Directing People On The Job
Directing People On The Job
Directing People On The Job
What is order?
An order is a specific message
conveyed by a leader to a follower
for the purpose of influencing the
follower to take desired action.
Orders are either verbal or written.
When to use verbal orders?
● When the order is simple and the message can be clearly heard.
● When privacy is important.
● When the follower is intelligent and reliable.
● When a demonstration is involved.
When to use written orders?
● When precise figures or complicated details are involved.
● When orders must be passed on to someone else.
● When the workers involved are slow to understand and forgetful.
● When you want to hold the receiver strictly accountable.
● When particular sequence must be followed exactly.
● When a notice board can be suitably used.
● When you are quoting general instructions on higher authority.
● When a record is desirable, perhaps the order may need to be referred to in the future.
Four distinct categories of every order;
01 Request
Use a request whenever you want specific action from the people
02 Suggestion
There is a lot of value to be gained from the use of carefully
phrased suggestions