses content knowledge in different
content knowledge to teach specific disciplines by teaching academic and TVL students the
learning content to learners from various varied types of reaction or review paper and guiding
fields of specialization. learners to do different outputs depending on their field
of specialization like movie review, food review, gadget
review, digital commercial review or architectural review.

The teacher shares content knowledge A teacher in Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies)
and expertise across teaching areas by mentors in an oratorical contest featuring the town’s
training his or her learners for local hero and prepares the learner for the speech
scholastic competitions. competition. In another example, a school paper
adviser trains school journalists in various areas like
news, feature, Science, sports, editorial cartoon,
layouting, photojournalism, collaborative publishing, and
radio and TV broadcasting.

The teacher extends content Learners’ outputs in Contemporary Philippine Arts in

knowledge application in the Region (CPAR) are arranged for a school
conceptualizing and implementing exhibit.
school or community outreach The teacher invited different school stakeholders
programs. to attend the exhibit and incorporates the
entrepreneurial skills in selling their outputs for a
cause. The proceeds are proposed to be used in a
community project to feed children in a nearby
With your aspiration to deliver quality teaching practices and
with the new ideas that you can take home from this module,
let’s be confident that we can conform to the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers.

Happy teaching!

Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas


After exploring the different key concepts on applying content
knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas, you
now have a better appreciation of the indicator.

Based on your learning in this module, think of what you can do

to enhance your professional development.

Fill in the personal action plan



What are the skills you What are the skills What can you When will you What assistance/
are good at? you need to improve? recommend for your implement your plan? resources do you need
development to implement the plan?

Happy planning!



This section provides you with resources that can help you
further understand the indicator.

Annotated Bibliography
Comat, H. (2011). Technology Integration Lesson Planning for Teachers in 4 Easy Steps. Retrieved from http://www.
The author explains the importance of incorporating technology education in lesson planning by providing four easy
steps, including a sample application.

Department of Education (2013). Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program. Department Order No. 42, s. 2016).
This department order provides policy guidelines that “aim to empower teachers to carry out quality instruction
that recognizes the diversity of learners inside the classroom, is committed to learners’ success, allows
the use of varied instructional and formative assessment strategies including the use of ICTs and enables
(them) to guide, mentor, and support learners in developing and assessing their learning across the
curriculum.” Two of the Daily Lesson Logs presented in this module are taken from the Annexes of this
Department Order, specifically Annex 2A, a kindergarten DLL by Nanelyn T. Bontoan and Fatima Corina A.
Robles, and Annex 2B.1, a MAPEH 4 DLL by Marilou Vispo and Blesseda Cahapay.

Department of Education (2017). National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers. Department Order No. 42, s. 2017.
This set of standards defines teacher quality in the country and describes the roles of teachers, the professional
standards for teachers, the teacher quality in the Philippines, the seven domains which collectively
comprise 37 strands, and the career stages. Further, the definitions of some key concepts in this module
are taken from the PPST glossary of terms.

Department of Education. (2018). Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers
and School Heads.
The RPMS Manual contains Classroom Observation Tool for teacher I-III, which includes a rubric summary used to
measure the level of teachers’ performance in different career stages. The COT also includes features of
practices per level and clarifications on certain key words or phrases used in the rubrics.

Educational Broadcasting Corporation. (2004). Step-by-step Guide to Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design. Retrieved
This material gives suggestions on how to realize interdisciplinary teaching concepts from assessing students and
learning setting to planning integrated activities and evaluating the process. A downloadable template on
developing a unit plan is also provided. Likewise, this material also provides an interdisciplinary learning
rubric with the following criteria: rationale, interdisciplinary component, designed to benefit the learner,
essential questions, skills, assessments, procedures, use of resources, mechanics and language usage. he
said rubric was crafted by Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Ed.D. (2000).

Heaggart, K. (2016). How Important is Subject Matter Knowledge for a Teacher? Retrieved from https://www.
Apply knowledge of content within
across curriculum teaching areas

The author explains the importance of teachers’ knowledge on the subject matter. The material also
emphasizes that teachers need broad knowledge and skills of curriculum teaching areas to help learners
meet the standards and achieve high performance.

How to Plan a Successful Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit at Your School. Retrieved from
This material includes best practices and steps in delivering interdisciplinary thematic units and a link to circular
academic plans, which can be used to plan integration of topics between and among teaching areas.

Hughes, Derek (n.d.). The Importance of Knowing Your Students. Retrieved from
The author presents a transcript about the importance of knowing the learners well. The author explains how
different the learners are in terms of their learning styles, cultural backgrounds, relationships, interests and
personalities. The author also provides different scenarios that need different approaches to attend to
learner diversity.

Jacobs, H. H. (2004). Concept to Classroom. Retrieved from https://www.thirt interdisciplinary/index.html.
The author explains the concept and structure of an interdisciplinary curriculum through online workshop. The
online workshop focuses on the history of interdisciplinary curriculum, impact of integration to the
teachers and learners and teaching styles. The workshop also contains video clips of different schools
with interdisciplinary content.

Lutucan National High School. (2017). Annual Implementation Plan. Sariaya, Quezon.
The school’s annual implementation plan summarizes programs and projects that cater to access, quality and
governance. Some programs and projects exemplify how intra and interdisciplinary content knowledge can
be applied in culminating activities in the school and community.

Lutucan National High School – Science Department. (2016). Science Club Action Plan. Sariaya, Quezon.
This organizational action plan includes a summary of activities proposed by the club for school year 2016- 2017.
It includes the program objectives, specific activities, target dates, persons involved, source of fund and
expected output.

Medrano, F. V. A. (2018). Daily Lesson Log (DLL) in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) – Mechanical Drafting
Grade 8. Governor Luis A. Ferrer Jr. East National High School, Gen. Trias City, Cavite.
The author presents a Grade 8 DLL in TLE - Mechanical Drafting with integration of content in Araling
Panlipunan (AP). The sample DLL shows how the current lesson incorporates another lesson from Grade 8
AP, i.e., presentation of new concepts, and ending, i.e., evaluating learning, parts of the lesson to enhance
the delivery of target learning competencies.

Mossgrove, J. (2014). Deepening Content Knowledge for Teaching. Retrieved from
The author presents different school scenarios that require teachers to draw out multiple decisions on the
understanding of learning engagement and opportunities. The author also emphasizes that there is no
best approach/strategy/method/technique appropriate in different situations.

Regulto, D. C. (2017). Daily Lesson Log in Reading and Writing Skills Grade 11. (Rea-Santes, S. N.L., Ed)
Castanas National High School, Sariaya, Quezon.
The DLL shows how a writing lesson is used as an opportunity to develop awareness and social responsibility
among learners by integrating contents in UCSP, EAPP, ET and General Science. Using interdisciplinary
content knowledge, the teacher contextualized and localized the lesson by soliciting the learners’ stand on a
timely issue in their community.

Leonor Magtolis Briones Evelyn G. Chavez, Ph.D. Lorina Y. Calingasan, Ph.D.
Secretary Mindanao Zonal Representative Social Studies Subject Representative
Department of
Education Lourdes R. Baetiong, Ph.D. SECRETARIAT
Allan B. De Guzman, Ph.D. Language Subject Representative Runvi V. Manguerra, Ph.D.
Luzon Zonal Executive Director II
Representative Myrna B. Libutaque,
Rita May P. Tagalog, Ph.D. Ph.D. Mathematics Jayson A. Peñafiel
Visayas Zonal Representative Subject Representative Education Program Supervisor

Glinore Morales Sandra A. Garcia
PROJECT TEAM Beverly Estocapio Eduard O. Gonong
Ruby Gantalao Ryan H. Homan
Gina O. Gonong, Ph.D. Luis Angelo Abergas Glen P. Honrado
Joint Project Team Leader and Director Lyndon Morales Neri D. Mangalindan
PNU-RCTQ Guillen Nabong Amparo M. Muñoz
Ezra de Jesus Natividad V. Nacino
John Pegg, Ph.D. Aufric Alma N. Navarro
Joint Project Team Leader and Director WRITER-COORDINATORS Carlo Donato E. Olivan
UNE-SiMERR Jose Ariel S.
Jennifer E. Lopez Padsoyan Jennifer M.
Christine Reading, Education Program Supervisor Rojo Gemma A. Realo
Ph.D. Senior Research Region IV-A Neil Vincent C.
Fellow UNE-SiMERR Sandoval
Maria Concepcion Beltran - EDITOR
Michael Wilson I. Montenegro Myrna L. Macalinao, Ph.D.
Rosero Senior Faculty, Ateneo de Manila University
RCTQ Adelyn R. Bartolome Raymond S. Bermudez
Mikkey Mari M. Domingo R. Cueto
Tuazon Alfred James A. Ellar AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY
Research Officer Mark Anthony P. Idang
PNU-RCTQ Gerlie C. Lopez Francesca Lawe-Davies
PNU-RCTQ and UNE-SiMERR National Francis Victor A. Medrano First Secretary-Education
Research Centre May Grace D. Salazar
Jennie V. Jocson, Ph.D. Ryan G. dela Torre TRANSFORMATION (BEST)
Deputy Director, PNU-RCTQ John Paul dela Rosa PROGRAM
Grace Urbien-Salvatus
Allan S. Reyes. Ph.D. Karina Angela C. Kaye Cox
Senior Program Manager, PNU-RCTQ Celestial Arlene M. Team Leader
Joy Hardy, Ph.D. Christian Mespher A. Alison Atwell, Ph.D.
Deputy Director, UNE-SiMERR Hernandez Component Lead
Teaching and Learning
Ken Vine, Ph.D. Shirley N. Cerbo
Principal Research Adviser Jerome A. Chavez, Ed.D.
Soledad L. Lecaroz
UNE-SiMERR Mary Leigh Ann C.
Teacher Development Adviser
Perez Vivian I. Buhain,
Support Staff Ed.D.
Philip Jay N. Alcoberes, Special thanks: All Regional
Silvia Danieli
June Ph.D. Allen U. Bautista, Ed.D. Directors, Superintendents
Maricel D. Ambid
Billings and Principals who supported
Ambrose Manuel R. Apuli
26 Florpina B. the project

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