The human brain is the centre of the human nervous system . Enclosed in the cranium , the human brain has the same general structure as
What is Autism?
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears
during the first three years of life It is widely recognized as a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. There are many reason for the development of the autism so it is very complex and till now it is not well studied It cause cerebral palsy NO two autism person are exactly same
AUTISM is the one of the three recognized disorder in the ASD . All three disorders are:1. AUTISM 2.ASPERGER SYNDROME 3.PERVASIVE DEVLOPMENTAL All three disorder are closely related to each other . Asperger syndrome have no substantial delay in language development but it is present in autism.
Autistic individual can understand the communication but they may not respond or communicate. But the person having asperger syndrome may not understand the communication.
Types Of Autism
1. CONGENITAL:- in this the symptom can be observed by the birth 2. REGRESSIVE:- It develop suddenly in a child who were going through a normal development. They stop progressing. It is found in 20% of autistic case.
The term autism (escape from reality) was coined by Eugen Bleuler,(1912). He is a Swiss psychiatrist
For many years children with autism were often misdiagnosed as having childhood schizophrenia Leo Kanner published the first paper identifying autistic children in 1943
adopting Bleulers term AUTISM .
Autism Statistics
it is observed that in India the prevalence is 1 in 250 In the USA it is said to be 1 in 166 (Cure Autism Now 2004) making it the third most prevalent developmental disorder in the world. Statistics show that boys are affected 4 times more than girls and the ratio is four males to one female though the reason for this is still unknown. It has no racial, ethnic or social boundaries
Avoid eye contact Act as a deaf Develop language, then abruptly stop talking Fail to use spoken language, without compensating by gesture
Social relationships
Fail to develop relationships with peers Impaired social behavior Impaired emotions Physically attack and injure others without provocation Repetitive behavior
Causes Of Autism
A specific cause is not known, but current research links autism to biological and neurological differences in the brain
Development of autism begin in 20th or 24th day of pregnancy . In this time the motor neuron of the cranial nerve is formed so it leads to the improper development of that region
Megaloencephaly , it is the abnormal largness of the brain mainly in the occipital and perital region observed by measuring circumference of the brain, persent in the 1/5 th of the autistic people. Cellular abnormalities of the hippocampus, amygdala and other structure of the lymbic system cause the same. Complication at the time of pregnancy may lead to autism. eg uterine bleeding during 2nd or 3rd trimester ,advanced paternal and maternal age
Environmental factor like exposure to the teratogen ( valproic acid) , maternal illness ( infection of the rubella during) may cause autism. Previously it was thought that high dosage of Hg containing vaccine may cause the autism but according to the recent study there is no relation between autism and vaccine.
Genetic basis
The genetic basis of this disease is not clear
Some researcher says that it is due to the rare mutation and some it is due to the multi gene interaction It is not a single gene disorder
The large no of autistic individual with unaffected family may result from Deletion , duplication, inversion . Most of the mutation that increase autism risk have not identified
Study was carried out in duke university medical center in us. They observed that mutation in the shank3 gene causes the behavior like autism disease. It is due to DEL22q13.3 . They pointed out only a small proportion of autistic person have problem in shank 3 gene Shank3 is a multidomain protein. It play role in the synapse formation and as a neurotransmiter
Recent research..
One gene, FXR1,(3p24.3 ) appeared to be a likely candidate for a link to autism. FXR1 is similar to the Xchromosome Fragile X gene, FMR1. fragileX chromosome syndrome has been shown to overlap with autism, and because FXR1 is similar to the gene that causes the syndrome, USA researchers suspected FXR1 might be linked to autism. But after analyzing the entire coding sequence of FXR1, the researchers found no alterations in the gene likely to contribute to autism.
No specific medical test is used for diagnosis of autism.
object use
adaptation to change
general impressions
visual response
The score value is range from 15 to 60
The cutt of value for this is 30. If the score of the individual lower then this then he must be affected by autism
2. 3.
4. Technological:This means that the description must be very detailed and clear. 5. Effectiveness
Based on the discredited hypothesis that mercury poisoning may trigger the symptoms of autism, chelation therapy is widely used by alternative therapists to treat autism, with some surveys suggesting 2 8% of children with autism have had the therapy This therapy is the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body BAL and EDTA, becoming the US standard of care for the treatment of lead, arsenic, and mercury poisoning, which it remains today.
The chelating agent may be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally, depending on the agent and the type of poisoning. These drugs bind to heavy metals in the body and prevent them from binding to other agents. They are then excreted from the body. The chelating process also removes vital nutrients such as vitamins C and E, therefore these must be supplemented. SIDE EFFECT :-A burning sensation at the site of delivery into the vein is common. nausea, stomach upset, vomiting.
There is no cure for autism because a till now no causative factor is identified. Treatment goals are made to maximize the child ability to function independently and it gives the best possible quality of life Medication does not treat the underlying neurologic problems .Medications used in autism are psychoactive, meaning they affect the brain
Antipsychotic drugs:- reduce hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, withdrawal, and aggression
. Risperidone :- Risperidone blocks several of the receptors on nerves including dopamine type 2, serotonin type 2, and alpha 2 adrenergic receptors. believed that many psychotic illnesses are caused by abnormal communication among nerves in the brain and that by altering communication through neurotransmitters, risperidone can alter the psychotic state
olanzapine: works same as the resparidine
Antidepressants:-It works on the neurotransmiter and control its activity . newest generation of antidepressants, including the single-receptor selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and multiple-receptor antidepressants
Stimulants :- psychoactive drugs which induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical function or both
Jenny McCarthy
Don Criqui
Rain Man Mozart And The Whale My Name Is Khan
Books Children with Autism (A parents guide) by Michael D. Powers Autism & Pervasive Developmental Disorders by Karyn Seroussi Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism (A Manual for Parents and Professionals) by Catherine Maurice Visual Strategies for Improving Communication by Linda Hodgdon Solving Behavior Problems in Autism by Linda Hodgdon
Websites (Center for the Study of Autism) (Autism Society of America) (Autism Research Institute) (National Institute of Mental Health) (My website with other links)
Support Groups and Services Saginaw/Bay Autism Society (989) 781-3755 Guardian Angel Adult Day and Respite Care (989) 753-0824 Childrens Therapy Corner (989) 835-6333
One man is deaf; another is No one alike in the race of Not one should we judge, wrong or theyre right Whats going on may not be at first sight Look here at this boy, what a Hell push and hell pull and will thin Then an angel shines through smile Knowing Eric this way makes it while Hes loving and sweet, kind, Look past autism, and see a
Written by: Lori Schiavone, Our Guardian Angel