English Lit - Unit 8
English Lit - Unit 8
English Lit - Unit 8
Todays Seminar
Part 1 Part 2
Poetry can makes use of Rhyme, Rhythm, Repetition, Sound, Imagery and Form.
Poems can focus on intense imagery, using metaphors, simile, and sensual descriptions.
Before you think, feel. Does the poetry move you in anyway?
Take some time to think about your emotions before you analyse the
Each group will be given a poem and must elect one person
to read the poem out load to the group.
Once the group has finished listening to the poem they
need to write their feelings down on the groups paper then
analyse the poem.
Word Choice:
Word choice (Diction) is about picking the correct words
to express yourself as the author.
Novels and stores are thousands if not hundreds of
thousands of words.
Poems are usually less than 100 words.
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner: “When I died they washed me
out of the turret with a hose.”
The tone is serious, factual, emotionless, all while sometime so emotional
and brutal is happening. he voice within the poem almost sounds dead.
The reader is forced to insert their own emotions, making the poem feel
more personalized and convincing.
Each group needs to analyse one poem of their choice from the
handbook or https://www.poetryfoundation.org/
Examine the diction used, word order, syntax and tone.
See if you can highlight some tools poets commonly use in their
poems before we discuss them.
Tools of a Poet: Imagery
A poem does not need to be a story or have meaning. A poem could just be the poets observation of the
world and experiences through the use of vivid images.
Images is language that addresses our senses. Images can also convey emotions and moods
Sight/Visual are a common form of imagery used by poets as they provide the readers a verbal picture of
the poets world – both read and imagined.
Other senses are a part of image:
Li Ho “A Beautiful Girl Combs Her Hair”
Awake at dawn
she’s dreaming
by cool silk curtains fragrance of spilling hair half sandalwood, half aloes windlass
creaking at the well singing jade
Tools of a Poet: Rhythm
In poetry, rhythm is about the pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds.
Depending on how the sounds are put together, it can create a fast or slow, choppy or smooth pace.
In English we put stress on syllables in words while other syllables receives no stress.
“Is she content with the contents of the yellow package?”
Poets arrange words using stress to create a rhythm.
Meter is the rhythmic structure created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a
line of verse.
When a line has a pause at its end, it is called an end-stopped line. Such pauses reflect normal speech
patterns and are often marked by punctuation.
A line that ends without a pause and continues into the next line for its meaning is called a run-on line.
Rhythm calls back to the first poems created that were chants and sung but it can also be used to
create meaning, sounds, and to simulate experiences.
Tools of a Poet: Rhyme
While not as popular in modern poetry, Rhyming is still something that can be used to great
effect by poets.
Rhyming makes lines more memorable, giving them more power.
Rhyming, like rhythm, can draw attention to words, ideas and images of importance to the poet.
And I hold within my hand The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
Grains of the golden sand —
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
How few! yet how they creep
But I have promises to keep,
Through my fingers to the deep, And miles to go before I sleep,
While I weep — while I weep! And miles to go before I sleep.
Writing a Poem