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DEP.ED Order 8, s.


Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment

for the K to 12 Basic Education Program
Learning Outcomes

• Explain the content of DepEd Order no. 8, s.

Classroom assessment is a joint process that involves
both teachers and learners. It is an integral part of
teaching and learning. Teachers provide appropriate
assessment when they aim to holistically measure
learner's current and developing abilities while
enabling them to take responsibility in the process.
What is Classroom Assessment?

It s an integral part of curriculum implementation. It allows

the teachers to track and measure learners’ progress and to
adjust instruction accordingly. Classroom assessment
informs the learners, as well as their parents and guardians,
of their progress.
There are 2 types of classroom assessment

1. Formative assessment
-refers to the ongoing forms of assessment that are
closely linked to the learning process.
It is characteristically informal and is intended to
help students identify strengths and weaknesses in
order to learn from the assessment experience.
2. Summative assessment
-this form of assessment usually occurs toward the
end of a period of learning in order to describe the
standard reached by the learner.
What is assessed in the classroom?

Assessment in the classroom is aimed at helping

students perform well in relation to the learning
standards. Learning standards comprise content
standards, performance standards, and learning
competencies that are outlined in the curriculum.
A. Content Standards identify and set the
essential knowledge and understanding that
should be learned. They cover a specified scope
of sequential topics within each learning strand,
domain, theme, or component. Content
standards answer the question, "What should
learners know?".
B. Performance Standards describe the abilities and
skills that learners are expected to demonstrate in relation
to the content standards and integration of 21st-century
skills. Performance standards answer the following
1. "What can learners do with what they know?".
2. "How well must learners do their work?".
3. "How well do learners use their learning or
understanding in different situations?".
4. "How do learners apply their learning or understanding
in real-life context?".
C. Learning Competencies refer to the knowledge,
understanding, skills, and attitudes that students need
to demonstrate in every lesson and/or learning activity.
How are learners assessed in the classroom?

Learners are assessed in the classroom through various

processes and measures appropriate to and congruent
with learning competencies defined in the K to 12
curriculum. Some of these processes and measures maybe
used for both formative and summative aassessment,
which have different goals. Learners may be assessed
individually or collaboratively.
Individual and Collaborative Formative Assessment
Individual formative assessment enables the learner to
demonstrate independently what has been learned or
mastered through a range of activities such as check-up,
quizzes, written exercise, performance, models, and even
electronic presentations.
Collaborative formative assessment allows students to
support each other's learning. Discussions, role playing,
games, and other group activities may also be used as
performance-based formative assessment.
Formative Assessment in Different Parts of the
A. Before the Lesson
Formative assessment conducted before the lesson informs
the teacher about the student's understanding of a
lesson/topic before direct instruction. It helps teachers
understand where the students stand in terms of conceptual
understanding and application. Formative assessment
provides bases for making instructional decisions, such as
moving on to a new lesson or clarifying prerequisite
For the Students For the Teacher

1. Know what he/she knows about the 1. Get information about what the learner
topic/lesson already knows and can do about the
2. Understand the purpose of the lesson new lesson
and how to do well in the lesson 2. Share learning intentions and success
3. Identify ideas or concept he/she criteria to the learners
misunderstand 3. Determine misconceptions
4. Identify barriers in learning 4. Identify what hinders learning
B. During the Lesson Proper
Formative assessment conducted during the lesson proper
informs teachers of the progress of the students in relation to
the development of the learning competencies. It also helps
the teacher determine whether instructional strategies are
effective. The result of formative assessment given before the
lesson to establish if conceptual understanding and
application have improved. On this basis, the teacher can
make decisions on whether to review, re-teach, remediate, or
enrich lessons, and subsequently, when move on to the next
For the Students For the Teacher

1. Identify one's strengths and weaknesses 1. Provide immediate feedback to learners

2. Identify barriers to learning 2. Identify what hinders learning
3. Identify factors that help him/her learn 3. Identify what facilitates learning
4. Know what s/he knows and does not 4. Identify learning gaps
know 5. Track learner progress in comparison to
5. Monitor his/her own progress formative assessment results prior to the
lesson proper
C. After the Lesson
Formative assessment conducted after the lesson
assesses whether learning objectives were achieved.
It also allows the teacher to evaluate the
effectiveness of instruction. Students who require
remediation and/or enrichment should be helped by
the teacher using appropriate teaching strategies.
For the Students For the Teacher

1. Tell and recognize whether s/he met learning 1. Assess whether learning objectives have
objectives and success criteria been met for a specified duration
2. Seek support through remediation, 2. Remediate and/or enrich with appropriate
enrichment, or other strategies strategies as needed
3. Evaluate whether learning intentions and
success criteria have been met
Summative Assessment

This form of assessment measures the different ways learners

use and apply all relevant knowledge, understanding, and
skills. It is usually conducted after a unit of work and/or at the
end of an entire quarter to determine how well learners can
demonstrate content knowledge and competencies
articulated in the learning standards. The results of these
assessments are used as bases for computing grades.
Individual and Collaborative Summative Assessment

Learners may be assessed individually through unit tests and

quarterly assessment. Collaboratively, learners may
participate in group activities in which they cooperate to
produce evidence of their learning.

• Written Work Component ensures that students are

able to express skills and concepts in written form. It is
strongly recommended that items in long quizzes be
distributed across the Cognitive Process Dimensions so
that all are adequately covered. Through these, learners
are able to practice and propare for quarterly assessment
and other standardized assessments.
• Performance Task component allows learners to show
what they know and are able to do in diverse ways. They
may create or innovate products or do performance-based
tasks. Performance-based tasks may include skills
demonstration, group presentations, oral work,
multimedia presentations, and research projects. It is
important to note that written output may also be
considered as performance tasks.
• Quarterly Assessment measures student learning at
the end of the quarter. These may be form of objective
tests, performance-based assessment, or a combination
How is Learner Progress Recorded and Computed?

For Kindergarten
• Issued in a different Memorandum/Order
For Grade 1 to 12
• In a grading period:
- One (1) Quarter Assessment
• Written Work
• Performance Tasks
Steps in computing for the Final Grades

Step 1. Get the raw score (total score) for each component
(Written Work, Performance Tasks and Quarterly

Step 2. Get the Percentage Score. Divide the total Raw Score
by the Highest Possible Score (HPS) then multiply the
Quotient by 100%. (PS = RS/HPSx100)
Step 3. Convert the Percentage Score to Weighted Score by
multiplying the Percentage Score by the Weight of the
Component. (WS = PSxWC)

Weight of the Components for Grades 1-10

COMPONENTS Language, AP, & Science & Math MAPEH & TLE

Written Works 30% 40% 20%

Performance 50% 40% 60%


Quarterly 20% 20% 20%

Weight of the Components for SHS
Step 4. Add the Weighted Scores of each Component. The
result is the Initial Grade.

Step 5. Get the equivalent Final Grade using the given

transmutation table.

Step 6. Write the Final Grade in the Report Card.

Sample Cclass Record for English Grade 4 (First Quarter)
Steps for Computing Grades
How are grades computed at the end of the school

For Kindergarten
No numerical grades. Only descriptions of the learners progress using
a checklist.
For Grades 1-10
The average of the Quarterly Grades (QC) produces the Final
Grades (FG) per learning area.

The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final

grades by the total number of learning areas. Each learning area has
equal weight.
Final Grades and General Average
For Grades 11 and 12
The two quarters determine the Final Grade in a Semester.
How are the learner's Progress reported?
Descriptors, Grading Scale and Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed

Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed

Satisfactory 80-84 Passed

Fairly Satisfactory 75-79 Passed

Did Not Meet Expectations Below 75 Failed

How are learners promoted or retained at the end of the
school year?

Learners Promotion and Retention for Grades 1-3


1. Final Grade of at least 75 in all learning areas Promoted to the next grade level

2. Did Not Meet Expectations in not more than Must pass remedial classes for learning areas
two learning areas with failing mark to be promoted to the next
grade level. Otherwise, the learner is retained in
the same grade level

3. Did Not Meet Expectations in three or more Retained in the same grade level
earning areas
Learners Promotion and Retention for Grades 4-10

1. Final Grade of at least 75 in all learning areas Promote to the next grade level

2. Did Not Meet Expectations in not more than Must pass remedial classess for learning areas
2 learning areas with failing mark to be promoted to the next
grade level. Otherwise, the learner is will

3. Did Not Meet Expectations in 3 or more areas Retained the same grade level

4. Must Pass all learning areas in Elementary 1. Earn the Elementary Certificate
2. Promote to junior

5. Must Pass all learning \res in the Junior High 1. Earn the Junior High Certificate
School 2. Promote to the Senior High School
Learners Promotion and Retention for Grades 11 and 12


1. Final Grade of at least 75 in all learning areas Can proceed to the next semester
in a semester

2. Did Not Meet Expectations in a prerequisite Must pass remedial classess for failed
subject in a learning area competencies in the subject before being
allowed to enroll in the higher-level subject
3. Did Not Meet Expectations in any Must pass remedial classes for failed
subject/learning area at the end of semester competencies in the subjects/learning areas to
be allowed to enroll in the next semester.
Otherwise, the learner must retake the subjects
4. Must pass all subjects/learning areas in Senior Earn the Senior High School Certificate
High School
• For Grade 11-12, learners who fail a unit/set of
competencies must be immediately given remedial
classes. They should pass the summative assessments
during remediation to avoid a failing grade in a learning

• If the learner still fails remedial classes s/he must retake

the subject/s failed during the summer or as a back

• For Grades 1-10, a learner who Did Not Meet

Expectations in at most 2 learning areas must take
remedial classes.

• Remedial class are conducted after the Final Grade have

been computed.

• The teacher should ensure that learners receive

remediation when they earn raw scores which are
consistently below expectation in WW and PT by the 5th
Week of Any Quarter.

• Summative Assessments are also given during remedial

classes. These are recorded, computed, weighted, and
transmuted in the same way as the Quarter Grade.
• The equivalent of the Final Grade for remedial classes is
the Remedial Class Mark (RCM).
• The Final Grade at the end of the school year and the RCM
are averaged. This results in the Recomputed Final Grade.
Sample Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade
How are the Core
Values of the Filipino
child reflected in the
Report Card?
Vision and Mission
Behavior Statements Indicators

Express one's spiritual beliefs while respecting 1. Engages oneself in worthwhile spiritual activities
the spiritual beliefs of others 2. Respect sacred places
3. Respect religious beliefs of others
4. Demonstrates curiosityand willingness to learn
about other ways to express spiritual life

Show adherence to ethical principles by 1. Tells the truth

upholding truth 2. Returns borrowed things in good condition
3. Demonstrates intellectual honesty
4. Expects honesty from others
5. Aspires to be fair and kind to all
6. Identifies personal biases
7. Recognizes and respects one's feelings and those
of others
Behavior Statements Indicators

Is sensitive to individual, social, and cultural 1. Shows respect for all

differences 2. Waits for one's turn
3. Takes good care of borrowed things
4. Views mistakes as learning opportunities
5. Upholds and respects the dignity and equality of all
including those with special needs
6. Volunteers to assist others in times of need
7. Recognizesand respects peaople from different economic,
social, and cultural backgrounds

Demonstrates contributions towards solidarity 1. Cooperates during activities

2. Recognizes and accepts the contribution of others towards
a goal
3. Considers diverse views
4. Communicates respectfully
5. Accepts defeats and celebrates others success
6. Enables others to succeed
7. Speaks out against and prevents bullying
Behavior Statements Indicators

Cares for the environment and utilizes resources 1. Shows a caring attitude towards the
wisely, judiciously, and economically environment
2. Practice waste management
3. Conserves emergy and resources
4. Takes care of school materials, facilities, and
5. Keeps work area in order during and after
6. Keeps one's work neat and orderly
Behavior Statements Indicators

Demonstrates pride in being a Filipino; exercises 1. Identifies oneself as a Filipino

the rights and responsibilities of a Filipino citizen 2. Respects the flag and national anthem
3. Takes pride in diverse Filipino cultural expressions,
practices, and traditions
4. Promotes the appreciation and enhancement of
Filipino languages
5. Abides by the rules of the school, community, and
6. Enables others to develop interest and pride in being
a Filipino

Demonstrates appropriate behavior in carrying 1. Manages time and personal resources efficiently and
out activities in the school, community, and effectively
country 2. Perseveres to achieve goals despite difficulty
3. Conducts oneself appropriately in various situations
Marking for the Observed Values
Marking Non-Numerical Rating

AO Always Observed

SO Sometimes Observed

RO Rarely Observed

NO Not Observed
How is attendance reported?

It is important for learners to be in school every day. Learners class

attendance shall be recorded by techers daily. At the end ofeach
quarter, the attendance is reflected in the report card.

The number of school days in each month is presented, which is

based on the school calendar for a given school year. The number of
days that each learner is present and absent is indicated. Recording of
attendance is done from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Sample Attendance Record at the End of the School Year

A learner who incurs absence of more than 20% of the prescribed number of class or
laboratory periods during the school year or semester should be given a failing grade
and not earn credits for the learning area or subject. Furthermore, the school head
may exempt a learner who exceeds the 20% limit for reasons considered valid and
acceptable to the school. The discretionary authority is vested in the school head, and
may not be availed of by a student or granted by a faculty member without the
consent of the school head.
To whom is classroom assessment reported?

Classroom assessment serves to help teachers and parents

understand the learners progress on curriculum standards.
The results of assessment are reported to the child, the
childs remedial class teacher, if any, and the teacher of the
next grade level, as well as the childs parents/guardians.
Assessment is a process that is used to keep track of learners progress in relation to
learning standards and in the development of 21st-century skills

1. Formative assessment
-refers to the ongoing forms of assessment that are closely linked to the learning
It is characteristically informal and is intended to help students identify strengths
and weaknesses in order to learn from the assessment experience.

2. Summative assessment
-this form of assessment usually occurs toward the end of a period of learning in
order to describe the standard reached by the learner.
Components of Summative assessments are classified into
three components:
• Writen Work (WW)
• Performance task (PT)
• Quarterly Assessment
5 Filipino Core Values
1. Maka-diyos
Express one's spiritual beliefs while respecting the spiritual beliefs of others
2. Maka-tao
Is sensitive to individual, social, and cultural differences
3. Maka-kalikasan
Cares for the environment and utilizes resources wisely, judiciously, and
4. Maka-bansa
Demonstrates pride in being a Filipino; exercises the rights and responsibilities
of a Filipino citizen

Individual and Collaborative Summative Assessment

Learners may be assessed individually through unit tests and quarterly
assessment. Collaboratively, learners may participate in group activities in which
they cooperate to produce evidence of their learning.
1. What is the difference between formative and
summative assessment?

2. State 4 Filipino Core Values?

3. Explain the individual and collaboratively formative


4. What are the components of summative assessment?


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