Education in Islam 2
Education in Islam 2
Education in Islam 2
Abdulhadi T. Daguit
Institute of Islamic Studies
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
Concepts of Education in Islam
Fundamental Foundation of Education in Islam
The role of education in dev’t of individual and society
The Role of Islamic Law (Shari’ah)
Objectives of Education in Islam
Characteristics of Islamic Education
Principles of Governance System in Islam
Principles of Good Governance
Concept of Moral Governance
Practices of Moral Governance
Core Values of Moral Governance
Sources of Education and Moral Governance in Islam
An Overview
“Those concepts that are linked to each other in a single intellectual framework
that is based on the principles and values that Islam brought, outline a number
of practical procedures and methods that lead to their implementation in order
for its takers to follow a behavior that is consistent with the Islamic faith.”
(Education and Building Generations in Islam, Al-Jundi, Anwar, Beirut, 1975)..
“A process in which young people of the Islamic nation are taken in a variety of
activities directed in the light of Islamic values, ideals, and principles, to modify
their behavior and build their personalities in a way that makes them righteous
individuals beneficial to their religion, themselves, their country, their Islamic
nation, and all of humanity.” (Methods of Teaching Islamic Education, Al-Hammadi, Yousof, Riyadh,
“It is a comprehensive approach to life, an integrated system for raising and
caring the young people, it is keen on the individual, society, virtuous morals,
high spiritual values, and a balance between this worldly life and the
hereafter.” (Fundamentals of Education in Islam and its Methods at Home, School and the Community, Dar al-
Fikr, Damascus, 1979. Al-Nahlawi, Abdur Rahman .
to strengthen faith in the Creator, and helps man build the universe and
harness the forces of nature for the good of mankind.
It must be appropriate to the spirit of the age and society, reflect the needs of
individuals, and adapt to the reality of society and its way of life.
The Role of Islamic Law (Shari’ah)
First: Psychological educational method whose source is the self and governed
by the fear of Allah, His love and the application of His law,
Second: Based on social counseling, exhortation to truth and patience, enjoining
what is right and forbidding what wrong Allah the Almighty said in the Holy
إ ال اذلين آمنوا ومعلوا الصاحلات وتواصوا ابحلق وتواصوا ابلصرب، إ ن اإل نسان لفي خرس,والعرص
By the time, Verily! Man is loss, Except those who believe and do righteous
good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (order one another to
perform all kinds of good deeds which Allah has ordained, and abstain from
all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden), and recommend
one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one
may encounter in Allah’s Cause during preaching His religion
كنمت خري أم)ة أخ)رجت للن)اس ت)أمرون ابملعروف وتهنون عن املنك)ر وتؤمن)ون ابهلل ولو آمن أه)ل الكت)اب لاكن خريا
.110: آل معران.هلم مهنم املؤمنون و اكرثمه الفاسقون
You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind, you enjoin all that
Allah has ordained and forbid all that Allah has forbidden, and you believe in
Allah. And had the people of the scriptures believed, it would have been
better for them, among them are are some who have faith, but most of them
are disobedient to Allah and rebellious against His command. 3:110.
Third: Represented in the deterrents of the Muslim state that implements the
provisions of the Shari’ah, so that people enjoy justice and security.
إ ن هللا ي)أمرمك أن ت))ؤدوا األماانت إ ىل أهله))ا وإ ذا حمكمت بني الن))اس أن حتمكوا ابلع))دل إ ن هللا نعام يعظمك ب))ه إ ن هللا
.)58: (النساء.مسيعا بصريا
Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those, to
whom they are due; and that when you judge between men judge with
justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching which He (Allah) gives you!
Truly, Allah is Ever All-Hearer, All-Seer. (4:58).
Objectives of Education in Islam
5. Educating the Muslim’s instinct in correct faith, fear of Allah, and worship of
6. Finding an individual with sound belief in his Lord, practicing his worship,
7. Raising a good citizen who interacts with his social environment and values
8. Developing an individual in all its aspects, physically, spiritually, emotionally
and socially.
9. Instilling human values taught by Islam in the hearts of its children to
respect the human being as a human being,
10. Dealing with him as human being regardless of color, gender, race, tribe
or religion.
a. Purposeful Creation:
b. Unity and Comprehensiveness
c. Precise balance:
d. Flexibility:
Principles of Governance System in Islam
Allah has prescribed for everyone with regard to responsibilities, duties,
individual and collective obligations, justice, Ihsan (perfection), Shura
(consultation and deliberation), brotherhood and mutual compassion
between human beings.
3. Ijtihad (Diligence)
Qiyas (Analogy) .5
For any work to be considered as worship to Allah, it must begin with a pure
and sincere intention for Allah Alone.