CH 4 1 2
CH 4 1 2
CH 4 1 2
Sewage: It is a liquid waste or foul water of
the community conveyed by sewer
Sewer: is a pipe or conduit carrying sewage.
Sewerage: is the science and art of
collecting, treating and disposal of sewage.
Municipalities should be provided with
adequate and effective sewerage systems to
protect the safety and health of the people
and the environment.
Lack of access to sanitation facilities is one
of leading problems in many developing
Sources and quantities of sewage
Sewage consists of liquid wastes produced in:
Commercial establishments
Industries, and
Any subsurface, surface, or storm water
Domestic Sewage: The sewage from residential
buildings, business centers, institutions also
contains human body waste (faeces and urine) and
also sullage.
Sullage: It is the waste water resulting from
personal washing, bathing, laundry, food
preparation and cleansing of utensils.
Sources and quantities of sewage
Industrial Sewage: The liquid wastes obtained from
industrial process such as dying, papermaking etc
Sanitary Sewage: is a combination of what is
produced by domestic and industrial sewages.
Storm sewage: It is that part of surface run-off which
is flowing in sewer during or following a period of
Infiltration: it is the water that enters the sewers from
the ground through leaks from cracks or loose joints.
Inflow: It is the water which enters the sewers through
cracks in manholes, open cleanouts, perforated manhole
covers and roof drains connected to the sewers during
Sources and quantities of sewage
Sources and quantities of sewage
Domestic sewage
The net quantity = accounted water supplied +
unaccounted private water supplies + infiltration –
(water losses + water not entering the sewerage)
Unaccounted private water supplies
People using water supply from private wells, tube
wells, etc.
Similarly, certain industries utilize their own source of
Part of this water after desired use is converted into
This quantity can be estimated by actual field
Sources and quantities of sewage
The quantity of the water entering sewers depends upon the
permeability of the ground soil and it is very difficult to
High during wet period, especially sewers constructed in or
close to streambeds
Quantity may vary from 35 to 115 m3/km.
Water losses: the water loss, through leakage in water
distribution system and house connections, does not reach
consumers and hence, not appear as sewage.
Water not entering the sewerage system: The amount
of water that is used for certain purpose like water sprinkled
over the roads, streets, lawns, and gardens, water consumed
in industrial product, etc. may not generate sewage
Sources and quantities of sewage
This net value is vary with in 70 to 130 percent of
accounted water supplied
Generally, 75 to 80% of accounted water supplied is
considered as quantity of sewage produced.
Industrial waste water
Without internal reuse: 85-95% of the water used
will probably become wastewater.
With internal water reuse _separate estimates
must be made.
Average wastewater may vary from 30 - 95
Sources and quantities of sewage
Storm sewage
Estimation of the amount of storm sewage is done by
using hydrological analysis.
The maximum rate of storm run-off, popularly called
peak drainage discharge that is produced from a
particular catchment
Depends on the type of precipitation, the intensity
and duration of rainfall, the rainfall distribution, the
soil moisture deficiency, catchments characteristics,
Hydrological analysis: Rational method, the SCS
technique, hydrograph technique and computer
simulation techniques
Fluctuations in sewage flow
Fluctuation in flow occurs from hour to hour and
from season to season.
The peak flow is several times the mean flow and the
hydraulic capacity of sewerage systems must be
designed on the basis of this peak flow.
The magnitude of the peak flow relative to the
mean flow depends on the size of the contributing
The larger the population, the lower the peaking
factor since flow fluctuations are smoothed out during
the time of travel in the sewer.
The overall variation in the sewage is maximum in
the smaller size sewers than large sizes.
Fluctuations in sewage flow
There is also change in the sewage quantity if the city has
seasonal industries such as sugarcane crushing, fruit
canning, brewing, etc.
Common values of hourly variation in sewage flow
The load on treatment plant is less as only sewage is
carried to the plant.
The size of sewer is mall, thus economical
When pumping is required, the system proves to be
Storm water is not unnecessarily polluted by
Cleaning of sewer is difficult due to their small size.
Self-cleaning velocity is not available, due to small
quantity of sewage; therefore flushing is
required at various points.
Combined Sewerage System
Easy cleaning because of larger diameter
Reasonable maintenance cost
Strength of sewage is reduced due to dilution of sewage by
storm water
During heavy rains the over flowing of sewers will
endanger the pubic heath
The combined sewer gets silted and becomes foul in dry
Load on treatment plant is more because storm water is
also carried there
The storm water gets polluted unnecessarily
The system becomes uneconomical when pumping is
Sewerage system
A conventional sewerage system consists of the
following lines:
A house sewer- a pipe conveying wastewater
from an individual structure to a common
sewer or other point of disposal.
A lateral sewer- is a common sewer collects flow
from house sewers.
A sub-main sewer- collects sewage from one or
more laterals as well as house sewers.
A main or trunk sewer- collects flow from several
sub-mains as well as laterals and house sewers.
Sewerage system
Force mains- pressurized sewer lines, which
convey sewage from a pumping station to
another main or to a point of treatment or
An intercepting sewer- separates dry weather
flow and conveys it to a wastewater
treatment plant
A relief sewer- a sewer, which is built to carry
a portion of the flow in a system with
inadequate capacity.
An outfall sewer- a sewer, which carries the
collected waste to a point of treatment or
Sewer Materials
1. Smooth
2. Light in weight
3. Can easily be cut, fitted and drilled
4. Durable against soil corrosion
1. Brittle cannot withstand heavy loads
2. They are easily broken in handling and
Sewer Materials
Brick Sewers
These are made at site and used for construction large size
Brick Sewers are very useful for construction of storm
sewer or combined sewer.
Brick sewers my get deformed and leakage may take place.
A lot of labor work is required.
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