Practical File (Class - Xii)

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Prepared By

Prashant Kumar
PM SHRI K.V. No. 3, Delhi
Record File Shall Include
Practical -1: Fitness Test Administration for all
Practical- 2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits &
Contraindication for any two Asanas for each
lifestyle disease.
Practical -3: Any one game of your choice (IOA
Recognised) out of the below list. Labelled
Diagram of Field & equipment (Rules,Terminology
& Skills)
* Basketball, Football, Kabaddi , Kho-Kho, Volleyball,
Handball, Hockey, Cricket, Bocce & Unified Basketball
(CWSN, Children With Special Needs- Divyang)
Practical :- 1
(Fitness Tests Administration For All Items)
A) Age Group 5 – 8 Years / Class 1 – 3
i) BMI
ii) Flamingo Balance Test
iii) Plate Tapping Test

B) Age Group 9 – 18 Years / Class 4 – 12

i) Body Mass Index (BMI)
ii) 50 m Standing Start or 50 m Dash
iii) 600 m Run or Walk
iv) Sit & Reach Test
v) Partial Curl – Up
vi) Push – Ups (Boys)
vii) Modified Push – Ups (Girls)
A) Age Group 5 – 8 Years / Class 1 – 3
i) Body Mass Index (BMI)
Purpose :- To check the percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in
Equipment Required :- Flat, clear surface, stadiometer /measuring
tape pasted on a wall and weighing machine.
Body Mass Index is calculated from body weight (W) and height

BMI = Weight/Height x Height

W is the body weight in Kilograms
H is height in meters
ii) Flamingo Balance Test
iii) Plate Tapping Test
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Test 1 :- BMI
Test 2 :- 50 m Standing Start or 50 m Dash
Test 3 :- 600 m Run or Walk
Test 4 :- Sit & Reach Test
Test 5 :- Partial Curl – Up
Test 6 :- Push – Ups (Boys)
Test 7 :- Modified Push – Ups (Girls)
Test 1 :- Body Mass Index (BMI)
Purpose :- To check the percentage of fat, bone, and
muscle in body.
Equipment Required :- Flat, clear surface,
stadiometer /measuring tape pasted on a wall and
weighing machine.
Body Mass Index is calculated from body weight (W) and
height (H).

BMI = Weight/Height x Height

W is the body weight in Kilograms
H is height in meters
Test 2 :- 50 m Standing Start or 50 m Dash
 Purpose :- Determines speed and acceleration
 Equipments required :- Measuring tape or marked track,
stopwatch, cone markers, flat and clear surface of at least
60 meters.
 Procedure :-The test involves running a single maximum
sprint over 50 meters , with the time recorded. A through
warm up should be given , including some practice starts
and accelerations. Once the subject is ready and
motionless , the starter gives the instructions “Set” and
“Go” . Start from stationary standing position (hands
cannot touch the ground ), with one foot in front of the
other. The front foot must be behind the starting line.
 Scoring :- Time taken for completion (In seconds).
50 Mts
Test 3 :- 600 m Run or Walk
 Purpose:- To Measure Cardiovascular Fitness /
Cardiovascular Endurance.
 Equipments required :- Stopwatch , whistle, marker
cone, lime powder, measuring tape, 200 or 400 mts
track, 1.22mt (minimum 1 m ) width preferably on a
flat and even playground with a marking of starting
and finish line.
 Procedure :- The subject takes the position of
standing right behind the starting line. At the signal
of “Ready” and “Go” the subject starts running.
During the course of running he / she may walk also.
 Scoring :- Time taken for completion (Run or Walk)
in min, & sec.
600 M
Test 4 :- Sit & Reach Test
 Purpose :- Common measure of flexibility and specifically measures
the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles . This test is
important as because tightness in this area is implicated in lumber
lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain.
 Equipments required :- Sit and reach box, flat clean cushioned
surface / Gym mat.
 Procedure :- Sit down on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. The soles of the feet should be kept flat against the box both the
knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor an assistant may
hold the knees down , palm should be facing downwards .hand should
be on top of the each other or side by side . The individual , whose
flexibility is to be measured tries to extend his/her both hands forward
along the measuring line on the box as far as he/she can extend.
 Scoring :- The score is recorded (difference between initial position
and final position), in cm and mm, as the distance reached by the
Reach Test
Test 5 :- Partial Curl – Up
 Purpose :- The curl up test measures abdominal muscular
strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip-flexors.
 Equipments Required:- Flat clean cushioned surface with two
parallel strips ( 6 inches apart) , stopwatch, recording sheet & pen.
 Procedure :- First of all, The complete test procedure is explained
to the subject. After that the subject lies in supine on cushioned
surface .The knees should be flexed and feel should be 12 inches
from the buttocks. Both the feet’s should be slightly apart. Arms are
extended and rested on thighs. Head should be in natural position.
This is the starting position .Then , the subject curls up with a slow
controlled movement. Until his/her shouldered come off the
cushioned surface or mat two inches then back down again.
 Scoring :- Record the maximum number of curl ups in a certain
time period 30 seconds.
Curl Up
Test 6 :- Push – Ups (Boys)
 Purpose :- Upper body strength endurance and trunk stability.
 Equipments required:- Flat clean cushioned surface /gym mat.
 Procedure :- 1) Get on the floor on all fours, positioning your hands
slightly wider than your shoulders.
2) Extend your legs back so that you are balanced on your hands and toes.
Keep our body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the
middle or arching your back . You can position your feet to be close
together or a bit wider depending on what is most comfortable for you.
3) Before you begin any movement , contract your abs and tighten your
core by pulling your belly button toward your spine. Keep a tight core
throughout the entire push up.
4) Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself until your
elbows are at a 90 degree angle.
5) Exhale as you begin contracting your chest muscles and pushing back up
through your hands to the start position. Don’t lock out the elbows ; keep
them slightly bent.
 Scoring :- Record the number of correctly completed push-ups.
Push Ups
Test 7 :-Modified Push – Ups (Girls)
Purpose :- Upper body strength endurance and trunk stability.
 Equipments required:- Flat clean cushioned surface /gym
mat, Stop watch, Record Sheet and pen
 Procedure :- 1) Begin in a kneeling position on a mat with
hands below shoulders and knees behind hips so back is angled
and long.
2) Tuck toes under , tighten abdominals , and bend elbows to
lower chest towards the floor. Keep your gaze in front of your
fingertips so neck stays long.
3) Press chest back up to start position.
4) Repeat for desired number of repetitions.

Scoring :- Record the number of correctly completed push-ups.

Push Up
Practical :- 2
Procedure for Asanas ,Benefits & Contraindication for any
two Asanas for each Lifestyle Disease
Preventive Asanas of Obesity
 Obesity is defined as a condition of excess body weight and fat.
 ‘ Obesity is defined as the state of being grassly or overweight’
 There are various factor for obesity like overeating, thyroid,
heredity , no physical activity etc. Obesity causes many diseases
like headache , paralysis, constipation , joint pain acidity, spinal
problems, respiratory problems etc.

1) Tadaasana 7) Matsayasana
2) Katichakrasana 8) Halasana
3) Dhanurasana 9) Paschimottasana
4) Ardhmatsyendrasana 10)Ushtrasana
5) Pawanmuktasana
6) Suryabedhan Pranayama
Tadasana or Mountain Pose is an asana derived from
the word ‘tada’ which means mountain and ‘asana’
which means posture . This asana is like the base or
the mother of all asanas from which all other asanas

Procedure of Tadasana
 Stand erect and place your legs slightly apart, with your hands hanging
alongside your body.
 You must take your thigh muscles firm. Lift your kneecaps while ensuring
you do not harden the lower part of your belly.
 Strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles as you lift them.
 Now, imagine a stream of white light (energy) passing through your
ankles, up to your inner thighs, groin, spine, neck, all the way up to your
head. Gently turn your upper thighs inward. Elongate the tailbone such
that it is towards the floor. Lift the pubis such that it is closer to the navel.
 Look slightly upward.
 Now breathe in and stretch your shoulders, arms and chest upwards.
Raise your heels, making sure your body weight is on your toes.
 Feel the stretch in your body right from your feet to your head. Hold the
pose for a few seconds. Then exhale and release.
Benefits of Tadasana
Improves posture.
Strengthens thighs, knees and ankles.
Increases awareness.
Steadies breathing.
Increases strength ,power and mobility in the feet, legs and hips.
Relieves sciatica.
Reduces flat foot.
Increases confidence.
It is good for increasing height.
It helps to maintain blood pressure.
It helps to recover from paralysis attack.
It reduces stress and obesity.
Leg and hand muscles become strong.
Maintain physical and mental balance.
Contraindications of Tadasana

This asana should be avoided by people

suffering from headaches.
It should be avoided by patients of
People suffering from low blood pressure
should not attempt it.
2. Katichakrasana
The name of this asana comes from Kati meaning
waist Chakra meaning circle. Katichakrasana, literally
means rotation of the waist. It gives a nice stretch to the
waist and helps in making it more flexible and supple.
Procedure of Katichakrasana
 keep the legs 2-3 feet apart
Raise both the arms up to shoulder level with palm
facing each other and keep them parallel.
While exhaling, twist the body towards the left side
so that the right palm touches the left shoulder ,
come back with inhalation.
While exhaling , twist the body towards the right side
so that the left palm touches the right shoulder ,
come back with inhalation.
This is one round: repeat it two more times.
Benefits of Katichakrasana
Good for relieving constipation.
Strengthens and improves the flexibility of the
spine and waist.
Good for arm and leg muscle.
Opens up the neck and shoulders and
strengthens the abdominal muscles and lower
Beneficial for those with sedentary or
deskbound jobs.
Contraindications of Katichakrasana
Avoid practicing Katichakrasana during
pregnancy, or if you have hernia, slip disc, or
have had an abdominal surgery recently.
Consult your doctor before practicing this
yoga posture if you have chronic spinal
3. Dhanurasana
Procedure of Dhanurasana
Benefits of Dhanurasana
Contraindication of Dhanurasana
4. Ardhamatsyendrasana
 This asana is named after Yogi Matsyendranath. The
name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘ardha’, which
means half, ‘matsya’ , meaning fish, ‘Indra’ , which stands
for a king , and ‘asana’ , which means posture . This
asana is also called Vakrasana. ‘Vakra’ means twisted in
Procedure of Ardhamatsyendrasana
Sit with legs straight and relax the whole body . Place
the sole of the right foot flat on the floor on the
outside of the left knee. Bend the left leg and lay the
left heel beside the right buttock. Both buttocks
should remain on the floor . The back is upright and
relaxed. Bring the left arm to the outside of the right
knee and grasp the right angle. Turn the upper body
as far as possible to the right, place the right arm
across the back and look over the right shoulder.
Breathe normally, remain in this position for a few
minutes and relax the whole body. Slowly return to
the starting position. Repeat the steps on the other
Benefits of Ardhamatsyendrasana
 Promotes mobility of the spine and hips.
 Stimulates functioning of the kidneys and pancreas
 Ability to concentrate is improved.
 Increases oxygen supply to the lungs.
 Makes the spine supple and increases its elasticity.
 It losses extra fat and makes body beautiful and strong.
 It stimulates liver, spleen and pancreas.
 It is beneficial for respiratory system.
 It glorifies face and keeps menstrual cycle in women in control.
 It is helpful for person suffering from diabetes.
 It is beneficial for small and large intestines.
 It reduces obesity.
 It helps in excretion waste produces from body.
Contraindications of Ardhamatsyendrasana
 Do not practice this asana if it causes pain in the knee or
 Pregnant women shall not perform it.
 Do not do it during menstrual period.
 Person suffering from hernia, ulcer, chronic heart disease
shall avoid it.
Preventive Asanas of Diabetes
Diabetes today is the biggest silent killer in the world besides high
blood pressure.It occurs because of the inability of the body cells to
utilise the sugars from our food resulting in increased sugar levels in
the blood.There are two types of diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2. Type one
diabetes generally has a childhood onset while Type 2 diabetes occurs
in adulthood.
1. Bhujangasana 7. Supta-Vajarasana
2. Paschimottanasana 8.Mandukasana
3. Pawanmuktasana 9. Yogmudra
4.Shalabhasana 10. Gomukhasana
5. Ardhamatsyendrasana 11. Ushtrasana
6.Katichakrasana 12. Kapalbhati
1. Bhujangasana
 Bhujangasana is a gentle backbend practiced from a face
down position that warms and strengthens the spine while
opening the chest. This term comes from the Sanskrit ‘Bhujanga’,
meaning serpent or snake , and ‘asana’ , meaning posture or seat.
Bhujangasana is also referred to as cobra pose.
Procedure of Bhujangasana
 Lie flat on your stomach (prone position); keep the body
below the naval region. Place your palms on the side.
 Keep the elbows close to each other.
 Now, placing your body’s weight on your palms, inhale and
raise your head and trunk. Your arms should be bent at your
elbows at this stage.
 Arch the dorsal spine and neck backward as far as you can.
 Press your hips, thighs, and feet to the floor.
 Hold the asana for about 15 to 30 seconds while breathing
 Now press the stomach pressed against the floor.
 Maintain for about a minute with normal breathing.
 Come back to starting position.
Benefits of Bhujangasana
 Stretches muscles in the shoulders , chest and abdomen.
 Decreases stiffness in the lower back.
 Strengthens arms and shoulders.
 Increases flexibility.
 Improves menstrual irregularities.
 Invigorates the heart.
 It is one of the best asanas to increase height naturally .
 It cures neck and back pain.
 It makes muscles and bones flexible.
 It makes spinal column flexible.
Contraindications of Bhujangasana
 Avoid this asana during pregnancy.
 Avoid if suffering from hernia ,back injuries, headaches,
and just after abdominal surgeries.
 Should be avoided by patients suffering from wrist
problems like carpal tunnel syndrome.
 Heart patients and person with high B.P. shall not do it.
2. Paschimottanasana
 It is a posture in which we bend forward . Paschim
means posterior and uttana means stretch . It is
stretching of posterior region of body.
Paschimottanasana is also known as seated forward
Procedure of Paschimottanasana
Sit up with legs stretched out straight in front of you
on the floor.
Keep the spine erect and toes flexed towards you.
Bring your respiration to normal.
Breathing in, slowly raise your both the arms straight
above your head and stretch up.
Benefits of Paschimottanasana
 Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild
 Stretches the spine ,shoulders and hamstrings.
 Stimulates the liver ,kidneys,ovaries and uterus.
 Improves digestion.
 Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual
 Reduces anxiety and fatique.
 It increases immune power.
 It helps to increase concentration.
 It cures diabetes, joint pain and female reproductive system.
 It increases strechability of spine.

Contraindications of Paschimottanasana
Those suffering from lungs disease or spinal problems
should not practice this asana.
Should be avoided by people with liver and spleen
Pregnant women should not do it.
Asthma patient and people having backache and
diarhoea should avoid doing it.
3. Pawanmuktasana
 Pawanmuktasana ,also known as Wind Relieving Pose, is a
reclining posture . The Sanskrit name Pawanmuktasana is made up
of three Sanskrit words – pawan , mukta and asana,where ‘pawan’
means wind, ‘mukta’ means to release and ‘asana’ means posture.
Practising this asana helps relieve constipation and gas from
stomach and intestines.
Procedure of Pawanmuktasana
 To practise this asana, you should begin by lying down
(supine position) in resting position with arms spread on
the ground. Breathe in and as you exhale, bring your both
knees towards your chest and press the thigh on your
abdomen with clasped hands. Now lift your head and
chest off the floor and touch your chin to knees. Hold this
position. Make sure, tighten the grip of the hands on the
knee and increase the pressure on the chest. Now come
back to the ground and relax. Maintain the posture for 1 –
2 minutes.
Benefits of Pawanmuktasana
 Stretches the neck and back.
 Helps decrease gas in intestines.
 Increases blood circulation to all the internal organs.
 Improves digestive system.
 Relieves constipation.
 Strengthens the lower back muscles and loosens spinal vertebrae.
 Decreases sterility and impotence.
 Beneficial in mitigating menstrual disorders.
 Reduces fat from the abdominal area, thighs and buttocks.
 Acid gases are released.
 It cures constipation and acidity.
 It increases metabolism.
 Brings flexibility in joints.
Contraindications of Pawanmuktasana
 Must be avoided if there has been a recent abdominal
surgery as there is a lot of pressure on the abdomen.
 Anyone suffering from hernia or piles should avoid
this asana.
 Pregnant women should not practice this asana.
 If there is any pain , stiffness or injury to the neck , the
head should remain on the floor.
4. Shalabhasana
Procedure of Shalabhasana
Benefits of Shalabhasana
Contraindications of Shalabhasana

Preventive Asanas Of Asthma
 Asthma is a condition in which our airways become
narrow and swell and produce extra mucus.This can
make breathing difficult and trigger coughing,
wheezing and shortness of breath.
1. Uttan Mandukasana 8. Urdhwahastottasana
2. Anulom – Vilom 9. Dhnurasana
3. Gomukhasana 10. Ushtrasana
4. Matsyasana 11. Vakrasana
5. Tadasana 12. Kapalbhati
6. Bhujangasana
7. Paschimottanasana
1. Uttan Mandukasana

Procedure of Uttan Mandukasana
Benefits of Uttan Mandukasana
Contraindications of Uttan Mandukasana
2. Anulom - Vilom

Procedure of Anulom-Vilom
Benefits of Anulom-Vilom
 The name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Go’( meaning
cow), ‘Mukha’ (meaning face) and ‘Asana’( meaning posture). This
posture is called ‘Cow –face’ pose because the lower limbs
resemble the face of a cow . The knees with a gap in between
them look like the mouth . The shin looks like the side of a cow’s
face. The feet look like the ears of a cow.
Procedure of Gomukhasana
 Begin by sitting in cross legged posture.
 Bring your right foot on top of the left thigh and slide it as close to the left
hip as possible.
 Bring your left ankle by the side of the right hip. Try to make sure that one
knee is over the other.
 Slide both your feet far behind, but make sure you are comfortable.
 Try to keep the spine straight and vertical and the head facing forward.
 Raise your right arm and bring it over your shoulder.
 Wrap your left arm behind the back and reach to grasp your left hand with
right hand behind the back, clasping the fingers together.
 Stay in the final pose for about 10 – 12 breaths.
 Release the hands and stretch the legs straight, bounce the knees a few
 Repeat the asana using the opposite limbs.
 Finally, release the pose and relax in a comfortable cross-legged sitting
Benefits of Gomukhasana
 It stretches our hips.
 It provides power to your ankles, thighs, shoulders, armpits,
chest, deltoid and triceps.
 Relives chronic knee pain.
 Strengthens your spine and abdominal muscles.
 Strengthens the hip joint.
 It increases concentration and includes inner peace.
 It is very beneficial in prevention of diabetes.
 It makes body strong, flexible and attractive.
 It is helpful in arthritis.
 It helps in curing asthma.
 It relieves back pain and general stiffness in shoulders and neck.
Contraindications of Gomukhasana
 Avoid the pose if you have serious neck or shoulder problems.

 Pregnant women should not fold forward.

 Do not practice if you have serious knee problems.

4. Matsyasana
 The Sanskrit word ‘Matsya’ means fish. It is thus the nicknamed
the Fish Pose. Aptly labelled the ‘Destroyer of all Diseases’ in
ancient Yogic texts. It is beneficial for waist and throat related
Procedure of Matsyasana
Begin with the Shavasana (Corpse Pose).
Maintain a flat back. Make sure your arms are straight,
with palms laid out on the mat.
Gently bring your palms under your buttocks.
Tip your head backwards slightly with your torso resting
on the floor. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Inhale and use your forearms to lift your chest, shoulders,
upper back and heads off the mat.
Bring the top of your head to rest on the mat and hold this
position for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Return to the initial position.
Relax and inhale.
Repeat the process 6 – 8 times.
Benefits of Matsyasana
 This asana strengthens the respiratory system.
 It is beneficial for patients suffering from asthma, bronchitis and
chronic throat problems.
 Stimulates kidney function.
 Activates the thyroid gland.
 It provides relief in back ache and knee pain.
 It also helps in eye related problems.
 It reduces skin disease.
 It provides flexibility for shoulders.
 It is perfect for management of asthma.
 It helps to reduce fat around abdomen.
 It helps to expand lungs which enhance air ways to open.
 It controls thyroid and parathyroid hormone.
Contraindications of Matsyasana
 Do it while empty stomach.

 People with slip disc, high B.P , spinal problems or dizziness shall
not do it.

 Do not practice in case of cardiovascular disease, hernia, arthritis.

Preventive Asanas of Hypertension
1. Uttanpadasana 8. Gomukhasana
2. Makrasana 9. Vakrasana
3. Shavasana 10. Sitlipranayam
4. Nadi-Shodhanapranayam
5. Tadasana 11. Ardha Halasana
6. Bhujangasana 12. Sarla Matyasana
7. Katichakrasana 13. Uttan Mandukasana
14. Sitlipranayam
1. Uttanpadasana
Procedure of Uttanpadasana
Benefits of Uttanpadasana
Contraindications of Uttanpadasana
2. Makarasana
Procedure of Makarasana
Benefits of Makarasana
Contraindications of Makarasana
3. Shavasana
 This pose gets its name from the recumbent posture
of a dead body . It is a position of rest and relaxation ,
and is usually practiced towards the end of a yoga
session – a session that typically begins with activity and
ends in rest, a space or pause when deep healing can
take place. It also called a Corpse Pose.
Procedure of Shavasana
 Lie flat on your back , close your eyes. Keep your legs
comfortable apart and let your body relax completely,
toes facing to the sides. Place your palm upward . Take
your attention to different body parts one by one; slowly
relax your entire body. Keep breathing slowly , gently,
and deeply and allow your breath to relax you more and
more. Keep your eyes closed and concentration on
breaths in and out. Slowly and gently open your eyes.
Benefits of Shavasana
Relaxes and brings calmness to the whole body.
This posture leaves you in a state of rejuvenation.
It helps reduce blood pressure , anxiety and insomnia.
It improves concentration and memory.
It increases efficiency of our brain.
This asana reduces physical and mental stress.
It helps to prevent and manage of diseases like diabetes,
high blood pressure, chronic heart disease.
Contraindications of Shavasana
 This asana is absolutely safe and can be practiced by
anyone. Unless your doctor has advised you not to lie on
your back, hip displacement , spinal injuries.
4. Nadi - Shodhanapranayam
Procedure Of Nadi-
Benefitas of Nadi-Shodhanapranayam
Back Pain
Preventive Asanas of Back Pain
 Pain in the lower area of the spine is called back pain.
 Back pain is global problem in modern day world. Back
pain normally starts from bones, joints and muscles .
 Many yogasanas are designed to get rid of this very
challenging problem. These include.
1. Vakrasana 7.
2. Ardh-Chakrasana 8. Gomukhasana
3. Bhadrasana 9. Sarala Matsyendra
4. Ushtrasana 10. Makarasana
5. Bhujangasana 11. Nadi-Shodhana Pranayam
6. Tadasana
 Vakrasana is also known as twisted pose or half – spinal
twist pose The Sanskrit word ‘Vakra’ , means twisted and
‘asana’, means posture . This asana makes the spine
flexible and helps remove fat around the waist. Vakrasana
is a simplified form of Ardhamatsyendrasana.
Procedure of Vakrasana
Sit down stretching your legs forward.
Bend the left leg to get foot close to the right knee.
Keep the left foot beside the right knee and the left knee
raised upward.
Inhale and raise the arms shoulder high, keeping the
elbows straight.
Exhaling, twist to the left, place the right arm by the outer
side of the left knee and hold the left ankle with the right
Change side and repeat this procedure.
Benefits of Vakrasana
Increases elasticity of the spine.
Stretches the muscles.
Helps relieve stiffness of vertebrae.
Massages the abdominal organs.
Reduces belly fat.
Regulates the secretion of digestive juices useful for
different digestive disorders.
It helps to control back pain.
It reduces obesity and also prevents depression.
It removes constipation.
It increases efficiency of lungs.
Contraindications of Vakrasana
This asana should be avoided in case of high blood
People with peptic ulcer or back injury should not
perform this asana.
Pregnant women shall avoid doing it .
Person who had undergone abdomen surgery should not
perform it.
People having knee pain shall avoid doing it.
2. Ardha-Chakrasana
 The name is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Ardha’, meaning
half, ‘Chakra’, meaning wheel and ‘Asana’ , meaning pose.
Procedure of Ardha-Chakrasana

Stand straight like in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).

Now, while inhaling, raise your hand up straight and
bend backward.
You can hold your hips with your hands and bend
backward without bending your knees.
Hold this position for a few seconds and continue
breathing slowly.
While exhaling, come back to the starting position.
Repeat this cycle 3 – 5 times.
Benefits of Ardha-Chakrasana
 Effective in reducing stomach and thigh fat.
 Stimulates pancreas and controls high blood pressure.
 Improves lungs capacity.
 Brings flexibility to spine and back muscles.
 Tones up arms ,thighs , waist and shoulders.
 Relieves pain in neck, shoulders and back.
 Cures respiratory disorders.
 Stimulates abdominal organs.
 Good for heart health.
 Regulates blood pressure.
 Stretches your stomach , intestine and abdominal organs.
 It reduces obesity.
Contraindications of Ardha-Chakrasana
 This asana should be avoided during pregnancy.

 Patients of serious spine and hip problems should not try it.

 Ulcer and hernia patients should avoid this asana.

 High blood pressure patients should not practice this asana.

 Person who had undergone stomach surgery should not

perform it.
3. Bhadrasana
Procedure Of Bhadrasana
Benefits Of Bhadrasana
Contraindications Of Bhadrasana
4. Ushtrasana
Procedure Of Ushtrasana
Benefits Of Ushtrasana
Contraindications Of Ushtrasana
Practical :- 3
Any one game of your choice out of the list below.Labelled
Diagram of field & equipment (Rules,Terminologies &
Volleyball Explained in this
Kabaddi PPT
 Kho-Kho
 Football
 Bocce
 Unified Basketball(CWSN- Children With Special Needs)
History Of Volleyball
 The game of volleyball was invented in the year 1895
at Holyoke Y.M.C.A. Gymnasium in U.S.A. By a
physical director named William Morgan (Father of
 The international Volleyball Association was formed
in 1947 with its headquarters in France. Volleyball was
introduced in India by the Y.M.C.A. The Volleyball
Federation of India was formed in 1950. Today
Volleyball is being played by men and women, all over
the world
Dimensions Of Volleyball Court
 The dimensions of a volleyball court require to be 60 feet X 30 feet. In meters, this
amounts to 18 m X 9 m.
 Around the court , there should be an area called a free zone , which is 10 feet on
all the sides, thus making the entire area needed 80 feet X 50 feet.
 The court is divided into two sides equally by a net , making each side a dimension
of 30 feet X 30 feet. (9 m x 9 m).
 The nut is 1 meter wide and runs from one sideline to the other all across the
court . It actually extends by 1 meter on both sides of the court, giving it a total
length of 11 meters.
 In the men’s competition , the net is placed at a height of 2.43 meters from the
ground , at the centre . For the women’s game , the same is at a height of 2.24
 Each side is divided into two zones. The attack zone or the front zone is from the
net towards the middle of the court , and measures 3 m X 9 m. This where the
three attackers are situated.
 The defence lines up in the remaining area of the court called the back zone, which
is 6m X 9m.
 Total no. of players in each team :- 12 ( Playing members 6 and Substitute
members 6)
 Total no. of sets :- 3 or 5 ( each set 25 points)
Latest General Rules
 All International level matches are played to the best of
five sets.
 First four sets consist of 25 points each whereas fifth set
consists of 15 points.
 The opponent team scores 1 point for each and every
mistake performed by the other team.
 Each service has a point as in Table Tennis.
 A coloured ball is permitted in competitions.
 A team has three hits or less on the ball before turning it
over the net. No player may hit the ball twice
 Now, the breadth of service area is 9 m instead of 3 m.
 Let service is allowed.
 Line of attack is marked on the side of court at 75 cm
with dots.
The team, which scores 25 points before the other
team with a difference of 2 points, will win the set .
 6 players can be substituted at maximum in a set.
 Ball can touch any part of the body but it should be
only a single touch .
 Hand or leg of net player may touch or cross the
central line provided that it does not disturb the
opponent player in any way.
 Name of the “Libero” player has to be nominated
from player’s list before start of the match.
 Libero can be changed unlimited times, However he
can play in back zone only. He always wears a
different kit as compared to his team mates.
Volleyball Court
Basic Equipments Used In Volleyball
Ball Pole
Weight :- 260 to 280 gram Pole Height (For Men) :- 2.43 m
Circumference :- 65 – 67 cm Pole height ( For Women) :- 2.24 m
Made of leather or synthetic leather
Basic Equipments Used In Volleyball
Antenna :- The antenna is a vertical rod that is located on the
top of each end of the volleyball net. The two vertical rods are
usually red and white in colour and are mounted on the ends of
the net, above the sidelines
Total length of Antenna :- 1.80 m
Total Length of Net :- 11 m
Width of net :- 1 m
Types Of Service
Under Hand Service Tennis Service/Upper Hand

Over Head Service Smashing

Types Of Passes
Two Handed Underhand Pass

Overhead Pass/Upper hand Pass

Types Of Blocking
Single Player Block

Combined Block
Games Terminology
 Smasher :- The player, who smashes the ball.
 Rotation :- It is a chance of position of players in clockwise direction
after getting a chance to serve.
 Blocking :- An attempt to check a smash by a player/players close to
the net by taking jump and raising of hands is called a blocking.
 Antenna :- The two flexible rods, fixed at the outer edge of each side
band are called antenna. The ball must pass to the opponent’s court
between these antennas.
 Boosting :- Boosting means to lift the ball up for the smasher to
 Diving :- Trying to play a ball falling on the ground in front is called
 Dig :- a dig is made by a player who first contacts the ball over the net.
 Rally :- A rally is the exchange of hits between the teams. The team
that wins the rally gets the service.
 Ace :- It is point scored on an unreturned service.
 The libero player was introduced internationally in 1998.
The libero is a player specialized in defensive skills. The libero
must wear a contrasting jersey colour from their teammates
and cannot block or attack the ball when it is entirely above net
height. When the ball is not in play , the libero can replace any
back row player , without prior notice to the officials . The
replacement does not count against the substitution limit each
team is allowed per set.
Rotation System
 “Volleyball players rotate on the court clockwise –
every time a team wins a rally the opponent’s serve.”
Rotation System
Famous Cup / Trophies
1) Shivanti Gold Cup
2) Purnima Trophy
3) Mannar Cup
4) Canada Open
5) FIVA World Cup
Famous Indian Players/Arjun Awardi
1) Jimmy George
2) A.Palanisamy
3) Cyril Vellore
4) Balwant Singh Sagwal
5) G. Malini Reddy
6) K. C. Elamma
7) A. R. Rao
8) C. C. Valloor
9) K. J. Kapil Dev
10) Amir Singh
11) Abdul Basith
12) P. V. Ramana
History Of Kabaddi
 When we talk about the origin of the kabaddi game it comes from India
subcontinent. The modern kabaddi game come in existence from many
forms of traditional kabaddi game, that are played in the many places in
India as their culture and languages.
 This game first time demostrate in the 1936 Berlin Olympic. This game is
mostly played in India and some South Asian countries from the year
1930. In 1921 the kabaddi rules and the game framework is introduced.
 The kabaddi national championship is organized in 1952 by the efforts of
 The all India kabaddi federation formed in the year 1950.
 After that, the new federation board amateur kabaddi federation of India
is formed in 1972 under the affiliation of Indian Olympic Association.
 The main work and purpose of the AKFI are to make popular the game
in India and other countries.
 The results of this board the game is popular in the current scenario and
the new game type junior and sub-juniors form are also introduced.
Types Of Kabaddi
Achievements Of India
 List of Achievements of the Indian men’s kabaddi team
 World Cup
Gold medal 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2013.
 Asian Games
Gold medal 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014
 Asian Indoor Games
Gold medal 2007 and 2009
 SAF games
Gold medal 1985, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2004, 2006 and 2010

 List of Achievements of the Indian women’s kabaddi team

 World Cup
Gold medal 2012 and 2013
 Asian Games
Gold medal 2010 and 2014
Rules And Regulations
 Toss winner team have an option to choose the court and
the first raid. the second team have the option that is not
selected by the first team. After the interval the court,the
first raid is changed. Now the first raiders come from the
second team.

 The no. Of players in the match is constant during the game

can’t be changed.

 If at the time of struggling any players touch outfield the

ground or cross the kabaddi court, with any part of his body
was in the ground shall not be declared out. In short out is
declared only if any player’s body fully cross the ground.
without any portion touch in the ground.
Rules For Raid In Kabaddi
 At the time of raid if any raiders player go out the kabaddi ground with any anti-
players. the raider not declared out but the Anti-team is players declared out.
 If raider players of Anti raider team is cross the boundary of kabaddi court. then
he will out declared by the referee or the umpire by speaking the no. Of players.
Due to raid is still continue no whistle is blown.
 The continue kabaddi is canted by the raider players while the raiding. If he
does not do so during the raid, he will be called back and the anti-team is
received a point. After the stop speaking word kabaddi he cannot continue the
 The players who raid must start speaking Kabaddi word before entering in the
court of anti-team. if he does not start the speaking Kabaddi. the players called
back and a point is granted to the anti-team along with the chance of raid.
 The one point is granted and the raider is called back by the referee or umpire
in case of the raiders go out of the turn.
 Only one raider is allowed at one time to go for raiding in the opposite side. If
more than one is going into the opposite court. One point and the chance of
raid is granted to the Anti-team by the referee.
 If any raiders stop speaking kabaddi in the Anti team’s court shall be declared
Rules Related Timeout
Every team entitles to get 30 sec. Timeout with
the permission of referee, this time is counted
into the match time.

No player can leave the ground during the

timeout if anybody does so the point is given to
opposite team.

Due to Any external interruption, injury or any

other reason referee can call the timeout, this is
also counted from match time.
Rules Related LONA
LONA is a concept in the kho - kho rule that if any team
score the LONA then the team is awarded by two points.
The LONA is awarded to a team in the case where they
out the all players of the opponent team and there are no
player are entitled to revive.
After LONA the out team should be entered into the court
within the 10 seconds. if they do not do so the opposite
team given a point and if they failed to do same for one
minute the opposite team declared the winner.
Rules Regarding Substitute
Team 5 no. Of substitute, players can add with
permission of referee during the timeout or interval.

Re-substitution can be allowed.

Disqualified or suspended players can’t be substituted,

now team plays with the less players.

As the guide of Kabaddi rules and regulations. in

official timeout no substitute allowed.

Out players cannot be substituted.

Rules Regarding Bonus Points
When the raider touch the bonus line if after that he was
held by antis the opponent also received a bonus.

The concept of the bonus line is applicable when the six

or more than six players are in the ground.

As per Kabaddi rules and regulations, revival no allowed

on bonus points.
Total No. Players :- 12 ( 7 Playing Members & 5 Substitute)
Duration Of Match :- 40 Minutes ( For Men 20-5-20)
30 Minutes ( For Women 15-5-15
Dimensions Of Kabaddi Court
Age Group U-14 Boys U-14 Girls U-17 Boys U-17
Size Of Ground 11 X 8 m 11 X 8 m 12 X 8 m 12 X 8

Age Group U-19 Boys U-19 Girls

Size Of Ground 13 X 10 m 12 X 8 m
Defensive Skills Of Kabaddi
Ankle Hold
Thigh Hold

Wrist Catch
What is Raid
 From your team you have to send , one player to the other
teams court to raid. The raider starts from the center line
utsering aloud. “Kabaddi , Kabaddi , Kabaddi ..........
Without any break.
 He would be actually running from one side to the other
side of the opponent’s court trying to touch either with
his hand or leg an opponent.
 Once he touches an opponent. he will, without breathing
the “Kabaddi , Kabaddi.........” rhythem come back to his
court through the centerline.
 The people he had touched are his teams point scored .
If he had touched one player , it is one point and if he
had touched 3 players , it is 3 points to your team.
Raiding Skills
Toe Touch Touching With Hand

Side Kick Front Kick

Total Officials
Games Terminolgy
 The playfield means that portion of the ground, which measures 13 x 8 meters for Men &
Junior Boys and 12 x 6 meters for Women, Junior Girls and 11 x 6 meters in the case of Sub-
Junior Boys & Sub-Junior Girls before the struggle.

Sitting Block:-
 The sitting block shall be at a distance of 2 meter from the end lines. It shall be a rectangle of
1 x 8 meter in case of Men & Junior Boys and 1 x 6 meter in case of Women, Junior Girls, Sub-
Junior Boys and Sub-Junior Girls.

Boundary And Line Width:-

 The lines on the four sides of the playfield are known as the boundaries. All lines shall be of 3
to 5 cm width and form the part of the playfield.
Note: It is necessary to have 4-meter clear space outside the boundaries.

 The strips on both the sides of the playfield measuring one meter in width are known as the
Lobbies. When the lobbies, as per rule 4 under ‘Rules of Play’ are included in the playfield,
the boundaries of the play-field are extended up to the four lines, which enclose the play-field
including the lobbies.
The line that divides the playfield into two halves is known as the mid-line.

kabaddi court is the area divided by the midline of the ground. Both sides of the area
are called courts.

Bulk Line:-
Each of the lines in court parallel to the midline is known as the baulk line. The
distance of the balkline from the midline shall be 3.75 meters in case of Men and Junior
Boys and 3 meters in case of Women, Junior Girls, Sub-Junior Boys, and Girls.

Bonus Line:-
The line parallel to Balk line towards the end line is known as the Bonus line. The
distance between the Bonus line and Baulk line shall be 1 meter.

End Line:-
 This is the boundary of the kabaddi ground and court both. This line called the end
line. This line is all around the kabaddi field.
This makes sure that the ground has not to a hard surface that injure the players,
it should be soft. The best practice is that it is mate surface.
Arjun Award Winner
1) Mr. Sadanand Shety ( First Arjun Award Winner)
2) Mr. Jasvir Singh
3) Ms. Abhilasha Shashikant Mhatre
4) Mr. Rakesh Kumar
5) Ms. Tejaswini Bai. V
6) Mr. Dinesh Kumar
7) Ms. Tejaswini Ravindra Sawant
8) Mr. Anup Kumar
9) Mr. Manjeet Chillar
10) Mr. Ajay Thakur
History Of Kho – Kho
 Kho-Kho is one of the most traditional sports in India. This game
was originated in Poona ( Maharashtra) . The popularity and
development of this game has been associated with the development of
Akharas and Vyayamshalas in Maharashtra . Hanuman Vyayam
Pracharak Mandal, Baroda provided this game a modern form. Akhil
Maharashtra Sharirik Shikshan Mandal was formed in 1928 . This
organisation provided a lot of help in the development and
popularization of this game . The Deccan Gymkhana arranged a
conference in Poona, in which rules of this game were framed . In 1960,
Kho- Kho Federation of India was formed . In this year , the first
National Championship for women was started . A demonstration of
kho-kho match was presented in 1982 Asian Games , which were held in
New Delhi. It was introduced as a demonstration game in Berlin
Olympics, 1936. but it has not been included either in Asian Games or
Olympic Games so far. The Government of India has initiated the
different awards such as Arjun Award, Ekalavaya Award for men ,
Rani Laxmi Bai Award for women , Veer Abhimanyu Award for boys
U-18 and Janaki Award for girls U-16 to promote this game.
Play Field/Court
Equipment Used In Kho-Kho
Posts / Pole :- Two strong wooden posts , smooth all
over 120 to 125 cm. Above and perpendicular to the
ground , Fixed firmly in the free zone at tangent to the
post lines.
Attributions Of The Playfield
1 Shape of playfield Rectangular
2 Playfield ( Length & Breadth) 29 m X 16 m
3 Free Zone 2.75 m X 16 m
4 Centre lane 23.50 m X 30 cm
5 Cross lane 16 m X 30 cm
6 Distance between last line and 1st cross line 2.50 m
7 Each court divided by the centre line 7.85 m
8 Squares 8 Squares (30 X 30 cm)
9 Post Height 1.20 m
10 Duration of each innings 9 minutes
11 Intervals 5 minutes
12 Officials 5 ( Umpires-2,
Timekeeper-1 , Refree-1 &
13 Total innings 4 (2 Innings for each team)
14 Total Players 12 ( 9 Playing Members +
3 Substitute)
General Rules And Regulations
1. The running or chasing is decided by toss.
2. A match consists of two innings of chasing and
defending turns.
3. The sides that scores more points wins a match.
4. When a defender is out , he enters the sitting box from
the lobby.
5. A defender shall not touch a sitting chaser . If he does
so, he shall be warned once, If he repeat the same, he
shall be declared out.
6. Sitting chaser is not allowed to abstruct the runner. If
he is doing so, runner will be not out if touched by
the active chaser.
7. Active chaser will neither touch or cross the centre line.
8. If a runner crosses the boundries completely , the
runner is given out.
9. The sitting chaser is not allowed to stand up without getting kho.
To give kho, active chaser will touch the back side of sitting chaser
and speak kho loud and clear.
10. A defender shall be declared out if he is touched by hand by an
attacker, without violating any rule or if he goes out of field . The
referee / umpire shall declare out by a short blow of the
whistle .While chasing a defender , if an attacker pushes the said
defender out of field , the defender shall not be declared out.
11. Active chaser will have to run in the same direction . If he goes in
opposite direction he will be given “Foul”
12. Any 8 chasers shall sit on the square facing the side lanes in such
a way that no adjacent chasers face the same side lane. The 9 th
active chaser shall stand in either of the rectangles to start that
13. As soon as defender is out , he shall turn to the Sitting Block
through the Lobby exiting from the nearest End Line or Side Line.
14. The teams shall not leave the field until the Referee declares the
result of the match.
Rules Regarding Substitution
The referee on request of Coach, Captain or Manager
shall allow any number of substitutions.

1. For chasing side substitution can be made at any time

during the match.
2. For runners , substitution is allowed only before they
enter the field.
3. During substitution , the substituting attacker shall
not enter the field , unless the outgoing attacker comes
out of the field . While coming out , he shall not pursue
any defender . If he does so, the defender shall not be
given out . The substituting attacker shall not pursue
the defenders directly . He shall give Kho first.
Rules Regarding Entry
 Kho-Kho runner is said to have entered the field as soon as he
losses the contact with the ground outside the field with his feet and
comes in correct with the ground inside the field with his foot. The
runners shall enter the field in batches of three at a time .At the
beginning of a turn , first batch of runners shall be inside the field
for defence. Immediately on these three defenders being declared
out, the next batch shall be inside the field before two kho’s are
given . Those who fail to enter within the period shall be declared
out. The runners who may enter early shall not be declared out but
called back. Thus the runners shall continue to enter the field in the
same batch till the end of turn. The attacker shall not chase the new
batch after the last defenders of a batch is out in whichever
manner . He shall give Kho. If he chases any of the defenders, It shall
be a foul. Each side shall enter its runners to the field through the
Entry Zone. Time to enter the field ( Two correct Kho’s) is given to
runners. Hence defenders who are inside the field can be chased
after one correct Kho is given. To chase a new batch, two Kho’s shall
not be insisted upon.
Advantage Rule
If a foul committed by either the attacker or chaser does not
give any advantage whatsoever to the chasing side in their chase
and cause disadvantage to the defenders , it shall not be declared
by the continuous short blast on whistle . The foul shall be ignored.

a) For a minor offence , such as talking to opponents , spectator or
officials , shouting etc. A verbal warning will be given by the
Referee .In case of repetition of the offence warning will be given
by showing a yellow card.
b) For a serious offence, Referee may disqualify the concerned
players and others from rest of the match by showing a red card.
Games Terminology
The common Kho-Kho terms are as follows :-
1. Endline :- The lines running parallel to each other and equal
in length to the length of the Kho – Kho field.
2. Sidelines :- The lines running parallel to each other and equal
in length to the breadth of the Kho – Kho field.
3. Court :- The area between the post lines.
4. Posts :- Two strong wooden posts , smooth all over 120 to 125
cm. Above and perpendicular to the ground , Fixed firmly in
the free zone at tangent to the post lines.
5. Central Lane :- It is a rectangle in between two posts
measuring 30 cm X length of the court which divides the
court into two equal halves and forms Square at the
intersection of Cross Lanes.
6. Cross Lane :- Each of the rectangles measuring 30 cm X Width
of the court that intersects the Central Lane at right angle.
7. Square :- The area 30 cm X 30 cm formed by the intersection of the
Central Lane and the Cross Lane
8. Free Zone :- This is an area where both the runner and chaser can move
in any direction..
9. Lobby :- The area surrounding the field by a measure of 1.5 m in width.
10.Entry Zone :- The area marked in the lobby parallel to the Side Line and
in both sides of Scorer’s table with the outer line of the lobby measuring
1 m in width and from Post Line to 3rd Cross Lane in length.
11.Chasers :- The players who chase the opponents with a view to put out
them and at the same time score points.
“The players , who sit in the squares are called chasers.”
12. Runner :- The runners are those players who are chased by an active
chaser . He wants to touch or tap them.
13. Fake Kho :- Pretending to give a Kho but actually he does not do so.
14. Feet Out :- If both feet of the runner touch the ground beyond side
lines , the player is given out.
15. Innings :- The nine minutes duration of the game may be chasing or
running is known as inning.
Fundamental Skills
A) Offensive Skills / Chasing Skills
1. Giving Kho :- Chaser says word ‘Kho’ when touching the sitting chaser. It is a
foul if he does not say this word.
2. Taking Direction :- After receiving the kho, a chaser should take his first step out
of the cross lane with care because that step will decide his direction of move.
3. Fake Kho :- In such kho , the chaser pretends to give Kho but actually he follows
the runner.
4. Tapping :- Tapping is touching an active runner by extending an arm .
a) Shoulder Tap :- Touching the shoulder of defender.
b) Heel Tap :- Touching the heel of defender.
5. Trapping :- For trapping , the active chaser should try to bring two or three runners
to one side or towards the post. This situation is called trapping.
6. Diving :- In this technique , chaser’s dive on an active runner to touch him
a) Running flat dive
b) Steady dive
c) Side dive
7.Turning round the post.
8. Pole Dive :- Taking support of pole and touching the defender.
Pole Dive


Giving Kho

Taking Direction
Fake Kho
B) Defensive Skills / Running Skills
1. Chain Game:- Defender takes entry behind the sitting chaser and runs
Zig-Zag path by making the attacker to give kho behind.
2. Ring Game :- Defender runs in the shape of a ring (oval shape) by
making use of four squares.
a) Short Ring :- Defender stands close to the centre lane.
b) Medium Ring :- Defender stands almost half the way from the
centre lane.
c) Long Ring :- Defender stands Away from the centre lane .
3. Combination of chain and Ring game ( Dodging) :- To deceive
attacker different body dodge is used.
a) Shoulder dodge
b) Foot dodge
c) Combining both
4. Avoiding the Post :- Defender without reaching post stands between
last square and pole.
5. Pulti :- By showing his back , defender deceives the attacker and turns in
opposite direction to the direction in which he was running.
Common Injuries
Kho- Kho is a game of strength , speed , stamina and some skills. It
is a contact game, but the contact with the opponent as well as with the
team members is frequent . This game includes the threat of injuries.
The common kho-kho injuries are as follows.

1. Ankle Sprain
2. Low Back Pain
3. Blisters
4. Calf Pain
5. Cramping Muscles
6. Knee Pain
7. Quadriceps Pull or Tear
8. Side Stitch
9. Neck Strain
10. Abraison
11. Contusion
Important Tournaments
1. Federation Cup
2. Nehru Gold Cup
3. National Kho–Kho Championship(Men & Women )
4. Asian Championship
5. Netaji Subhash International Tournament
6. Junior National Kho- Kho Championship For Boys
& Girls
7. Inter – University Championship
Arjuna Awardees
1) Mr. Sudhir B. Parab ( First Arjun Award Winner)
2) Ms. Neelima Sarolkar
3) Ms. Sushma Sarolkar
4) Mr. Shrirang Inamdar
5) Ms. Sobha Narayan
6) Mr. D. S. Ramachandran
7) Ms. Sulekha Kulkarni
8) Mr. S. Prakash
9) Mr. Phadke Gopal Purshotatam
10) Ms. Veena Narayan Parab
Unified Basketball
(CWSN- Children With Special Needs)

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